The 9 Types of Self-esteem and their Characteristics

in #english7 years ago

The types of self-esteem can be classified into several levels according to the most known and used models: Hornstein's and Ross's. Self-esteem is the appreciation and esteem that someone has towards himself and it is extremely important to lead a good quality of life and be successful both personally and professionally.

Self-esteem is found innate in each individual since birth and is undergoing changes throughout our lives as we develop.

Classification of types of self-esteem: the 9 levels
The first five types we present belong to Hornstein's classification and the last three to Ross's.

Hornstein is based to classify the types of self-esteem in the stable or unstable that it lasts in time, whether it is high or low.

1- High and stable self-esteem
This type could correspond with the strong or high self-esteem, since people with this type of self-esteem are not influenced by what happens around them in a negative way.

In addition, he is able to defend his point of view in a calm way and they develop successfully over time without collapsing.

2- High and unstable self-esteem
These people are also characterized by high self-esteem but not by maintaining it over time.

They do not usually have enough tools to deal with stressful environments and they tend to destabilize them, so they do not accept failure nor do they accept opposing positions to theirs.

3- Stable and low self-esteem
These people are characterized by underestimating at all times, that is, by thinking that they can not do what they propose.

On the other hand, they are very hesitant and fear making mistakes, so they will always seek the support of another person. Nor do they fight for their points of view since they are generally valued in a negative way.

4- Unstable and low self-esteem
We could say that people who have this self-esteem are those who prefer to go unnoticed at all times and who think they can not get anything.

On the other hand, they are usually very sensitive and influenced and prefer not to face anyone even if they know that the other person is not right.

5-Inflated self-esteem
People with this type of self-esteem are characterized by having a strong personality and believing themselves better than the people around them. Therefore, they never listen or pay any attention to them.

They also tend to blame others in stressful situations and have a very big ego. They are not able to correct their own mistakes or criticize themselves. They are characterized by being very materialistic and superficial.

Ross classification
According to Ross, a person can have collapsed, vulnerable and strong self-esteem.

1- Collapsed or low self-esteem
People who have it do not usually appreciate themselves, which leads them to not feel good in their life.

This makes them excessively sensitive to what others may say about them, so if it is negative it will harm them and if it is positive, it will increase their self-esteem.

They may also feel sorry for themselves and even embarrass. If a teenager exhibits this type of self-esteem in high school, he may be the victim of bullying or bullying by his classmates and may even be excluded.

2- Vulnerable or regular self-esteem
In this type the person has a good self-concept but his self-esteem is fragile in the face of negative situations such as: the loss of a loved one, not getting what he wants or proposes ...

This will lead him to create defense mechanisms in order to avoid this type of situations or have to make decisions, since he fears mistakes and doing things wrong.

3- Strong or elevated self-esteem
It consists of having an image and self-concept of oneself strong enough so that any error that is made is not capable of influencing self-esteem.

People with this self-esteem are not afraid to make mistakes and tend to overflow optimism, humility and joy.

How do you explain having one type and not another of self-esteem?
Self-esteem is formed as we grow thanks to our relationship with ourselves and with the environment and the people around us.

There are several factors that influence the type of self-esteem you have:

Family and friends
Our parents are going to be responsible for building our self-esteem from birth. If they do not have it in mind, they can negatively affect the labels or comments they give us when they address us: "you are stupid" or "you are a disobedient child" are some common examples.

As the child grows, their self-esteem will be strengthened or weakened based on these labels, which like their parents will put their teachers and friends.

Scope of goals and objectives
To enjoy a good self-esteem something very important that has to exist in our life are the goals and objectives.

Getting some of them will give us the confidence we need and also increase the positive perception that people have of us, which in turn will positively influence.

Attention that is received
Being accepted and respected by the people around us also helps us to develop a type of self-esteem, in this case of high type.

On the other hand, receiving interest in the people you care about is also another element to consider and that will help build self-esteem.

What is the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem?
Self-confidence refers to objectives or goals that a person proposes and their ability to achieve them, while self-esteem is understood as a global assessment that a person makes of himself.

An example would be: I am an excellent painter and I know that I will have many exhibitions around the world (self-confidence) but I do not like my body or how I speak and even the way I hold my brush, etc.

How can we improve our self-esteem?
If you have low or regular self-esteem and want to improve it, here are some tips that you can begin to apply in your life.

Love yourself
Loving oneself is one of the best medicines that exist to increase self-esteem. If we only look at our shortcomings and what we do not do correctly, we will live disappointed and frustrated with ourselves.

Therefore, we have to pay more attention to those that make us special and unique and that also gives us great to do.

Do not be a perfectionist
Perfection does not exist as such, there will always be something that we do not know how to do perfectly well. Being extremely critical will not benefit us and will impede our self-esteem and our love for ourselves.

Take failures constructively
Everyone is wrong and we also have to allow ourselves to do it, because if we do not make mistakes we can never learn properly. Mistakes must be seen as sources of learning and not as personal attacks.

Set realistic goals
We have to be able to set ourselves goals that are viable and that we are capable of meeting both in the short and long term. If it is not done in this way it will only create discomfort and once again we will not be happy with ourselves.

Feel proud
We must be proud of what we are and have achieved in our lives because it has been the fruit of our effort and dedication only and exclusively.

If you want to continue deepening this topic, you can not miss the article: 14 world experts give their opinion on how to improve self-esteem.

In summary
In general there are three types of self-esteem that in turn can have different subtypes. On the one hand, we find high self-esteem that is divided into high and stable and high and unstable. On the other hand, we have average self-esteem and low self-esteem. The latter and like the high, can be divided into low and unstable and low and stable. In some classifications the self-esteem of inflated type is also incorporated.

A person throughout their life can present different types of self-esteem depending on the situation they are facing or the relationships they have with the people around them. However, from my point of view, the basis of having a good self-esteem will always be found in childhood.

The first steps to build the personality and temperament of a person and their self-esteem occurs in childhood, so it must be understood as one of the most important factors in the development of a person's self-esteem.

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