The significance of the Eid al-Adha and the history of sacrifice.

in #eid7 years ago

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The law of sacrifice was present in all the Shari'ah provided by Allah. The ancient history of the ancient human or religion is so ancient that the history of Kurbani is. This great sign, Allah's sacrifice of sacrifice, was effective in all the Shari'ah provided by Allah to mankind. All the Prophets had to sacrifice themselves. It was an essential part of the worship of every Ummah. This provision of Goddesses has been effective since the beginning of the human race.
The lengthy history of human civilization gives evidence that all the nations and communities of the world devote some of their favorite objects to Allah's court. This is the eternal nature of man or Fatrat.

The purpose and purpose of the sacrifice

In reality, the sacrifice has three fundamental and great objectives.

  1. By accepting the supremacy and superiority of Allah, the Muslims of the whole world are only for the sake of Allah, in His name, and His messenger sacrificed in the manner displayed. Through all this, they testify that Allah is One, there is no partner with Him, He alone is the master of the supreme sovereignty. The law of anyone else can not be obeyed without him. The rule of his rule is the key to salvation and his satisfaction is the key to salvation.
  2. Accepting the ownership of Allah Allah. That is, the Creator of all the world, Allah Taala. He has given us life and wealth in favor. He is the real owner of our life and property. He has deposited this life and wealth with us. I can not be unconvinced about their expenditure and management. According to the will and satisfaction of the real owner, they will be managed and managed. According to his will and satisfaction I am ready to spend my life resources. As a result of this preparation, he sacrificed animals in his name. As the animal flows from his neck with animal slaughter, I am devoted to God's satisfaction in order to provide the pure blood of my chest in his way.
  3. Grateful for the blessings of Allah. That is, the blessings of Allah are the blessings given to me. He alone is blessed with his own grace. I am sacrificing this wealth in the name of Him, thanks to His unlimited grace. I am truly grateful to him that my sacrifice is my sign of it.

The Sunni method for the holy sacrifice

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The head of the Holy Kedar should be placed on the south side and the west on the west, and by climbing towards the qibla, it has to be pressed from the east and then to be sacrificed. And when you are sacrificed, you have to be careful that it is slaughtered in the middle of the chain and the middle of the throat. It is also worth mentioning that there are four veins in the throat, two in the mouth of the throat, two gutters and trachea, and two blood vessels in both sides. Of these four, one must be cut between the gutters, trachea and two blood vessels. That is, three of the four veins must be cut, otherwise the sacrifice will not be done. If possible, you should keep an eye on the odd number while running a knife. Keep the heads of the holy sacristy towards the south and the west on the west, and by climbing towards the Qibla, you have to climb from the east and then make sacrifices. And when you are sacrificed, you have to be careful that it is slaughtered in the middle of the chain and the middle of the throat. It is also worth mentioning that there are four veins in the throat, two in the mouth of the throat, two gutters and trachea, and two blood vessels in both sides. Of these four, one must be cut between the gutters, trachea and two blood vessels. That is, three of the four veins must be cut, otherwise the sacrifice will not be done. If possible, keep an eye on the odd number while running a knife.

The intention of the sacrifice: (before sacrificing)

انى وجهت وجهى للذى فطر السموت والارض حنيفا وما من المشركين ان صلاتى ونسكى ومحياى ومماتى لله رب العلمين لا شريك له وبذلك امرت وانا من المسلمين. اللهم منك ولك
This sacrifice will be done after slaughtering-

اللهم تقبله منى كما تقبلت من حبيبك سيدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وخليلك سيدنا حضرت ابراهيم
عليه ال

Hood selection:

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It is permissible to sacrifice cattle, cattle, sheep, sheep, cow, bull, bullock, buffalo, camel, etc. of these types of livestock. Other than those other animals, the sacrifice is not permissible.

The age of the animal sacrifice is related
(A) Beggars, senders, khasih, sheep, sheep, and less than two years of age should be full. If the age is low, but it is very fresh, even if one year is left to the child, it does not seem to be smaller than that, then it is permissible by the person but it must be at least six months old. But the bakery should not be less than one year.
(B) Cows and buffaloes must be at least two years old.
(C) The camel should be at least five years old.

Which animals can be sacrificed:

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Animals can be sacrificed animals such as cows, goats, buffaloes, sheep, dumbas, camels etc. However, it should be noted that cow, buffalo must be at least two years. Must be goats, sheep, and doves for at least one year. The camel must be at least five years. If the six-month-old sheep is fatigued to see and it seems to be of one year old then the sacrifice is valid. -Hadea, Shami, Alamgiri
Whether it is sacrificed or not, it should be healthy and vigorous. Keeping in mind the choice of animals for sacrifice, this animal is being presented in the court of Allah. So the best animal gift should be given. If we send a gift to a high official on the world, then send the best and the best thing. Then why would not the good things sent to Allah be exalted.

Misti many other Eid days:

Eating my sweetie on the eighth day, eating equalizer, korma, polao, a lot of sweet food. My borifi samai is very dear.

Jamaat prayers on Eid days :

We all ate Eid prayers in the mosque. We sacrificed our beloved animals at home and we shared that meat in 3 parts. One-sided, one-off in Jamaate, one for themselves.

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ঈদ উপলক্ষে ঈদের মতোই একটা পোস্ট হয়েছে। আমার সকল ছাত্র/ছাত্রীদের মধ্যে তুমি একটু Extra-ordinary.

Thank you very much, sir. For me to make such a comment.

This eid is eaten fun meat

Right brother

thanks for sharing your blog🙂

Welcome makesushi

Eid mubarok. very good