in #english5 years ago

Training requires a process of discipline and adaptation is a fundamental part of our health since exercise brings multiple benefits to our body. Achieving a sculptural body without much effort and in a short time is the dream of the majority, but the reality is that it requires dedication and a good professional orientation. Not all of them need the same exercises or in the same proportion everything will depend on the objective that is set as a goal, in this sense it is important a good planning based on a methodology, technique and execution, this will allow an adequate fulfillment of the goals according to the needs from each person.
There are mistakes that can harm our health. The most frequent are the following:
a) Too much Cardio at a constant pace: Exaggerate the practice of cardiovascular exercises "Run and run on a treadmill, at a moderate and constant pace." The key at this point from which you get the most benefit is the addition of high intensity intervals that vary the routine. “Running or spinning increases the speed and / or intensity by one or two minutes and then reduce it for the same time to enter the recovery, it must be done several times and with practice it will shorten the recovery time.

b) Do not lift heavy objects: Many women resist training hard for fear of acquiring more volume, which is not the case, women do not get volume as easily as men, in some cases it is recommended for those who generate doubts of lifting weights, doing high-power plyometrics, "which are movements that support the body's own weight as squat jumps" as another option the practice of pilates. Other people become obsessed with lifting weights on their own which are usually too heavy, regardless of the technique or the correct execution of the movements. In that sense, you have to make sure that you perform each exercise with the precise technique with which you will be avoiding falling into injuries and your muscle fibers will adapt correctly to the movements.

c) Operated without food or liquids: Lack of food and low fluid intake. Many people train early in the morning or after work they have often not eaten in hours, it is advisable to eat a healthy snack or mini-meal, such as almonds, a fruit ration or a low-calorie energy bar; An hour before going to the gym.

d) Exercises of Incorrect Form: This hinders progress, and can often lead to significant injuries, if your training is only done in front of a mirror, which will allow you to instantly visualize the way you are performing the exercise, if you do it In a gym request personalized training sessions which will allow you to show the correct way to perform the exercises.

e) Impatience: Many times we set unrealistic goals or compare ourselves with other people who can train harder, faster and longer. “Actually, this can lead to weight gain instead of loss, either because you give up in full training or by eating when we feel bad about not achieving our goal. Each body is different and the important thing is to focus on us, every hard work we do to lose weight will make the reward even sweeter.

f) Training with only one discipline: There are many people who limit themselves to performing a certain discipline, but this is a mistake that should be avoided, since all the basic and coordinative physical abilities are not able to work and it is not possible to carry out a complete training The ideal is to follow a proper and balanced training combining two different sports that involve strength, flexibility, cardiovascular, postural work, coordination, etc.

g) Skip stretching: Training without stretching is one of the most common and damaging mistakes for muscles, stretching is part of the warming of the body; therefore it must be done before starting; but you should also stretch your muscles, after the end of the day. "This will help prevent injuries, and get more out of training."

h) Abdominals always: A big mistake that is mostly made by women is to think that the more abs they do, the faster they can show it with a bikini, the reality is that the muscles of the middle area of ​​the body and lateral abdominals are quite difficult to tone up “The secret is in the amount of abs that are made and in the quality of them, therefore we should not wear much doing abdominals without a good orientation.

i) In Automatic: If we use very light weights and finish the training without even starting to sweat, or take too much rest between one exercise and another.