Encouragement from Preacher Jake

in #encouragement7 years ago

I was encouraged today at church, which led me to give some encouragement to you all from Preacher Jake:


We put this verse above Jake’s crib when he came home from the hospital. While not all Bible verses apply to all people/situations, we felt led to put this verse up for Jake.

I am not sure where you are at in life, but perhaps this verse can be an encouragement to you today.

And perhaps Jake already has a chosen profession...

Take care my friends,


I always here that man makes plans and God laughs. Kinda reminds me of that saying.


It's very true. The Bible says he uses the foolish things of this world to conform the wise as well.

Great quote and cute photo of Jake! But I need to know, what does the rest of his shirt say?

It says “I was born awesome”... clearly he needs to read up on some verses about humility! 🤣

Ha! Well, self confidence is good to instill in a child! :)

Thank you for posting @brian.rrr.

Lovely encouragement indeed.....appreciate the verse and the beautiful photograph of Jake.

Thank you....Pastor Jake.... ^__^

A good reminder of the contrast of Teaching vs Preaching.

All the best to you and your good lady.


Thank you for the kind words @bleujay. It is always a delight when you stop by. Best to you and yours as well!

I love that scripture. I have returned to my faith in a very difficult time in my life and it has been so rewarding. One of my favorite verses I repeat often is the 23rd Psalm!

While not all Bible verses apply to all people/situations

As difficult as this may be to believe in some scenarios, I do believe this Bible verse speaks to all. Sometimes in the darkest of times, it may be difficult to accept/process; but, even in times/places of persecution, God has a Plan for each of his creations.

After the Fall, evil was unleashed. Initially, it was all good (in Eden); but, once cast into the world, the Plan for a person(s), may be delayed/hindered, but never denied. This is crucial on the Faith journey.

I hope this makes sense. Btw, great verse to start your child's life with it. Hopefully, he will keep it close to heart on his journey.


It is a very inspiring bible quote. It speaks to the fact that no matter what and where you are in life there is always hope. At some point in our lives we all need hope. This is the same for those who are living in despair and dealing with loss as well as those who are already living a life of prosperity. The knowledge that no matter what your situation you are always able to find hope for something different. I won't say better because we don't always know what better is but different can often be enough to move us in the right direction. The final question we need to ask ourselves is this: What us prosperity to you? Is it wealth? Love? Happiness? Prosperity can come to us in a variety of ways and this is the reason that even the most wealthy of people my "hope" for something more. Spock knew what he was talking about when he said "Live long and prosper."

Thanks Brian. It really does help. I see evidence of this in my life everyday. God bless my friend.

thanks a lot indeed he is a faithful God

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9. God bless you.

now i read your post very attentively.todays for day its very good post for me.i like very much.i read your post learning alot of thing.its giving my encourage..thank you very much for your good post sharing.good job sir..@ brian.rrr