The One Feature On Any STEEM dApp I'd Love To See..

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

The One Feature On Any STEEM dApp I'd Love To See...png

A few months ago, I was interviewed by @steemcafe for the lead up to the SteemCreators conference that took place in Toronto.

It was a blast to be not only a part of that interview but also the entire event. In the middle of the interview we started discussing what makes popular social media platforms so effective. And also how could dApps on STEEM capture that same kind of attraction.

One of the things @steemcafe talked about was the birthday reminder feature on Facebook. It's brilliant and he put it this way...If we didn't have that little reminder pop up from time to time, we would never remember Uncle Bill's birthday! With that in place, we can continue the relationship, Uncle Bill feels acknowledged, and we all live happily ever after...

Social media sites are fantastic at building and developing new and old relationships. With smart little features as simple as a birthday reminder, we put the 'relationship' front and center in our everyday use of these platforms.

Now that being said...I'm not hoping for a birthday reminder feature on Steemit or Busy.

But as we 'steem' past Hardfork 20, a big part of the discussion is...How do we grow from now on and how do we get more members to engage with us...

Will it be from mass adoption and easier onboarding?

I think it could, but I'd love to see current Steemians grow from within. And this is a feature I'd love to see, that other social media platforms have had in place for years...

Recommended Steemians / Users

For example;

If you have 5 followers who followed @fulltimegeek and voted for him as witness over the past week, it would be cool for that to pop up in your feed. (given that you weren't already following him or voting for him as witness)

Imagine if your favorite social media / YouTube celebrity joined STEEM and 20% of your followers started following them...A notice that you should check them out would be perfect!

How about if your a big chunk of your followers started following and engaging with @meno ...That should be someone that is recommended to you as well.

It might seem like old tech, because this feature has been around other social media platforms forever, but I think it would add so much more to the STEEM Experience.

Heck, it might even already be out there....So if it, once again pardon my ignorance and please point me in the right direction.

But as we search for more ways to engage with each other, grow our followers and make STEEM an every day force online...People once again, must come first.

And nothing is more important to every single person on earth than...Relationships.

We don't have to follow the centralized way of doing things like Facebook and Twitter, but we could definitely benefit from what they do best...And that's put relationships and connections at the top of the list.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Yeah, completely agree. Steemit is naff for helping surface people that might be a good match for you.

The closest I have seen is in the busy sidebar although it's not all that good. Might be on the radar...

Posted using Partiko Android

ya. i think i’m going to lean towards using that more. i just love the simplicity of steemit.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thats a really good idea you have there... =D Thanks for sharing.^^

thanks. hope someone a lot smarter than me could figure out how to add it

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Hi @jongolson,

Maybe you could take a lokk at our app @share2steem. By allowing people to post on Steemit directly from their social media apps, we plan to recruit lots of new members.
Actually the app is compatible with Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. We plan to add more connexion regularly.

Just let me know if you have any question.

thanks for letting me know. i’ll take a look

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Good thoughts, Jon. Read a lot the last days about the HF20. I think the same way as you but it seems that STINC want STEEM to get involved in other Social Media. so my hope is that Steemit will stay, and the development will go on.

yeah they could do so much with steemit. but i think they want others to run with it and develop newer platforms. all good. i’m a fan of busy, steempeak and steemit. :) choices choices.

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As a newbe who do you follow for all the latest stuff i.e check out steem park, busy , go to this to see this etc. I just seem to stumble into stuff which is cool but id follow or prefer to have sent to me the tip or ad of the day if there was one. oh and thx, might check out steem savy - havn't heard of that before

ya for sure. see that’s what i mean. when i got started i literally had to find people to follow on my own. it would be awesome if we could be recommended certain steemians that provide value and we could learn from.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I like your ideas and I too will check out busy as well. Have a great day

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks beth. ya busy is great a fantastic front end for steem

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There could be a few features I am think of as well... Joe just posted for the first time in a while, Joe posted for the first time, or just made a post (these should be people you are following!).
You have these friends on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc... that just joined.
The ability to create a list of notifications when your top 5(x number) make a post so you can engage with them.
The notifications of a new video post was happening on DTube but that seems to be not working now.
A new about was released... here is the details.
A simple invite button to send a message to LinedIn message, Facebook messenger, etc.
I agree with you... those are a few items that can help with engagement and growth!

right. it would make a world of difference for people trying to grow their accounts and learn more about steem. finding good people to follow.

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Even to continue engaging with those you already follow! Knowing when a witness or STEEM, Inc. makes a blog post, a video, or even a picture would be useful... You can always choose to ignore it... but just knowing it is there helps. That is why I like seeing the posts in Bitcoin Bully / Steem Savvy. It gives me to support others as well as them to support me! :)

been working on that all weekend. i’ll give ya a sneak peek very soon.

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Cool... look forward to seeing it! :)

I agree improvements on ways to build relationships are important and your example about how people should be brought to your attention is great.

There is a widget called "interesting people" in busy, on the right side, at least when you are on your feed. I'm not sure exactly about the particulars of how it functions, but it looks to me it may be more of a global recommendation, not related to the account or the feed. I think there is a context, I don't remember it now when the recommendations seem more personal.

I've mentioned in my post from yesterday something which is still in early stages, but may bring showing related posts (and thus new authors) to a new level on Steem too.

There is one small concern that I would like to raise from this convenience. There is no guarantee those new features won't be gamed, like the trending page is now, either by abusers using the platform or by those who write the code. But I think from some point forward most people will choose the convenience.

well there ya go. i had no idea. thanks for letting me know man. i’ll go check it out.

oh ya. everything will be games i’m
sure. whenever someone can take the quick route they will sadly.

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I thought of you yesterday while I was listening to Aggroed's Witness forum. Two of the witnesses argued passionately about the need to educate the expected new users on what they can and can't do. Any ideas ? :)

I'm not particularly interested in my followers, because that is a mostly bogus number populated by bots and spammers. But the people that I follow are of great interest to me. Those are the ones I cultivate.

yeah i’m scared to even think how many bots follow me lol

but at the end of the day and you know this from things i’ve takes about for years....i will engage and support the people that do care. even if it’s 1%. heck they will be loved by me lol

yeah steemsavvy is coming :) worked on some of the members area tonight and continued to fill it with content. should be ready soon :)

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I think SteemSavy could be positioned just about perfectly.

hope so man. i’m going all in on this steem stuff lol i’m trusting my gut and staying the course :)

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