The songs of the SIRENS.

In the year 1817, British sailors murmured about stories they had lived or heard. The stories told of the appearance of creatures on the seas. These creatures called sirens, which were described as beautiful beings with voices more beautiful than those of the angels themselves.
Along with this description, came what began as a myth of sailors to be one of the most feared legends of the nineteenth century. The songs of the sirens.
The sailors counted with terror that the man who heard that song would be seduced by a woman of extraordinary beauty, who would guide him to the water. If the sailor touched the water, the beauty of the woman was replaced by a horrifying face, compared to the face of the devil himself. The woman would end up drowning the sailor and taking him to the depths of the ocean.
An anonymous sailor said he had heard the song along with his two companions, of which only one was seduced. The sailor claimed to have heard the song in Latin. The terror of the situation of that time led him to memorize the song for the rest of his life.
"Oh sailors, listen to our voices,
do not be afraid to approach,
We are not sluts.
We fervently sing for you,
we look for the most worthy sailor,
who will be the first to see us
It is always beautiful men we see,
but the one with more value is the one we eat.
Impacted with our beauty,
they do not hesitate to approach,
but what fun it is to watch them get scared.
Caring for sailors,
that the songs of the sirens,
they are the beauty of death. "
At the moment the existence of these beings has been denied, but histories continue on a beautiful song in the middle of the seas and even more on beings with the half of the body of a beautiful woman and the other half is the tail of a fish.