in #elohim3 days ago (edited)

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A possible lawsuit for intellectual property infringement. Ancient Maya shamelessly imitating white Hebrew Ashkenazi Khazarian Moseretic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Jewish Israelite Hasidic Jesuit Zionist Israeli Aaronic Levitic High Priests!!! How dare they plagiarize the CHOSEN PEOPLE!! Don't they know that we are the people's people! We love people, aside the Arabs, Muslins, Christians, patrilineal Karite Jews, actual Jews, and of course gentiles and goyim -- they are the worst. We are the example of how to live in peace without neighbors.

The rest of humanity we love and adore as only the real chosen people can do not some wanna be Maya pretenders mimicking the sophisticated white Jewish cultura down to a diety talking to their Moses out of the burning bush! Imagine that, the ancient Aztecs, Maya, Cherokee and other native American tribes have copied everything even a Hebrew language that they made it look as an earlier version of Hebrew called Paleo Hebrew which they claim came from Maya language which is phonetic as is incidentally Phoenician as well. Bloody barbarian impostors! They say that they are Jews yet are not but a temple of doom they are!!! Repent ye heavens!! 8/




Much of the video, link below, is Masonic rubbish, idiot Pythagorean balls in space whatnot nonsense, however at 12:00 minutes into this madness Manly P. Hall interestingly mentions,

"These were the seven angels, the seven notes of music, the seven vowels of the ancient Greek mythological system, THE SEVEN ELOHIM OF THE JEWS, the seven Cosmo-creators or builders, the voices, the letters of the sacred name, and all of the Creator-gods, and the great beings who drove their chariots along the sky."

As I have stated before, the Elohim are the children of El and Asherah in ancient Phoenician-Canaanite pantheon which they in turn got from Aztec Maya cultures of Ameru aka Atlantis, who are the first Creation according to the original Genesis narrative BEFORE it was edited by the Babylonian Talmudic heretics who have made the Elohim as the Most High Creator El and Aserah or the Yahavah of Aztecs and Maya, the Ameru ka pan/ta (beloved country/land of the great spirit) aboriginal tribes being the original Hebrews of the House of Yasheral / Israel, the so-called Phoenicians.

Regardless of their story, I am accusing the so called Moseretic Jews worshippers of so-called Lord God Jehovah with heresy, conspiracy against Most High Mother and Father, apostasy and crimes against humanity. Since am the judge, I decree them guilty with treason punishable by excommunication from the House of Israel, the Abrahamic Covenant, the Church of Christ, and all human / mankind family.

As they have stolen the identity of Israel and Hebrews from American natives then proclaiming them to be barbarian savages without a soul that could be enslaved, later expanding that categorization onto the rest of humanity calling all nations goyim with connotation of humanity being mere animals whilst only the Babylonian Khazarian Ashkenazi Talmudic Rabbinical whatnot "Jews" are the "Chosen" ones. Chosen by Satan to rot in Gehenna for eternity perhaps, most likely and obviously.

Look at what kind of world they have made in their distorted inbred image. In Russia there is a saying, ни себе ни людям, neither for yourself nor others, something that describes those spiritual retards very well. The jig is up, everyone knows that they say that they are Jews yet are not but of the Synagogue of Satan. Mazel Tov!


Palenque / Ezekiel's Vision of The Temple of Solomon / View of The Hebrews / Old World Architecture

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