Kozan's Torture - Scotland Police

in #england2 years ago

Suffocating. Deteriorating a human. Multi point torture. Dump. To scotland police. Assistance needed. At this time tortured. Damaging a human and company. Genocide. England. Not to english standards. Life missing.

Recover back to life. Resolve Community Fibre, Homes Connections LTD job. Society needs to be addressed england. Don't keep at parents. Make sure safely housed. Assistance please.


I need better safety and recovery of this life. In torture, government torture 2020+ not housed. Suffocating, solitary. Lifetime damages.


  1. 1 million estimated keyboard keypress government torture such as this. Tortured. Each keypress is now harmful. 2020+ not housed. Tortured, gathered information not safe housing, business is damaged. Person damaged. Director damaged.

  2. Chronology... Register Community Fibre, Homes Connections LTD. See Companies House and London Stock Exchange. Need assistance, recover position, attacks to person and title.

  3. Suffocating solitary. eBay £12 forty nine pence for a whole month, a sale came in but I count ~£30 for a month and solitary singular a lifetime torture.

  4. ~£1,000 google revenue per year for how many years, ~£4,000 per year with a global staff base, then | HMRC > fathers house... attacks. Peace and moved eCommerce to ~£500 per day before attacks and went to gov, since no results like changed to take all money, £10 sales 7 days and gov stopping money, injured.

  5. Torture of men. Where are our girlfriends, wife, lover. Music hardcore, console your self on computer hardcore. Tortures.

  6. Music and whole foundational multinational conglomerate now all £0's. Multi million zero. Yes, £20 sale yesterday.

700+ global staff base built up and all damaged. Suffocating.

Post box, fans online, singers online, staff online, clients and customers online, friends online danger point.

19 years, 18 hours in front of a computer.

No accounts made since 2020.

I have a deteriorated tortured person.

Assistance please. Tortured, solitary. Inhumane standards. Recover Community Fibre, Homes Connections LTD job. I have a right to work.

Between coming to government and now, not housed, not providing jobs, harm. Assistance please.

Assistance needed. Deteriorated human multi point torture. Recover life and person. Degraded personality. Assistance needed. Written in torture.


Instead of government saying citizen needs assistance to safety of wealth (conservative government), it seems apparent Southend Invoice to government £200,000,000 in lifetime damages has shown torture, harm, and intent for death and non recovery of life.

Resolve Community Fibre, Homes Connections LTD job. Compensate, assist, recovery. At this time 1800's large land owner grandfather and england administration large losses, CYPRUS, Grandfather farm owner and working professional, dies in a council flat in England. HMRC > fathers house > attacks from father and sister (attempted murder and turn on me, while £30 million share capital Try A Million LTD).

The corporate OTA (Officer Time Act) was implemented at £100 million per year for safety of founding director and investment and losses. This man should be somewhere, not homeless at parents not tortured. Suffocating, solitary, deteriorating both human and life experience. England!

Written in torture. Assistance please.


The obviousness of a holocaust present with computer and web technology is evident. The tortures evident. Suffocating. Solitary, singular (see rest). As a male we have been tortured, see Hardcore and Hardcore in previous message or gov torture. Assistance is needed to recover this life. Harmed. Multi point harm.

Note: fathers attacks previously (remember me born in England, raised among the english, scotts, etc. and father from Cyprus. Note torture to gather information. Is this a director? Is this a person who has to recover life and forcing into solitary).

Right now, pacing, homeless at parents, should be working. I got a deteriorated human, tortured.

Please recover life. Too low for person. The above is for everyone. Mass murder, torture, keypress torture instead of love, keypress torture instead of kisses.

Everyone stop what you doing.

Note... governments need inspecting over a gate system intent to kill. Held behind a screen, secluded from social security (kozan concept) singular aspect (not kozan's concept in messages).

~7 years, ~10,000 social media posts friends behind a screen. > Covid. I believe a mass murder has happened. Covid parties. We lived, you died.

Life in danger. Life endangered.

Assistance please. Recover life.

Register crimes. It is believed that after x keypresses the (nazi experiements) the hands, ? neurological or nerve systems or ? deteriorate till person siezes and dies. Hand, eye, heart.

Murder weapon.

Note... of interest. Iran Attack. Named after the principles of "good" "bad" codified in 2 popular religions to make us good, they bad. The Iran Attack is noticed in places like nazi germany where you can make anyone do bad. The theory is that we can say person A for example is a all bad things that would enable the double blind to act.

Notes... the tortures likely needed in 70's the misuse of drugs act to enable the tortures. And goes to some experiments?

Anyone who picks up the Iran Attack device in all its shades and advancements must be known and stopped.

There are better devices.

Written in torture. What done with director and company.

Recover life, recover Community Fibre, Homes Connections LTD job. Resolve.

Too low, solitary. Assistance needed. Tortured.


I think there is a forced to die, forced out of society, not held. (doesn't mean not welcomed) but I can only go with what presenting to me (degradation).

Assistance needed to recover life. Right to work, right to life, right to wife, girlfriend, lover, housed in my own gaff, should be my paid, not tortured like this. Thus unique register - life.


Log and stop any intent to damage person regarding £200 million Southend Invoice. I feel damaged (nazi experiments).

The log was made separately, see rest of contacts.

Keep in mind again what has happened today in this persons life. Suggest public scrutiny. For overall to not just me.

This should all be income. One side paid, one side is not, is a nazi deterioration. I think basis is in Christianity.


Register Holding out of Employment, Holding out of Society.

Further to previous messages, written in torture holding out of employment, and holding out of society. Genocide or derivitive words and non liability actions now of concern.

Again, recover life.

Again put Community Fibre job, Homes Connections LTD as has harmed friends (loans), person and working person harmed. Resolution, recovery of life needed. Sorry but each instance important, and life in jeopardy.

Life, company, wealth, 700 people put together for in business and all these zero £. I have a lot of dependants.


For previous contacts around today. Basis and for Community Fibre, Homes Connections LTD job recovery need assistance and texts. Written in torture. See rest. See Companies House complaint, London Stock Exchange complaint. Kozan is an Microsoft Certified Professional with a specialisation in sales and marketing with all round skill bases. There are no jobs for this position and so this job is vital to keep me in the industry.

I have a hand sanitizer known technology in TAM, but today must go to work to keep me in life standard. And can out of hours, develop my organisation at will not forced into suffocating.

Please resolve as future is dependant on keeping sales and marketing and professional and gets me house, and life not torture, not harm, not forced to write but choice and saving of my assets.

Assistance needed, keep me professional and in the work force, paid. Lord Kozan.

Thank you Scotland. Peace to Glencoe and Lochaber, and Scotland, and Hello! today.


Suffocating. Damaged/damaging a person. Really harmed and really harmed 2020+. Recover me back to working condition, see other contacts. Keep me in english society. I am not being kept to english standards, nor life standards. I got a degenerated person, kind of like taking a man and worked on it so it is a kid. I don't know what has been going on here, regarding the closed up aspect, but life missing.

Resolve Community Fibre, Homes Connections, recover back to workforce. Bring me back to english standards. Harmed.

Housing, remember not housed, homeless at parents... even though Universal Credit says they will pay, there is no route, and numbers unlikely. As such deteriorating.

Assistance needed to recover ...

Foundationally, this person should be working, meeting people, living life. Social order. Life order. As such in holocaust tortured. Harmed. (almost making death and dumb - concern).
