This tree was planted 8 years ago which today gives its generous fruit and we can enjoy it.

Reduces the risk of developing liver cancer thanks to its high content of cryptoxanthin beta. In addition, it prevents breast cancer.
Vitamin C helps fight a series of unstable molecules in our body. These are called free radicals through their antioxidant properties. It is also essential for the prevention of flu and vital for the proper functioning of a healthy immune system, prevents spasms in the digestive system and nervous system, prevents cramps and vomiting.
Cholesterol problems
Blood pressure:
It should be noted that the mandarin shell is prepared in infusion for consumption, it is a practice carried out by people with this type of diagnosis.
Skin health; improves the tone of the skin, heals wounds.
Benefits for hair: it retards gray hair output and helps hair growth.

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hahaha but I like them a lot!