Parliamentary election in germany

in #elections3 years ago

This is the english version.
German version - comming soon

On sunday (09/24/21) in germany there are parliamentary elections to elect the new Bundestag and the new government.

Current polling

The current polling looks something like this:
24 9 21.JPG
As you can see the SPD (social party of germany) is leading polling.
Just a few weeks ago the CDU (christian democrats) were leading in polling and just a few more weeks ago the B'90/Grüne (greens) were leading.

Chancelor candidates

Every party that has the real possibility to win the election put a chancelor candidate in the race who should be leading germany in the case of winning.
These candidates are:
Annalena Baerbock (greens)
Olaf Scholz (SPD)
Armin Laschet (CDU)

In current polling on the wishes of the germans who should get chancelor just Olaf Scholz seems to be wished as chancelor as Armin Laschet had made major failiures in the last few weeks and Annalena Baerbock had smaller scandels as well. Just Olaf Scholz had no real scandels in the last few weeks.


The greens obviosly want stronger efforts against climate change while the AfD (alternative for germany) doesnt believe in man made climate change. The FPD (free democrats) see climate change as a major threat to the planet but wants to give the economy more freedom to get inovative themselfs and find solutions solely economy based. The SPD and CDU just want to stick to prior set goals like exeting coal in 2038 and dont want any further restrictions. Die Linke (The left) wants to exit coal in 2030 already as its necesarry to reach set climate goals (1.5°C|2.0°C) and thus safe the climate.