Three Methods To Drop Your Ego, Contributed by Anonymous

in #ego7 years ago


If you're like me, you often miss your childhood and wish to go back there. We wish we could live it again and enjoy every single second of that age, but little do we ponder the reasons why we wish to relive it. What can we do to enjoy the same happiness even though we are now in adulthood?

It is true that you can't enjoy life in the same way like you used to in your childhood. However, you can get closer to those feelings. Have you ever tried to find them? Have you ever wondered why you are not able to enjoy the life?

I'd argue that it's because of your ego. As we grow older, we become more egoistic, which makes us dwell on the times when our feelings got hurt by people. We inject that negativity in our way of thinking.

When you were a child, you used to largely ignore the behavior of people and just enjoyed your life. You used to care less what others thought about you. All you cared about was the smile on your parent's face; that's why you used to look to do something positive. Now you lack those feelings because you've become more egoistic than you were in your childhood.

In order to enjoy your life, you'll have to drop your ego and see the bigger picture instead. Your ego limits your decisions and success. But how we can drop our ego? What should we do to drop that? In this article, we'll discuss a few of those ways.

1 - Learn to forgive people

Your ego limits your kindness and makes you think that "Oh, you've hurt me, I won't forgive you." Actually, you are largely hurt because of your ego. Someone's mistake might not be a big deal, but it appears significant to you just because of your frame of mind.

When you forgive the people in your life, you open the room for happiness, and the negativity can more easily escape. You start to admit that mistakes are always forgivable. You'll recognize when someone at least tried to do something for you, and it doesn't matter much if they failed or mistakenly chose a wrong way.


2 - Admit that you are enough for yourself!

Egoistic people believe that the world should admire their actions and should bow down to them. People shall not disagree with them because "I've completed their Ph.D. at Oxford University." They may be rich and expect people to look up to them, just because they are wealthy.

When you admit that you are enough for yourself then it will keep you happy. You'll dwell less on the feats of others. You won't care that they're more educated or wealthier than you.

You'll care less about what people think of and say about you. Being kind and responsive will lead to positiveness not only in yourself but also in people around you. They'll admire you for that and will be more likely to make you a bigger part of their life.

3 - Be thankful!


This is very important. If your company is having success, be thankful towards your employees who have done well in their jobs. Don't fall in the trap of thinking its success is because of you and only you.

Instead of solely focusing on the successes, take your time to thank all of the employees and give them some kind of treat. Your thankfulness will reverberate throughout the company. Your employees will be happier and your clients will begin to notice. Thankfulness has a way of increasing the number of blessings you're enjoying, whereas thanklessness only limits the blessings. Even if you're like most of us and aren't an employer, always be thankful.

After practicing these points, I think you'll find that your ego level has dropped completely or to a much lower level. Though it is easier said than done, if you successfully practice them, it'll be beneficial for you.


I don't really wish to go back to my childhood. However, I wish I could go back a few years - say about 10 years and re-make some of the choices I made.

Most of the choices progresses in results or further choices which are all affectingbhow I enjoy life right now.

You wouldn't be the same if it weren't for the choices you made. Time is now and what you do now matters the most. Everything is possible if you allow yourself to believe it!

This is very true and am so impress by the answer you gave. Some times we want to regret certain things that happened in our lives but we could not have gotten to where we are today if it wasn't for those bad decisions. You made this post? I love it.

My dear so many times we have regretted our actions and want to go back in time to make things right, but believe me we can only pray to move forward and not backward. Am sure if you were to go back in time to make changes you would still feel you made some mistakes too after you must have come back to the future.

Am just saying that what ever choice we made couldn't have been any better, If it were not for them, I wonder where we would have been by now. So we need to think ahead and not go back, because it can only get better. Stay awesome dear one.

Childhood is the most fun, almost non-existent. All goes just for pleasure. The three things you mentioned should be tried if you want to succeed in restoring happiness ...

You're still a child deep inside and it doesn't matter how many loops around the sun you've experienced. Embrace what is in you. Love the moment.

How can one do this? I wish I could go back in time a little. But there's so much staring at one in the face which makes it hard. Lol

Hehe. Microdosing of psychedelics helps me ground with myself and my feelings.
Also, not looking at the clock and writing a lot is what brings me my childhood back.

I love this post and would really want encourage the writer. Ego is something that is naturally in every man, but the ability to suppress it is gold. Everyone has got it, sometimes one can not help it, jbut all the same to live a happy and not tangle oneself with toxicity, one has to actually let it go and embrace happiness.

Although people take letting go of your ego for peace as weakness and stupidity. I think in this case one should strive to be enough for self just like you rightly mentioned in the post.