Believe in your abilities. Yes you can! Programación Neurolingüística

in #english4 years ago (edited)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Nanyuris Figueroa PNL Si se puede.PNG

Back and with renewed batteries

Happy and blessed Steemit community day. Today I am back and I bring you an interesting post, so go ahead and start this day with optimism and enthusiasm, remembering once again that every hour that passes is an opportunity to achieve your dreams, goals and wishes. So go ahead and I invite you to create unpublished content through this interesting platform.
As human beings we are endowed with capacities, abilities and potential, but we do not make the most of our potential, it is essential to believe, trust and be certain that "if we can", it is pertinent to point out that self-esteem is the basis for achieving our goals as biopsychosocial beings, do not limit yourself, it is time to trust your qualities through Neurolinguistic Programming.
To this character is added that Neurolinguistic Programming is related to our way of being, thinking and acting, I particularly consider that it is an interesting means to optimize our capacities since it stimulates critical and reflective thinking, helps you improve your family relationships, Work, and social, allows you to see life from another perspective, in a positive way achieving personal and professional improvement.


When you practice NLP techniques daily, you make significant and relevant internal changes, you learn to have self-control of your emotions and balance, you begin to believe in yourself, in your abilities. Indeed, as a Bachelor of Special Education I develop NLP techniques with pedagogical intent to strengthen and develop the self-esteem of my students with special educational needs and / or with disabilities to achieve their emancipation, that is, their social independence. It is appropriate to mention that people with special educational needs and / or with disabilities deserve respect and equal opportunities, without discrimination.


At the pedagogical level, NLP is of great importance, as it allows us to focus on the strengths and virtues of students, and not on their weaknesses, through positive affirmations, considered as a NLP strategy, we can achieve great results in the teaching-learning process . These strategies allow the reprogramming of thoughts and feelings through messages (words) of great impact, which will allow to generate new beliefs and therefore stimulate positive and affective behaviors, behaviors and attitudes in children. For this reason it is essential to use positive reinforcers, in this way we stimulate children to achieve their goals and dreams. It is evident that NLP helps to develop thoughts of success and to handle negative experiences in an appropriate way, it can be said that it is a dynamic way of teaching the brain to overcome obstacles.


Within my work field through comprehensive educational care, I motivate children to achieve their goals with resilience, visualize themselves in the future, developing life projects, strengthening trust and security, it is important that the teacher becomes a positive reference, that they motivate children to “yes it can”, overcoming barriers and adversities, explaining that fear, impotence, sadness, anger, joy are normal, but we must control and heal our emotions.

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Today I suggest that you look at yourself in the mirror, that you observe how great or great you are, you have great qualities, look at yourself, you are a work of God! It is time for you to take charge of your life, do not limit yourself, remember that you can achieve everything you set your mind to, you are a unique and unrepeatable being, sometimes the obstacles are mental, follow the following instructions; As you look in the mirror, look into your big eyes and repeat the following positive affirmations with confidence and faith: I am a valuable and successful being, I am a miracle of God, I am intelligent and creative, my day begins and ends with gratitude, I love and I respect myself, I want to, I can and am capable of achieving everything that I propose with the blessing of God.

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They are small steps with excellent results, the fundamental key lies in believing in you, as human beings sometimes we go through obstacles, situations and calamities, but we must solve those limitations with resilience, this capacity allows us to face and overcome certain adversities of life with optimism. best possible way.

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Here you will enjoy 10 tips to promote and boost resilience from childhood:
  • You talk daily with your children, timely advice can change life. (Family and emotional support)

  • Develops self-esteem, it is important for the child to understand that he is a valuable being with surprising qualities

  • Encourage him to make his own decisions, help him discern between the good and the bad

  • Instruct them with ethical and moral values

  • Encourage them daily, remember that you can. Use positive reinforcers

  • Teach him to heal and manage his emotions with resilience (emotional education)

  • Promotes self-control, it is essential to think before acting

  • Encourages optimism, positive thoughts, and reflection

  • Teach him to assimilate changes as part of life

  • Stimulates in children the achievement of goals, achieving objectives, projects and dreams, is synonymous with overcoming.

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