Drifting ... easy just following the tutorial briefly
Greeting the previous readers. I will try to explain a
little how to instant drifting your car.
HANDBRAKE DRIFT difficulty level: LOW
Hand-made brake technique ga 'hard, rich' in the movie FFTD "just use your hand brake" khe2. Usually people who use 'this technique, pedal handbrake standart car replaced, let kalo pulled ga' ngunci. The way injek clutch, belokin steering wheel, pull handbrake when deceleration bwat ngilangin traction wheel blakang from the road, if the butt of the car dah nggeser loose handbrake, off clutch + injek en set gas but do not forget bwat counter steer let me balanced en ga 'spin. Disadvantages of handbrake drift usually direct drop speed.POWER OVER DRIFT difficulty level: MEDIUM LOW
The point is that the car used must have a big torque let the traction of the rear wheel can break. At turn, stay in the gas pedal dalem2. if the car is strong, definitely ngeslide. Well klo already ngeslide stay set gas ama counter steer aj.KANSEI DRIFT difficulty level: MEDIUM LOW
Another word accel off drift, when again kenceng2nya turn the car suddenly lifting the foot of the gas pedal. That makes the weight of the car moving forward and automatically make the car's bottom nggeser, when it returns ijek + set gas en counter steer let me balanced en ga 'spin. actually this basic technique really let drifter can ngerasa'in how to ngendali'in car, how to move load en usually dilakuin in bend that ga 'so tajem.BRAKING DRIFT difficulty level: MEDIUM
If you've always kansai, drifter usually switch to braking drift. When turn besides deceleration, with nginjek pedal ram dalem2 weight distribution move forward automatic traction tire blakang ilang, stay set gas ama couter steer. Usually braking drift use 'kalo bend aga' tajem.FEINT DRIFT difficulty level: MEDIUM
Well, this obviously aga 'bother, feint is usually a technique used by perelly. Feint drift is rich 'pendulum effect, so take the car towards the opposite side of the bend, then suddenly back toward the bend. Kalo dibayangin, rich 'mbuang bokong car let ngeslide. The rest is just set the gas ama counter steer.CLUTCH KICK difficulty level: MEDIUM HIGH
This technique is used to trigger drift without reducing speed. The trick when turn on clutch while full throttle en revving engine, just off the clutch. The process must be done blinking the eyes to make the engine 'over-rev'. Yup! this technique has the potential to damage the drive train system of the car, especially the clutch. this technique should be used with replacement clutch competition.SHIFT LOCK DRIFT difficulty level: MEDIUM HIGH
Almost as ama cluth kick, only the difference drifter lower gear to lower rpm and then off clutch to slow the wheel blakang for oversteer. Same ama cluth kick, this technique has the potential to damage the drive train car system. For shift lock that prone to gearboxnya broken.MANJI DRIFT difficulty level: HIGH
Wuh! here it is the drift extreem technique. Manji itself is taken from a religious symbol known as "reverse swastika", because the car is like a pen on the asphalt. On the straight side of the car's blind part is made wobble to the right and left, oversteer slowly from side to side with a combination of gas + counter steering arrangement. this technique leaves a zigzag trail on the asphalt before finally getting into the bend
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