Electroneum (ETN) Exclusive! 2 Minutes w/CEO Richard Ells (& More)

in #electroenum6 years ago (edited)

Future of Electroneum 2 & 5 Years Goals- Video

“A creative writing teacher at San Jose State used to say about clichés: ‘Avoid them like the plague.’ Then he'd laugh at his own joke. The class laughed along with him, but I always thought clichés got a bum rap. Because, often, they're dead-on. But the aptness of the clichéd saying is overshadowed by the nature of the saying as a cliché. For example, "the elephant in the room" saying. Nothing could more correctly describe the initial moments of my reunion with Rahim Khan.” –The Kite Runner

While perhaps cliché, nothing could more correctly describe this moment in time than to say: There is never going to be a better time to buy some Electroneum. Here is why.

There will come a day when we are talking about ETN in dollars, not cents. Yes, dollars. You will hear so many saying how ETN is cheap and it’s a great time to get in now after we return to $0.20 and well above…If you take 1 minute and read this through to the very end, only then will you clearly see why.Let’s sum up the last 5 days’ major news and developments: 1. Electroneum Director Chris Gorman, OBE, along with the rest of the Electroneum Team have secured a top 10 exchange, Coinbene; 2. There was a perfectly executed, smooth hard fork on ETN’s blockchain to finally put an end to the hash-raids; and 3. Electroneum got approved by Apple for iOS Beta.

For those who constantly attacked Electroneum and the Team behind it, here you go. The world will now know that few stood up against many and despite all odds the good prevailed against evil. 

Apple is one of, if not the most, critical and scrutinizing organizations for allowing any crypto the keys to its castle: The App Store. And yet, here we are: As of July 6th Apple has officially granted Electroneum access. 

No more can FUDsters call ETN a $hitcoin or a scam. Now, finally, ETN for everyone: Apple iPhone users will be ecstatic to hear that Apple gave its blessing on the iOS Beta. Soon you will be able to enjoy Electroneum’s new App.

President & Ceo Richards Ells

Right now, with this amount of news and developments (and even more massive announcements to come), the 1 question you must ask yourself is not whether this coin will fly; rather, you must only ask yourself how high?


CoinBene is a Singapore-based exchange with approximately $2.0 billion of trading volume, according to Coinmarketcap. Just to give you an idea how massive this is, here are some stats on the exchanges: CoinBene sits in the top position with about $2.0 billion of trading volume, Bit-Z meanwhile holds down second place with $1.25 billion of volume, and OKEx is in third place with approximately $913 million. Binance, meanwhile, is a distant fourth with a trading volume of $602 million, followed by Huobi, Bitfinex, ZB, Bibox, HitBTC, and Upbit in the top 10.In the 2-minute exclusive above with Electroneum President and CEO Richard Ells, he describes his vision and a plan with 2 and 5 year goals

In order to achieve these goals changes needed to be made to the blockchain to accommodate the massive flood of new ETN users that will soon be coming (ETN already is on the heels of 2.0 Million users and is on course to pass this milestone any day now…). It was a must and absolute necessity to introduce the ASICS back into the platform.

By having a dedicated ASIC mining base (as opposed to miners who can switch at will) provides significantly more security. Blockchain communities should embrace ASIC development on their networks rather than resist it. Many developers in the cryptocurrency world say that the fears of centralization are overblown and that ASICs actually improve the security of a cryptocurrency network by making them harder to dominate with raw computing power.

With large GPU-based mining operations there is a lot of jumping from coin to coin and mining the most profitable coin. ETN was abused by them for much too long. For smaller networks in particular, like ETN at the moment, high volatility in hash rate (caused by large scale miners “jumping” between coins) did pose a threat as it could lead to less stability and security, thus increasing vulnerability. This was certainly a factor why Electroneum had to take these actions (and indeed some of the best and most swiftly executed actions I have seen so far). Big exchanges are looking for stable coins with no drama. I am happy to see CoinBene listing ETN, and they will need a stable block chain like the one we now have to sustain the power of a big exchange.

It was not a matter if, but when, someone would come along with enough rented hash power and raid the network for 51%. Can I tell you, had that happened you would see the same group of people pointing their fingers that the dev team is doing a crappy job and why they did not stop it. Well guess what: ETN has stopped the monster everyone was afraid of. 

This was a BRILLIANT move and no one had seen it coming -- JOB WELL DONE ETN! Keep it up – in no time you will become the coin that everyone is forced to reckon with.

Consider this: 20 Million ETN users (and quite possibly more). If each only has just 1,000 ETN that is the entire circulating supply. …and there are many, many, many users who hold millions of ETN. There will come a day when we are talking about ETN in dollars, not cents. Yes, dollars. And now you see why.


Here is a little something extra for the entire Electroneum community including those who disagree, gave up or lost faith in this coin/project, it is not too late to get back in the game you know! To all of the die hard fans and supporters out there, youtubers, ETN Telegram Channels KQ, The Army, Knights, ETN Main, ETN Business, ETN Price, Discords and Reddit Channels/Teams. To all the admins keeping the peace on reddit and telegram moderating the content and putting up with a lot of nonsense and assisting the ones who needed their help. To all and any individuals that had contributed in any way what so ever directly or indirectly, if you are sitting on the sidelines but wish to get involved then  join we are looking forward to working with you. To the Electroneum Media and Dev Teams who worked through all the fud, hate, manipulation and the name calling. Finally, to the ETN Executive Team Mr. Ells & Mr. Gorman for slaving 100+ hours a week and delivering on their promises. 

Thank you all for a Job Well Done or as we like to say: Bravo Zulu (BZ)! The short video below was made just for you. 


Fud Eater - Video  


I hope price will be increase

I think the coin will reach .01 dollars by this december,what do you think@hphabib ?

200+ votes on this article already and only $0.16 cents.....WTF! Oh and my Promoted article (just below yours) hasn't gotten anything so guess Steemit is DEAD today!

Most do not understand Steemit. They think that if they vote up an article or commentary, that harm their own power. In fact, every activity increases your visibility and that can lead to growth

in one years time, even a 10 years old child will know what electroneum is. electroneum will be in top 3 coin. BTC-ETH-ETN

I am will be very happy when the Electroneum is in top 10 - from there there is no stopping it.

If I look at the current development, then your optimism is not justified :-).Ultimately does not win the best, but what the market considers to be the best.

@hennessy unfortunately it will take 2-3 years my friend....its way far because there is lot of competition going on in the market....

electroneum has no competition....there is no coin that gives you coins for free....there are many great coins out there but with different use than mass adoption.....smart contract, smart wallet, Dapp, DEX....but none of them are so easy to use and so easy to understand. ETN is the decentralized FIAT believe me.The decentralized USD.

like any coin, ETN success will depend on adoption, speed, development and decentralisation to protect against further attacks like road-bumps on the long road to price increase.

Thank youso much for this information

How to use mobile phone

Electroneum is a very great Coin, I wrote a small article on it before a week and the same day there was a big spike in Electroneum Price.
You can see this article here if you want

With all the achievements and news there is no stopping it anymore - it is like a train - just wait until the bulls come into the market.

That's very good news. Actually, I was about to drop my etn because I am very upset with it but after reading your post I can wait for more.
Thank you for sharing with us :)

you have some information about ETNX

The potential of Electroneum is obvious, so much people will love that crypto

Love it, im a Electroneum believer, i also did a post about it if you are interested to read.

I dont have enough vote power now but i will give you as soon as i have in next days, i will keep your post on tab bars.

Who did that video? You?

All the best mister !

Yes I did - thanks

Great one, short and on purpose. Well done!!!

Brother, its good to know that you too are holding @electroneum but kindly keep posting latest news regarding @electroneum because I am getting little depressed with the decreasing price since its launch it has decreased almost 90% which is alarming.

Yes, i am still holding big amount of Electroneum, also i am scared a bit with this low price but i believe after september this year, the market will go up little by little. My business is to keep the coins on long term, minimum 2 years.

This was a brilliant move and no one had seen it coming....nice