What are the possibilities of block chain games?

in #encryption5 years ago

Game + Block Chain

Unlike the speculative gambling games on the major public chains, the popular block chain game is a highly playable game with stronger entertainment and higher self-completion. Unlike the earlier popular Cryptokitties games, it adds two additional channels of "game props call" + "participation activities" to meet the players'needs of "krypton gold" + "krypton liver", leaving enough room for preparation.

It is worth mentioning that exclusive cat play is not simply hanging out in the game, but a multi-dimensional integration with the game itself, such as:

· When the player owns the exclusive cat, it can be set as a accompanying pet and displayed in the game. All players can see it and become the unique identity of the player.

· In Shenxing mode, players can change their character image into their own cat image, and use this image as Avatar to show others.

· In the Shenxing mode, if the player chooses to change into the exclusive cat image, the game resources (spiritual power) consumed by the game operation will be reduced by 5%.

· In group mode, if a player carries a cat to join, the whole team will get the addition of some specific attributes.

These combinations not only encourage players to participate in the game of exclusive cats, but also pull us out of the idea that "block chain assets can only be used for trading", and provide some advantages for the game designers, such as block chain assets for image display, upgrading/changing the status of other resources in the game, and so on.

Perhaps the combination of games and block chains can also have a deeper integration, and more interesting ways of playing. At present, in the exploratory stage, but the real reason for players to continue to play is that it has a strong entertainment and playability.

From the point of view of block chain game, this popular game is a fun game. It starts from the playability and functionality of the game and integrates and applies block chain technology. The method of block chain play is to enhance the game experience by adding items - the so-called "first game, then the application of block chain".

Therefore, the block chain game should have a breakthrough, and can move more towards the idea of "game + block chain".
Asset chain

Considering the performance of the current block chain and the necessity of the game, the popular game did not put all the game content on the chain, but adopted the combination of "chain up + Chain down", which is what we often call "asset up chain", which is also the consensus of many NEO intra-ecosystem game projects.

Above mentioned upper chain block chain assets, namely exclusive cats, we call them "non-Fungible Token Asset", which is also called "non-homogeneous token assets".

How to understand it?

"Homogeneity" means that there is no difference between objects and they can be replaced by each other.

"Non-homogeneity" means that goods are unique and unique.

To give an example that is not accurate enough but easy to understand, we went to the store to buy the same brand of basketball, ignoring the lines and other minor production factors, your basketball and my basketball are not different, can be exchanged with each other, "basketball" for us is "homogeneous assets";

And if I sign my name on basketball, as long as I don't sign on other basketballs anymore, then this "basketball with my signature" is unique in the world, and it has become a "heterogeneous asset";

Let's abstract the concept and put it in the block chain.——

At present, the vast majority of Tokens in the block chain belong to "Fungible Token", such as BTC, such as NEO and GAS; that is to say, NEO in your wallet and NEO in my wallet are essentially indistinguishable and can be replaced each other, they are "homogeneous token assets";

But exclusive cats are unique, each of them is a "non-homogeneous token", so they are "non-homogeneous token assets" (NFT assets).

Because of the uniqueness of "non-homogeneous token assets", the assets possess collecting attributes, so the assets with different meanings/attributes have different values.

Imagine that the only "basketball with Kobe's signature" in the world and the only "basketball with my signature" in the world have different values.

Similarly, the exclusive cats in the game have different values because of their different attributes.

So, here comes the problem.——
How can we ensure that the "heterogeneous token assets" we see are really unique? What if the issuer secretly sends out another identical asset?

So we need an open and unified standard for NFT asset issuance.

NEO has relatively perfect NFT standard, namely NEP-11 standard. (Discussions on NEP-11 standards can be viewed at GitHub: https://github.com/neo-project/proposals/pull/41)

With a unified standard, game projects on NEO can easily issue NFT assets, which not only solves the trust problem of individual issuance, but also brings another benefit and facilitates asset trading.

More possibilities?

Gamers can buy/acquire NFT assets through game tokens, or sell NFT assets to other players/NPC in exchange for game tokens, which is a two-way trading channel; while game tokens can be exchanged with NEO/GAS, thus realizing the connection between NFT assets and the world assets of the whole block chain.

As mentioned above, NEO has its own NFT standard, NEP-11. All NEO-based block chain games will use the same set of standards to create NFT assets.

That is to say, even NFT assets in two different games can be traded directly!

However, to maximize the trading freedom of game assets, is block chain game all possible?

No, to give people more imagination space, is the linkage of the game in the platform! ___________

I remember one hot afternoon in the summer of 15 years when I opened the Firestone Legend, which I just downloaded, and won three victories, the system prompted me to get the "Firestone Skyhorse", a rare flying mount in World of Warcraft!155602237862866.jpg
Two completely independent games, because my behavior in one of them affects my state in another game!

It's because they are Blizzard Dad's games that we can have this kind of cross-game linkage like breaking the dimension wall.

Imagine that when I finished the task in Game A, I got the exclusive assets in Game B.

Or when I hold an NFT asset in Game A, some of my attributes in Game C are strengthened.

All of these intergame linkages can occur because they are block chain games based on NEO development! ____________

Based on the possibility of interaction between games and games developed by NEO, combined with the maximization of free trade of assets in the game, there are countless ways to play block chain games waiting to be discovered. Block chain games will be full of infinite possibilities!