The memory.

in #english7 years ago

Preparing for an exhibition on Psychology of learning by addressing the subject of memory.
After spending time reading to gather information and present it for the day of my presentation, notice how important it is to have knowledge about memory since sometimes we do not pay attention to these issues that are part of our life and human nature and that continue I would like to share with you.

The memory

Memory is a function of the brain that allows the organism to encode, store and retrieve information from the past, it is a basic cognitive capacity of the human being, it is the psychological process that allows us to learn new information to store it and then recover it when we need it

Likewise memory is divided into phases:

1- coding or registration: in this phase the sensory information is transformed into recognizable elements, and manipulated by memory through verbal codes (words, numbers, letters) and visual codes (images and figures). This coding is not neutral because of all the sensorial information that arrives we select the one that interests us and we interpret it according to the experiences and previous ideas.

2-Storage: It is the retention of information in order to preserve it and recover it when necessary. According to how we keep the data in our memory will remain more or less from a second, to all life.

3- Recovery: It is remembering, locating is the updating of stored information, that is, recognizing information acquired and stored in memory, recovery means bringing information to consciousness.

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In this same way the memory is divided into several types, which I will name next: sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory.
The sensorial memory is the one that has the capacity to register the sensations perceived through the senses,
this constitutes the initial phase of the development of the attention process, this memory has a great capacity to process a great quantity of information, at the same time although for a short time.

Long-term memory (MLP) is also called inactive memory, or secondary memory is a type of memory that stores information for a longer time. It can be defined as the brain mechanism that allows us to encode and retain an unlimited amount of information, over a prolonged period of time, this can last from a few seconds to several years. Long-term memory is a key element to perform our daily tasks.

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It is important to know that memory can be affected by certain disorders or diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's as well as the passing of years when reaching old age.

I hope you like my post and use it as a basic tool in daily life if you want to leave your comment

Thank you