bitpetite. Day 6-7. Is it over, or there is a hope?
Interesting creatures are humans, we always have hope, when its uncertain.
bitpetite is not coming back and keep posting on once in a while "wait, wait, we are coming back".
Looks like I was unlucky to invest few days before it vanished.
This is very frustrating, but there is still hope to either get back our money, or website will be back.
Information for today is:
- Support team has no answers from the owner of the company, she dosn't respond to emails and to her own team.
- Similiar websites are appearing in the internet, they all look a like, don't register.
- Original website was purchased here:
didnt even change numbers, I guess... - From the poll online ( on Twitter) people split 49/51 % on SCAM/Maintenance , there is a hope
- The balance of the LTC wallet of bitpetite iz 0 LTC:
If you follow all transactions from this wallet, you will see, that all of them are split to multiple wallets with 9-11 LTC
Last transactions are done between 20-22 hours ago on few last wallets in the chain.
It means they trying to hide they money.
I wish there was technology to see, who is the last holder of LTC...
bitpetite team posted suggestion form:
Bitpetite Announcements, [01.11.17 19:37] Telegram:
We are filling copyright complains on facebook, telegram and twitter profiles. This is the only social account we own. All others will soon get deleted.