Electronics is life

According to https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electr%C3%B3nica: "Electronics is the branch of physics and specialization of engineering, which studies and uses systems whose operation is based on the conduction and control of the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles.Use a wide variety of knowledge, materials and devices, from semiconductors to thermionic valves.The design and the great construction of electronic circuits to solve practical problems are part of the electronics and the fields of electronic engineering, electromechanics and computer science in the design of software for their control The study of new semiconductor devices and their technology is usually considered a branch of physics, more specifically in the branch of materials engineering ".

Since the beginning of time, electronics has set standards, and at the beginning of this technological era, it has taught us to live a somewhat cybernetic life. Electronics is present in any area of ​​our daily life, the way in which this branch of physics is involved in day to day, but in the same way, this opens doors to us to exact improvements. In the image you can see an electronic circuit of a fixed telephone, which shows certain faults, because one of its components (Condenser), is damaged, and this one, threw the dielectric, causing with this, the damage of other components ( Transistors, Diodes, etc). Electronics is a prosperous and bearable future, which will teach us how the computer through different languages ​​becomes a friend of man, but at the same time, is managed by him. Because of this, I consider electronics to be life.

Image taken from My Fb: Areycar del Valle Cardona Marcano


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