Do you like Elvis?

in #elvis7 years ago


I’ve been listening to Isy Suttie’s Podcast The Things We Do for Love. It’s very good , she asked her guest if there’s anything that they’d done in their teens to make someone like them more.

I remember being well into Elvis because this girl I liked was into him, I’d try and give myself a quiff and hunt around for blue suede shoes . It didn’t work, but you live and learn. (I’m over it now, honest)

Years later I’d meet up with her and discover that she only liked Elvis because this boy she had a crush on liked Elvis too!

I’d like to to imagine that he wasn’t really that into Elvis but liked him because he liked someone who was into Elvis and then that person they weren’t particularly into him and so on and so forth...

Like a big fake Elvis fanbase chain.

Is there anything you’ve done to make someone like you?