in #english7 years ago

Hello Friends Stemians

A few days ago I did not publish, this because I'm in intensive classes at the university and it has not given me much time to write. But, today I saw an act that would not be erased from my mind; and that made me think a lot about the situation of hatred and rejection that my VENEZUELAN BROTHERS are going through.



I want you to see the image, you may notice the pain, anguish, fear, and hunger that this woman may have ... It was not exactly the image that I saw today, I show you so you have an idea.

The gesture I've seen is: They were a father with their son at a stop, they were not beggars, they could not see that they were in a street situation, it was just a scenario " NORMAL "of a father with his little son sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for the transport that can take them to their destination. While the bus I'm on is about to board the passengers, I notice an old man quite burnt by the sun already. I see that the old man carries a huge bag and in his hands a bag full of dressings and vegetables. Patiently the old man opens the bag, looks at the child's face and opens a bag, I managed to identify that they were peaches; the elder takes two of these and offers them to him, one for the boy and the other for his father. The father, out of decency, thanks him and tells him that everything is fine that there is no problem; that the old man should keep them. The old man insists, and the father takes them, thanking him.

Now ...

Maybe for you this is an act without merit, then, the truth to see this I leave a great teaching, and outside of that gave me a lot of courage (annoyance), as VENEZUELANS are treating us outside our borders.

With the representation of that act that seemed wonderful to me, what I want is for them to realize that we are the Venezuelans really, humble, honest, kind people. We are human beings, just like you and the one next to you. It is not a secret for anyone that our country has terrible economic, labor and governmental control problems; frightening, that only those of us here know the mere situation and live it raw every day.

About 10-15 years ago, when we were well positioned economically in Latin America and without being in the mouth of the WORLD for the situation that is happening. There were hundreds of foreigners here, and there are still many. They know the pain that gives me, see / hear a COLOMBIAN brother saying "VENECO/CA" (VENEZUELAN MOTHER FU*KER), and they apologize; It really gives me courage. Moreover, when the VENEZUELANS are the most tolerant people that can be, I have never seen a VENEZUELAN brother discriminating against a foreigner, whatever their status.

I have many friends and acquaintances COLOMBIAN, quite respectful, aware of our situation, and the truth feels bad to see that their COMPATRIOTAS act in such a way when in the 90s, VENEZUELA it opened the doors to all who wanted to enter, PERUANOS, BOLIVIANOS, COLOMBIANOS, PORTUGUESES, BRAZILIANS and many other nationalities. And they went ahead and are well positioned today thanks to that. Aware that in VENEZUELA abroad everything is cheap, and still is "(Comparing with the cost of domestic services in COLOMBIA, example)".

Then, I want to invite you, friend from another country, be tolerant, we are good people, kind, who leaves your country, who leaves a job of 8 hours for one of 14 hours, leaving his "COMFORT" for something better, for a better future to offer his family.

And yes, we know that everywhere there are individuals bad behavior, and I agree, they must be corrected and sanctioned. But, we are not all the same as I know that not everyone is a bad person outside. And I thank all those who have given the support and help to a VENEZUELAN BROTHER out there.


I hope this is REFLECTION for many.

I only ask you from the heart, give us the opportunity to be better than we already are. DO NOT LEAVE US.

Thanks for the support: @obaku, @raise-me-up, @hr1, @tpot, @drwom, @nirgf, @hispanosoy, @matthiasjon, @belvajarandilla, @hendragunawan, @generouswhale

I would appreciate the support: @cervantes, @resiliencia, @chbartist, @mehta, @perfspots, @jonny-clearwater, @flowerpowerart, @seetheworld.spg, @dahaz159, @majes.tytyty, @triptolemus, @a000, @teachonlylove, @creadordelfuturo, @simon.bolivar