Revelation 16:18 Dream from GOD

in #end2 years ago

Hello reader.
I hope you are well.

I have not posted anything on this blog for some time but I decided to post this after much consideration. I feel strongly led by our Lord Jesus Christ to share this immediately with whomever is willing to listen. So in obedience to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I post this.

In 2015, I was given two dreams by our Lord. I have been getting dreams from GOD since I was very young. I want to describe it as a vision more than as a dream, although when I see them I know I went to bed and fell asleep. I am extremely alert and the details are vivid and unforgettable. In the vision, I am who I am in essence but just in a different dimension without my body.

My dreams have always been age appropriate, personal and literal. I use to call them ‘Déjà vu’ dreams because they were snippets of the future. They always happen exactly the way I see them. In 2015 the nature of the dreams changed. They are now what I would classify as ‘apocalyptic’. As a side note, I became a born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ in 2015 and these two dreams were given to me at this time. I had not really read the Bible at the time so I was shocked to see these events. Now, after having read and studied the Bible, I know the dreams relate to the end times. Specifically, the first dream is Revelation 16:18 event. After these two dreams I have received none other.

Here is the first dream.

I am standing in my bedroom of my parent’s apartment, being drawn towards the window, which I am immediately outside of, floating and looking below to find a scene which is foreign to me. It is daytime and instead of the normal view of the river, I am looking at apartment buildings and other tall buildings which I do not recognise to the left of me. What is different about these buildings on first appearance is that they are all on the edge of a cliff.
Initially, I focus on one building in front of me. It is an apartment. I look down and there is no space to go around this building as it is literally on the precipice of this cliff. Then I zoom out a little and see other buildings on the sides. I notice that they are all on the brink of a cliff but instead of the building foundations standing on strata of rocks, I see soil and what appears to be pipes and tangled tree roots protruding out of it. I was confused and thought, ‘How did they get council grant to build it so close to the edge?’. As I was thinking this, I zoomed out of this view back to the original position I was at outside my bedroom window. Then I was made to look up to the sky and as I looked up, I got knowledge from a powerful and authoritative booming ‘voice’ to my soul, which I recognize immediately as GOD the Father and he says, “There will be three great earthquakes all consecutively, one after another”.

As soon as I understood this, I look down and the Earth started shaking. The buildings and the apartment buildings before my eyes all started swaying like trees on a really stormy day. What was horrifying was that the land was just crumbling down and buildings were dropping like rocks on sand castles. It was taking whole buildings down with it before it had a chance to collapse. The openings were so deep I couldn’t see the end. It appeared bottomless. It was just black void. I am referring to it as an ‘earthquake’ as we know it but it was much worse than that. It was such an extremely violent shaking of the Earth that describing it as an ‘earthquake’ seems like a euphemism.

(I tried drawing what I saw but it just did not do it justice. I managed to find something slightly similar to what I saw. It was much worse than this. The whole right side was just black endless void.)

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 7.34.58 PM.png

It stopped shaking momentarily which gave me a chance to look straight ahead. I saw a small area of land, almost like an island, with only one apartment building standing. About mid way up the apartment, I saw two people through a small window, holding onto each other. They were terrified but was unable and unwilling to get out. I saw their terrified faces through the window and it was heart wrenching.

Then it shook for the second time. It felt much stronger. By this time all the standing buildings were all rhythmically swaying. I felt the wind touching my face and hair. Suddenly, I have knowledge that on the third quake, everything will fall. Nothing will stand. With this I am back in my bedroom, at the original position I started at the dream. Now that my feet was on the ground I was thinking to myself, ‘How about my apartment building that I’m standing in now?’. I felt the third shake begin and with that, tremendous fear came over me but I knelt down and I thought ‘I KNOW GOD will protect me and my family. GOD, let YOUR WILL be done’. And as soon as I thought this the most extreme ‘PEACE’ came over me from above my head like liquid light. It penetrated through my whole body from my head downwards. There are no adequate words to describe this feeling. It was comfort, peace, safety, a warm and loving embrace, unconditional love, bliss and so much more. Then you multiply those feelings in depth by quintillion and that would be only a fraction of what I felt. I can not really describe it as it is something I have never felt on Earth.

After I closed my eyes with that overwhelming feeling and when I opened them again, I was suddenly in a different scene. I am standing outside now, looking out at a scene of a massive hill made up of huge concrete slabs with thick wires sticking out of them everywhere. Immediately in front of me, I see a man sitting with his legs wide apart looking out far into the distance. He’s completely gray, covered in dust. As soon as I see him, I know immediately that his wife and daughter were under the rubble that he was sitting on. I knew that his wife was dead but his 7 year old daughter was buried alive. She was still alive underneath the rubble while I was looking at him. He didn’t know that she was still alive. He seemed to be in complete shock but he knew that no one was coming to help him. Almost everyone there were dead. He just gave up but he couldn’t leave them either.

Behind him, I only saw three small gray concrete structures with squares for windows, standing but barely. From the one in the middle, I saw three people coming out of it. They were all covered in this gray dust except for their eyes. A man came stumbling out first and then a woman behind him. She was screaming hysterically with deep red blood running down on the left side of her face from her head. I have never heard anyone scream like that before. It was deafening. She was hysterical and I really felt her terror. The third person behind her stumbled out and he was thinking, ‘I’m out, I’m out”. Then, a great amount of dust followed behind them.

I had knowledge that countless number of people were dead and there would be no assistance of any sort coming to help those that are hurt and trapped under the rubble. I knew the destruction was extensive and catastrophic. There would be no recovery of bodies nor rebuilding of the cities.

Suddenly, I zoom out and notice that I am not alone. I am with my father and my brother-in-law. I was wearing a backpack and talking to them about getting water as soon as possible because we have small children. I knew that locating water was a matter of life and death and our survival depended on it.

I look to my right and see the rest of my family. They are huddled together, sitting down by the side of a one story building that looks like a school. I am still talking to my father and my bother-in-law but the scene behind them changed. We are around the front lawn of the school. There were other people there, mostly alone, a few in groups of two, all standing in a grassy area. Waiting. I saw about 8 people in total in this area. There weren’t that many survivors around. I saw them looking at us and as soon as my eyes met one of the survivors, I heard her say in her mind “How did they all survive?”. I knew that almost 8 out of 10 people died.

After that, I’m in a different scene. I know time has passed and I am inside the shelter which use to be a school gymnasium. We are at the back left corner of the facility. We have blankets on the floor like carpet and have belongings on the sides. I walk up to the front of the gym because I am helping out with an ‘election’. In the front, these men are handing out pieces of paper in front of a table to the people in the line to vote. I was helping people vote and putting the ballot paper in a box. Suddenly, I get knowledge that the election was rigged. I knew that they had chosen this ‘evil’ man to win and the voting was all for show to make it look legitimate. Like what we had in the past. I started to yell and stop people from voting saying it was rigged, but no one listened. Then, I saw my dad lining up to vote and I had to stop him. I told the men there that my dad was unable to vote because he was not ‘qualified’ to do so, but they expressed that they didn’t care whether or not he was, as long as he voted. They just wanted the legitimacy of an election and participation of all the survivors.

That was the end of the first dream.

Couple of personal comments. That man that they have winning the election is an EVIL man. I do not know the specifics of what he did or what he will do but the overwhelming feeling I got was of a PURE EVIL spirit. He was a Caucasian male in his early to mid forties with dark brown hair. I feel dirty just thinking about him again.

Furthermore, I want to clarify that something happened immediately before my dream began because the Earth was already ‘cracked’. As the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:9 “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part”. I would love to hear what happened before my dream began from the person who holds the piece before mine.

As previously mentioned, now I know this dream is Revelation 16, the Great Earthquake “…there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great,”- Revelation 16:18.

Thank you for reading this far. Every time I think about this dream I cry out to God for mercy. May God bless you and keep you from this terrible day.

I’ll post my second dream in the next post (it’s not as long, I promise).