The Linking verbs of TO BE are words used to connect between Subject and Complement in a nominal Sentences. A NOMINAL SENTENCE is a sentence that predicate or verbs does not empress an action., but express Name, Status, Quality , State, and Place.
[IND] Linking verb dari TO BE adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara Subjek dan Pelengkap dalam Kalimat nominal. KALIMAT NOMINAL adalah kalimat yang predikat atau kata kerja yang tidak memberi ganti tindakan, tapi ungkapkan Nama. Status, Kualitas, Negara, dan Tempat.
For Example:
- Name : She is Jane
- Status : They are a student
- Quality : He is Smart
- State : We are happy
- Place : It is In Singapore

The verb be is also used in the following patterns:
Kata kerja juga digunakan dalam pola berikut:
1). The use -ing form to make the continuous aspect
Penggunaan bentuk -ing untuk membuat kalimat progressive
a. He was smoking.
b. Everything was wet. It had been raining for hours.
2). The use -ed form to make the passive voice
penggunaan bentuk -ed untuk membuat kalimat pasif
a. The street is called Soekarno Hatta Avenue.
b. Iphone X was made in California.
3). the use prepositional phrase:
penggunaan Preposisi phrase
a. Marry and Hanna are from Germany.
b. The Books are on the table.
4). By using to be we can also create simpleYES/NO questions by inverting the order of subject and the “To be” verb.
dengan mengguakan to be kita juga bisa membuat pertanyaandengan jawaban Yes/No membalik urutan subjek dan kata kerja "To be".
For example:
• Is your sister is smarter than you?
• Am I bothering you?
The same inversion takes place when “To be” is combined with verbs in the progressive:
*versi yang sama terjadi ketika "To be" digabungkan dengan kata kerja secara progresif:
For example:
• Is it snowing in the mountains?
• Were your father driving home this weekend?
5). The Linking and Existential 'To Be'
Menghubungkan dan Kehadiran 'To Be'
The verb “To be” most frequently works in conjunction with another verb. Occasionally, though, the verb will stand by itself that give a brief answers to questions.
Kata kerja "To be" paling sering bekerja bersamaan dengan kata kerja lain. Kadang-kadang, kata kerja itu akan berdiri sendiri yang memberikan jawaban singkat atas pertanyaan.
For Example:
• Q: Who's taking my pen?
A: I am
• Q: Who's responsible for this mess in the bathroom?
A: She is.
Moreover, The verb “To be” also can be used as a linking verb, after joining the sentence subject with a subject complement or adjective complement.
Selain itu, kata kerja "To be" juga bisa digunakan sebagai linking verb, setelah bergabung dengan subjek kalimat dengan pelengkap subjek atau adjective complement.
For Example:
• Mr. Han is the head master of Budi Sukma school.
• Our trip to Bali was Amazing!
• Azar, Betty Schrampfer(1989) Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey, USA.