It is necessary to understand that despite the strong crisis that Venezuela is experiencing and in a certain part the destruction of a beautiful country, today, there are still wonderful places that cause sharing, yes, this place is the Bigott Foundation, a place of reunion Cultural for society, where singing is an honor, playing the cuatro is an illusion and dancing is an art, despite that, it has a beautiful space that serves as a preschool for children who represent the future of Venezuela, however , because these sites despite such a hard situation still believe in the culture of a beautiful country ?, is a big question that generates much doubt and intrigue, but the opinion of the people who there day by day contribute a grain of sand to show that a country is built from the feeling of national love, yes, that love that makes you want your own culture, your own music and that above all believes that a country is made from values and therefore it is always to notice that The image of a country are its citizens.
In the tour that I made through this beautiful place I found a beautiful colonial smell that is characterized by the wood preserved in conjunction with its roof that generates feeling of belonging, spaces of relaxation and tranquility that generate Peace, a place of vocal musical training as an instrument, a beautiful dance hall, a beautiful site for the elaboration of the prized Cuatro, yes, that instrument makes mention of the Venezuelan culture with its beautiful instruments Arpa Cuatro and Maraca, in the same way I found a beautiful creations room of beautiful figures representing Venezuelan religion and culture.
I will not tell you more, I invite you to observe the beauty of visiting this place, then a compilation of the beautiful things that were forged there.

I will conclude by saying that it was a beautiful experience to reconnect with my original culture, and, even so, I could show that there are still beautiful places to visit that in a way fills us with many teachings, I invite you to one day go and enjoy this beautiful site .
It never hurts to thank the Cigarrera BIGOTT for contributing a grain of sand in our Venezuelan society, strengthening its culture.