Private revelations aggregated on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 08:17 AM.

in #endtimes3 months ago

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, December 1, 2013
Message URL:

Crusade Prayer 130, Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer: You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time. You must recite this prayer for a full seven consecutive days during one calendar month commencing on Mondays, in the morning time. You must recite it three times during each of the seven days and on one of these days you must fast. By fasting you are requested to eat only one main meal during the day and then bread and water only at the other two meal times.

“My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls the gift of Eternal Salvation through the mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ. Through your intercession, I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan. Please ask your Son to show mercy and forgiveness for those souls who reject him, hurt him with their indifference, and who adore false doctrine and false gods. We beseech you, dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.”

-- Your Mother, Mother of Salvation

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 292: The Power of Words — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, September 20, 1995
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes in light blue and white with a crown on Her head. She is holding a rosary. She says: “Dear children, God's Holy Will for you is the sweet measure of Divine Love in the present moment. Your prayers and sacrifices, your ‘yes' to Holy Love, determine the depth of your spiritual journey into the Flame of My Heart. The Flame of My Heart is but a humble spark of the Flame of Divine Love that is the Heart of My Son. His Heart is the Holy Will of God. My Heart is one with His. When you pray the Rosary you are united to Our Hearts.”

Visionary: The Catechism in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Friday, October 20, 2023
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which covers the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in one year.

Today's video is:

Day 292: Respect for Human Life — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Thursday, September 21, 1995
Message URL:

September 21, 1995 Thursday Night Rosary Service Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: “Praise be to Jesus, My little children. Each time I come to you, it is because I love; and to bring you love; and to call you to love. Dear children, pray with Me now for all hearts who live outside of Holy Love.”

We prayed.

“When you pray the ‘Gloria', always begin: ALL GLORY BE to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit ……..”

“The apostasy is opening in the world, because it is in hearts that do not love and do not respect the Pope's authority. I am coming to you tonight, asking you to prostrate yourselves before the altar of Faith. Seek My protection and I will plunge you into the Flame of Holy Love that is My Heart. Dear children, you cannot own anything on earth that is equal to your faith. I am blessing you.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Sunday, September 24, 1995
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

From Our Lady

“I have chosen this title – ‘Missionary Servants of Holy Love' – as a description of your Mission in the world. For to those who hear and answer My call, will come the task of promulgating My Holy Love Message to the world. A good servant is dedicated to his master. In this Mission there is one Master, Jesus, My Son, who calls you to serve Him through Holy Love, for it is Him who sends Me to you with this Message. I do not ask of you special attire to identify you as My missionary servants. * Rather, put on Holy Love as your vestment so that all will recognize your call. My daughter, long has My Heart withheld the news of this Lay Apostolate; an army of strength in Church Tradition, and a sign to Satan of My imminent victory. Take hold of My Mantle and cling fast. There are those dressed as good who will come against us, while their hearts weigh heavy with evil. They think they hold all the answers, but they deal in compromise and ambiguity. Do not be dumbfounded when My words to you are fulfilled. Hold fast to the Tradition of Faith.”

“I am blessing you.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Monday, September 25, 1995
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes in white with sparkling lights around her. She is holding a White Scapular over Her Arms.

She says: “Child, I come in praise of Jesus. My daughter, those who accept and wear this sign of My Confraternity * will give witness to the world of their special vocation of love. I will place them in My Heart – gateway to the New Jerusalem. This Scapular ** is a sign of predestination of those who choose it. It will be a special armor against evil and recourse to My Grace.”

She comes closer and holds it out to me so that I am able to see what's on it.

She says: “Let it be inscribed thus.”

There is one face of it that has on it the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The words written around it are: “Make known My Heart as the Gateway to the New Jerusalem.” The other piece, or face, is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Written around it are the words: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come.” The one with Our Lady's Heart is blue on a white background. The one of Our Lord's is red with a white background. They are on a white cord.

Our Lady continues: “It is to be worn this way.” She puts it over Her head and has the side with the Immaculate Heart in the front.

“It is a special sign in these the last days of My final call to humanity.”

“Make it known.”

** To obtain the White Scapular – also known as the United Hearts Scapular, please see: y=19

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Tuesday, September 26, 1995
Message URL:

Jesus Christ

From Jesus “My Mother's Heart is Holy Love. My Heart is Divine Love. If Her Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, My Heart is the New Jerusalem.”

Visionary: Luz de Maria, Latin America
Received on: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Message URL: (no direct message link)


Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, I send you My Maternal Love.



Beloved children, conversion must occur NOW within each person; you must not wait - the time is NOW, not another time.

Dark clouds have come to most countries with deceptive words and My children have fallen into error by embracing modern trends that distance them from My Divine Son.

Great suffering awaits My children: the elements continue to scourge humanity – water, wind, fire and earth, which, as if it were hollow, will continue to collapse everywhere.
