Motivation to the human resource // tool of successes and conquests in the companies

in #english6 years ago


In this new millennium, the organizations meet exposed to an included highly competitive economy. In her, the conquest of the local markets will be the last redoubt of the companies that do not question often his improvement and they spread momentarily his merger or disappearance. The decisions that take inside the organizations will be able to strengthen or to eliminate them concerning days them. For it, the capacity and skill to take strategic decisions and to turn them into guessed right actions, it will have to be the secret best avoided the successful organizations. The unit of training of the successful organizations is called to turning into a strategic resource, since she is the manager of integrating and redistributing the intellectual wealth that possesses every company.

The purpose of the education is that the people obtain knowledge to develop his cognitive structures, more information for the capture of diverse decisions and to develop his paper as individual inside the company.

The human resource is increasingly important in the managerial activities, in such aspects as: competition, the intellectual capital, organizing capacity, system of work of high performance, management of processes, assignment of tasks, participation, productivity, cultural changes and equipments of high performance.

The need of an effective administration is turning into something more important every decade. The technological advances, as wonderful as they are, have increased the potential and magnitude of mistakes that an employee can realize, simply in spite of pressing the wrong key.

Frequently we listen to questioning these why do not employees do what supposedly they should do? It is probable that you have heard saying that the man does certain things because it is motivated to do them; the motivation is the reason, already be because it arises from the interior of the person or comes from the exterior. The motivation is something difficult of describing and much more of measuring. The motivation is a complex term, since the persons have different motivations, which do that the same ones do certain things.

The motivation is an internal force that directs and orientates the conduct towards the specific goals. To motivate means to manage, and to stimulate the persons, in order that they feel that they want to work, providing a reason to realize well the work. The motivation always is directed the social behavior of the persons; the achievement, the power and the affiliation. This way we have:

1.-The achievement: I stimulate for standing out, of executing in relation with a set of procedure, of fighting to triumph.
2.-The affiliation: desire to be accepted by the equipment and to manage to support interpersonal relations, where it predominates over the friendship and the companionship.
3.-The power: to cause an effect, of influencing the equipment and controlling the others.

The human capital they are the knowledge and skills of the individuals who have economic value for the companies. The organizations that recognize and reward the ideal performance of his employees obtain a powerful weapon. So since on having treated to the personnel as the most valuable of the assets, they obtain admirable results, making them more competitive, increasing his productivity, achieving a better environment of work with rise in his mulberry tree.
Now then, what is it possible to do to improve the organizations? The organizations improve by means of the most effective and efficient use of his resources, which means:

To achieve the production of the goods or services adapted under minimal resources, so that they are adapted for the company. Like that these factors will drive to better levels of productivity, them making The organizations more competitive they possess an element jointly, they all are integrated by persons, which carry out the advances, achievements and the mistakes of his entities, because of it it is not exaggerated to affirm that it constitutes the most valued resource. If someone was having the large capitals, modern equipments and impeccable facilities, but he was lacking a set of persons, or these are considered to be badly directed, with scanty inducements, with minimal motivation to recover his functions the success would be impossible.

The human resource develops his better efforts when it possesses a clear idea of the global situation of the work and feels that what it does has importance and a sorrow costs the total effort. The persons strain for the goals of the organization expire, if there know which are these goals, if they understand them and if they can have certain personal satisfaction of the contribution to his fulfillment.

Up to a next delivery … regards. @pedro1980

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