10 most beautiful flowers in the world (English version)

in #en-us7 years ago

Hey very good to all and welcome to Tarekcrack and in this ovation OS I bring 10 most beautiful flowers of the planet.
This list of the 10 most beautiful flowers on the planet shows how impressive the beauty of Mother Earth can be.
So without more words we start with the top.

1.Colorado Columbine


Aquilegia caerulea or otherwise known as Colorado Columbine is a species of flower plant belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. They are native to the Rocky Mountains, from southern Montana to New Mexico and western Idaho and Arizona.

It is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches 20-60 cm in height.the flowers are very variable in color, from pale blue to white, pale yellow or pink; it is very usual for the flowers to be two-colored with the sepals different from the petals.

Aquilegia caerulea is the flower of the state of Colorado.is also an ornamental plant very popular in gardens, with numerous crops of different colors.

  1. Bleeding Heart


The bleeding heart is best known for the flower it produces, which resembles a heart.there is a piece that hangs below the heart that resembles a drop of blood.

It is native to Asia, is found from Siberia to Japan, this can reach 65 CM (Aprox) high in a temperate climate.

Finally this plant can produce up to 17 flowers per branch, sometimes more, although it is rare to see more than 17.

  1. Canna India


The canna indica is present in a multitude of gardens for its magnificent foliage of vivid colors, as well as for its beautiful flowers, reminiscent of those of the gladiolus.is a plant with erect stems that is usually used in the garden to form beautiful isolated groups, where it captures the spotlight or is also used in flower beds, to give verticality and is usually placed at the end as they can acquire a considerable height.

The flowers are grouped in inflorescences of colors reddish, orange, yellow or pink.flowering in summer until well into the autumn.

Us leaves are large and oblong, green, purple, reddish or variegated. As I said, they can acquire a considerable height, although the most sold are those of low size of about 0.8-1.5 m.but there are varieties that come to measure 3 m.

4 Convolvulus Tricolor


This is another impeccable masterpiece of our mother earth, since it is responsible for giving the beautiful shape together with those colors so vivid that characterize it, this flower is extremely small and very fragile but it is still beautiful.

It is endemic to the southern Mediterranean region: Spain is in the Balearic Islands.is abundant plant in Andalusia, mainly in the Costa del Sol.

5 Cherry Blossoms


The sakura O blossom of Japanese cherry is one of the most well-known symbols of Japanese culture. Also named Sakura a three Plant Species of the Genus Prunus.

The blossoming cherry tree During spring.in Japan yes it realizes hanami Festival (花 見?) En do by rank of honor That it gives more Significant flower (But not the official one); During this time the Family and friends will meet in the parks of cherry trees under the shade of the same ones and, in the manner of "picnic", share food as they celebrate in the apparition of the flowers.the Academic course of Japan begins just after the end of the festival.

During the Year The cherry trees remain uniquely leafy, and they are bare in the winter, Towards But the beginning of spring bloom, Decorating the scammers Parks look like pink clouds.

6 Hydrangea


The genus Hydrangea includes ornamental plants, commonly known as hydrangeas, native to southern and eastern Asia (specifically China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas and Indonesia) and America.the largest species diversity of this genus is found in areas of China, Japan and Korea.

Most are shrubs between one and three meters high, some are small trees and others are lianas that can reach thirty meters climbing the trees.

They may be deciduous or evergreen, although the most widely cultivated, temperate species are deciduous.comprises 201 described species and of these, only 43 accepted.

7 The lily of the valley


The lily of the valley or Convallaria majalis (Scientific name), is a perennial herbaceous plant that forms extensive colonies, separating its rhizomes that send spurs. The stems are 15-30 cm high with one or two leaves of 10-25 cm in length.the flower stems have two leaves and the flowers are arranged in a cluster of 5-15 flowers. Flowers are actinomorphic and hermaphrodite. The corolla has 6 tépalos and is bell-shaped, white or pink, sweetly scented. The fruit is a berry.

8 Rudbeckia bicolor


This incredible flower is a perennial herbaceous, native to eastern USA.uU., reaching 1.6 m in height, with slightly glaucous leaves, compound flower.floral discs are yellowish reddish, and rays half red and yellow rest.

The species named, two-color, refers to the double color of floral rays.

9 Lantana


In the 9th place, this magnificent flower is located, it has many varieties, some are bigger, some smaller, different colors, etc., but what does not change is its shape.is located almost in all America (North and South) and in some parts of Europe.

Its leaves are a bit rough and shaped like a sphere, but this also varies according to the species and the place where they are located.

10 Orchids


Orchids or orchids (scientific name Orchidaceae) are a family of monocotyledonous plants that are distinguished by the complexity of their flowers and their ecological interactions with the pollinating agents and with the fungi with which they form mycorrhiza.

The family comprises about 25,000 (some sources report 30,000) species, and perhaps another 60,000 hybrids and varieties produced by horticulturists, making it one of the families with the highest species richness among angiosperms.can be recognized by their strongly symmetrical flowers of symmetry, in which the middle piece of the inner whorl of tepalos - called lip - is deeply modified, and the stamens are fused to the style, at least in the base

They are characterized by being flowers with very vivid colors, to be trimeras (3 sepals and 3 petals) and to have a central column.these flowers are hermaphrodite (a single flower has both sexes)


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