Energi Earndrop Rounds 2 and 3 Updates and Round 4 Opening
Energi Community,
Energi’s Earndrop Portal will open from Saturday 28th September 2019 at 1 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) and will remain open until 1 AM PST on Saturday 5th October 2019.
Please click below on the relevant link to find out more:
Round 2 and 3 Earndrop: https://nrg.click/2and3_reopen
Round 4 information: https://nrg.click/round4_open
Earndrop FAQ: https://nrg.click/earndrop_faq
Once the Portal is closed we will work through auditing the applications and distribute rewards in Q4 2019.
Helllo. I tried to sign up to Round 2, I think, but when I got to the Discord verification bot too late (1 minute had passed before I realized I was supposed to do the captcha.), and so I missed out and just gave up. My email is still registered, what can I do to join this again? Do I have to use a new email?