The Master Chef (Efed Story)

in #efedding5 years ago

The Chef Signature 2.jpg


L A. U N D E R G R O U N D P R E S E N T S

D E C E M B E R 3 0 T H, 2 0 1 8

A couple of irate commuters put their feelings aside to help Jeff Johnson get up, the old man now completely battered and exhausted. They sit him on the wing of a stopped Mustang close by to catch his breath...but from nowhere comes Anthony Craig, furious that his limelight was stolen! He pushes aside the drivers and ducks a hard right from a surprised Jeff Johnson to lock in a German suplex, and slams him right onto the hood of the baby blue Mustang!...and another! ...and another!! Three German suplexes onto the hood of a stopped Mustang, oh the damages will be astronomical! The driver gets out in a rage but one furious glance from Craig quickly shuts him up. Some words are exchanged and Craig walks to Johnson’s limp body and puts a boot on his chest, before the driver gets down on the street and counts...1, 2, 3.

FRED 2.0: Er, does that count? Is that right?

Mr. Chrome: Umm, I mean I guess he did just pin him, but as they were not in a match together I don’t know if this counts...but, there you have it. Anthony Craig just destroyed both Eddie Suede AND Jeff Johnson! The Chef means business...if you can smellllllll-

FRED 2.0: No.

Mr. Chrome: ...OK.

Later that Night...

Somewhere in LA, we cut to find Anthony Craig being attended by medics, bandaging up his various scrapes and scratches. He sits on the back door ledge of an ambulance, looking tired and frustrated. A pair of shoes walks into his line of sight, expensive heels that catch his eye. He follows them upwards to their owner...Samara Black.

Black: Nice work tonight Mr. Craig, I gotta say I was very impressed with all you did. You put on one heck of a show.

Craig: Hmph, and for what. To say I won against the Ladykiller? A pint-sized womanizer? Or that old man Johnson, the ‘Living Legend’...hah! Another loser.

Black: You’d got power, determination, gall...I think you shouldn’t be focusing on these small fries anymore. I think it’s time you set your sights on something bigger.

Craig: Bigger? Are you thinking about the main event? Or maybe bigger matches?

Black reaches into her purses and rummages around for a second, before pulling out a cell phone and dialing a number. She calls someone, says two quick words and hands it over to Anthony Craig. He has a quick, brief discussion with whoever is on the other side.

Craig: Yeah?...oh, hello sir-...seriously? But I don’t...OK...yeah, I can-...OK, sir...Yes. Yes, I will.

The phone goes dead and Samara Black takes it back.

Black: So?

Craig: That was Mr. Ziegler...he wants me...he thinks I should go for...the X*Crown...

Black: And what about you? What do you think?

The Chef looks at her for a moment, not sure what to say but then a sly evil look crosses his face. Samara Black smirks and turns to leave.

Black: See you at Supremacy Mr. Craig...bring that X*Crown home for the Underground…

She walks away, leaving the LA: U’s X*Crown entry sitting on the ambulance ledge, an evil mastermind look on his face…

Fade out.


Anthony Craig hustling around the kitchen of his five-star restaurant as he prepares for a busy evening as usual. He has come up with a new recipe for the evening's special and will be introducing it tonight to the world. As he was fighting the other night at LA: U's MIDNIGHT RIOT he was thinking of a delicious new dish. After his match when he found out that he would be heading to Supremacy to represent LA: U for the Xcrown championship it came to him exactly what he needs to complete his dish. So this evening he unveils it.

A few waiters and waitresses can be seen coming in and out of the kitchen as they set up the dining area for the evening festivities. The Bartender quickly rushes into the kitchen where Anthony Craig is in the middle of basting his Prime Rib, in his homemade Spicy five pepper au jus almost causing him to drop the whole thing. As the Bartender trips and bumps into the Chef. Anthony Craig stares at the Bartender with a look of solid Icey Intensity.

The Bartender: I am so sorry Chef Craig I did not mean to bump into you, just thought you would like to know there is a huge crowd outside wanting to speak with you.

The Chef: Let me tell you something I do not take kindly to those who cause me to waste any of my creations and you almost caused me to waste a full three days worth of work. You are especially lucky today as I am in a pretty good mood since I was named the LA: U representative for the biggest prize in the professional wrestling world the Xcrown championship.

The Bartender: That's what I am trying to tell you, Chef, these people look like either wrestling fans or reporters and they want to speak with you.

The Chef: Then go out there and let them know I am currently busy and will speak with them when I have time, now scurry away. I have a meal to prep for tonight's guest.

The Bartender nods his head as he hurries away as he heads straight for the crowd of people outside. Anthony Craig continues basting his Prime Rib as he lets a slight smile come across his face. He heads into the walk-in cooler grabbing a bunch of fresh vegetables, carrots, corn, potatoes, Celery, and a couple of others such as Sweet Vidalia onions and fresh parsley, a little fresh Garlic. he dices, slices and minces the vegetables until they are all prepped for the evening.

About forty-five minutes have gone by since the Bartender came in and told Anthony Craig he was wanted outside. He finally has gotten to a point he can step away from the kitchen for a few minutes. He walks over to the sink washes his hands and as he dries them he lets the Sioux Chefs know that he will be out front for a couple of minutes or so and to continue working and if they need him to let him know. He drops the towel on the counter as he walks out of the kitchen door and heads out to the front of the building where a massive crowd awaits him.

The Chef: I hear you all would like to speak to "The Chef"!

The crowd all begin to yell out questions all at once as if the President himself was there or a massive rock star. You can hear them yelling "What's your thoughts on the upcoming Xcrown Match?", and things like "Will you be the next Xcrown Champion?". Anthony Craig stands there listening for a moment or two as he basks in the glory that is his newest recipe for success. The local news channel pulls up in their News Van, as they sling the doors open and rush to start a live segment for the evening news.

Anthony Craig watches and waits for them to get into place before he begins speaking. As he isn't one who likes to repeat himself. The news reporter steps up about three feet away from Anthony Craig and begins to ask questions as if she was the only one there or the most important person there.

News Reporter: Chef Craig, let me begin by congratulating you on such a successful match the other night, also congratulations on being named 2018's Restaurant of the year by People magazine quite an honor. So let us get to the main topic, what are your plans for this year?

The Chef: First, off let us start with tonight where I will be debuting my newest creation, my newest original recipe.

News Reporter: ...And what would that be?

The Chef: Well just like everyone else you will have to come and dine in and order it to find out, but let me say this it's well worth the $57 you pay for it. After that my plans are simple I have an incredible opportunity coming up at the XHF Networks yearly pay per view Supremacy. Where I will be representing the wrestling company I work for LA: U in the main event for the coveted championship in the world the Xcrown World championship.

Flashes from cameras are going off like the fourth of July as reporters are all trying to listen and get their questions answered.

The Chef: You see I am a man with a master plan, I guess you could call me "The Master Chef" as I always have a recipe for everything and this match will be no different.

News Reporter: So what's this master plan Chef Craig? Will it help you win or even become successful this year?

The Chef: There's no need to worry about my recipe as always it will be Five-Star quality. Also, did you really need to ask if it will work? I am always successful and this match, this year will be no different. I will start off the year unveiling the greatest recipe this country has seen tonight. Then I will head to Supremacy where I will show the world why I am the Master Chef as I claim the Xcrown championship for LA: U.

Everyone starts to chatter amongst themselves as they hear what Anthony Craig is saying. The local news reporter steps a little closer to "The Chef" as she prepares for her next hard-hitting question.

News Reporter: Chef Craig, this match coming up for the Xcrown title, won't you be facing several opponents from other companies? The top guys in each company or at least top tier guys.

The Chef: Of course, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If you want to be known as the best, if you want a Five-Star rating you have to face the best, you have to face Five-Star athletes. That's what I want and that is what I'm getting at Supremacy. When I face the likes of the Xcrown Champion Bobby Barrat, a man who has continually defied this business and taken everything he has ever wanted.

The local news reporter starts to swoon at the sound of Bobby Barrat's name, she catches herself and makes sure she still looks professional as she remembers she is still live for thousands if not millions to see.

The Chef: You think it ends with him, no it doesn't I will face the likes of Raiden Ishimori a man who comes from the land I was trained in, most likely fought the same people that I did over there or even fought or trained with my trainers, the masters of the business. So this will not be easy and I wouldn't want it any other way.

The Chef: Then we have the President Curtis Kanyon a man who is a legend in the business of professional wrestling. That alone says it all about him, do you not agree?

News Reporter: Let me interrupt you for a moment them three alone are a tough task if not an impossible one. Are you sure you have a good enough recipe to beat them, Chef Craig?

Anthony Craig looks at her, then he steps down a little to where he is face to face with her and close enough to kiss her if he wanted. He pauses a moment as he grins a Five-Star smile at her and slowly speaks.

The Chef: Nothings impossible Ms. when you have "The Master Chef" creating the recipe. Now back to what I was saying we also have a man named Chris Parsons, don't know much about him but for him to be in this match he is probably a tough opponent. Then there's the mystery opponent still to be announced coming from the land of the rising sun and Sakura Shoujo Stampede.

You can hear the crowd begin to chant SSS, as Anthony Craig speaks, a few of the other reporters are still trying to get questions answered as they try to scream above the crowd.

News Reporter: Doesn't having two guys that you know nothing about making it extremely hard to prepare for the match?

The Chef: Not at all, it's like being on the show Chopped, you work with what's given to you and if you are good enough you can create a masterpiece from any ingredient given to you at the last minute. I can tell you this I didn't get where I am without being a great chef.

The Chef: Allow me to finish with the last opponent I will face in this match a giant called Big Drag, you know what they say the bigger they are...

A fan runs over interrupting Anthony Craig.

Fan: The harder they fall!

The Chef: No, are you an idiot, the bigger they are the harder they hit you. Damn, I thought these were wrestling fans. You see I do not plan on getting anywhere he can hit me. I am not stupid it doesn't take skill to knock someone out or beat them when you are that big. All it takes is a lucky shot and I have a recipe ready for him.

The Chef: Now, let me ask you a question, do you think Bobby Barrat the current Xcrown Champion, the current XHF Global tag team champion will actually end the night with his hand raised and holding that Xcrown championship?

News Reporter begins to swoon over the mere mention of "The Icon" Bobby Barrat's name once again.

News Reporter: Well yeah I do. No offense but he is one of the greatest if not the greatest to come into this business since the likes of Rob Arnold, MGK or even Harold Campbell.

The Chef: No offense taken I guarantee that almost 100% of these fans will choose him but the recipe calls for a different ingredient, one that isn't going bad, Bobby Barrat's shelf life has come to an end it's expired. I will walk away with another masterpiece at Supremacy.

The Chef: I wish you a good day as I need to get back to work as I have a Five-Star meal to finish preparing.

Anthony Craig smiles and waves to the crowd as he turns and walks away heading back into the restaurant. Before he walks in the door he turns around and shouts...

The Chef: Stick to the Recipe and that's coming from "The Master Chef"!

Anthony Craig flashes his Five-Star smile and heads through the door.


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