The Orinoco River one of the most important in South America
In Ciudad Bolívar, my hometown, a natural phenomenon related to the Río Orinoco is occurring.

In the year 1892, the Orinoco River reached the maximum level of 19.12 metres above mean sea level (mamsl) was the largest experienced by the river in 126 years.
In 1943, the river reached the maximum level of 18.03 meters above mean sea level, this flood caused great property damage in the lower areas of the city.
In 1951, the River reached the maximum height of 17.65 meters above mean sea level.
For the year 1976, the river recorded another historical increase, reaching the maximum level of 18.05 meters above mean sea level and becoming the second largest growth of the Orinoco River, this increase caused great damage to property.

In 1998, the river reached a height of 17.08 meters above mean sea level.
As of the 2000s, the Orinoco's increase continued varying between 16.52 and 16.82 meters above sea level. And in 2009, the worst drought occurred in Venezuela, where the maximum level of the river was 14.50 meters above mean sea level.
For the current year 2018, the Orinoco River presents an accelerated increase and is very close to reaching the maximum level occurred 42 years ago in 1976, currently the river level is 17.98 meters above sea level. It is soon to reach the 1976 level.