CHAPTER 9: WAR (PT 2/3) (OCW VOL. 1 - ACT 2)

in #efed5 years ago


[Backstage, Blood Angels are seen walking away with many other members of the roster keeping their distance. The camera soon focuses on The Entourage members Val and Sakura as they meet up with Ricardo. Ricardo bushes his mustache a bit and then looks at the camera with a mic in hand.]

Ricardo: This is Ricardo, best announcer ever! I am here with Entourage and very glad to be a little person right now.

[It takes a moment, but the two girls realize he’s looking up their skirts. They back away.]

Val & Sakura: HEY!!

Ricardo: Sorry, I had to.

Sakura: Well we are the best looking girls here.

Val: Damn straight girl! We have standards though.

[Val and Sakura laugh]

Ricardo: Okay, I deserve that one. Now I need to ask you two girls something important.

Val: Bring it!

Ricardo: Is brought, what is the status of Traci?

[A moment of silence and the two girls look at each other soon after. They then look at Ricardo.]

Val & Sakura: Who?

Ricardo: She was a member of your group, right?

Val: Oh her, look, we took her on and we did that as a charity. You see, we are very caring people and we felt bad for her being such a loser.

[Sakura nods in agreement.]

Sakura: She had one job: get the Vixens Title. Instead, she got a concussion.

Val: Yeah, I mean, boohoo. People get hurt all the time and you don’t hear them complaining. So whatever, we have better things to do than dealing with someone who isn’t even worthy of our time. Now check this out.

[Brent and Chelsea Banks show up.]

Brent: Hey, what’s up? I’m Brent Banks and I’m Val’s man.

Val: Damn right, now we need to find that brass ring so my Brent here can have the shot he deserves.

Ricardo: Didn’t he walk out on his qualifying match?

Chelsea: Excuse me? We were treated unfairly and then expected to perform. That’s wrong and we deserve that spot. O-M-G, girls, the OCW Title could be with The Entourage.

[Val and Sakura gasp]

Val: Brent baby, who is this? I want her in our team.

Brent: She’s my sister.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Val: Wow, if you’re half as impressive as your brother is, you can stay with us forever.

[Sakura points Val over to Ricardo. Val looks at Ricardo, looks at Sakura, and shrugs before walking away with Brent and Chelsea.]

Sakura: You can go now. We’re busy owning it.

[Sakura walks off as Ricardo sighs.]

Ricardo: Bitches these days.

[Ricardo walks off. Back at ringside, Fox sounds the air horn. The camera focuses on her.]

Fox: Hi. I’ll be taking over Lance’s duties for a bit. This next match will have a very special stipulation: a fatal four way Vixen tag match where the winner…decides the #1 entrant of the Vixens Lethal Lotto Match.

[Cheers can be heard.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh my God, really?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): That’s a big one! Imagine the advantages that choice can make.

Fox: So I will need eight names from the Vixen roster: Chelsea, Val, Sakura, Pink Princess, Jackie, Marie, Key and Lita.

[Big cheers for Key and Lita being mentioned]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Are we getting Lita vs. Key early? Awesome!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Well it’s a tag team type of match.

[All 8 girls walk out with TAS just playing a power ballad with no lyrics, but sounding very mellow. The three girls of Entourage are talking to each other while Brent Banks is seen following them. Marie and Jackie are next to each other and Key while Lita stays alone. Pink Princess is the first to get in the ring as she hops over the top rope with ease and Lita slides under the ropes to get in. the remaining six stay outside the ring and discuss strategy.]

Fox (OFF SCREEN): Oh, did I forget to mention the teams? Yeah, just partner up with whoever you can partner up with. Hurry up.

[Fox sounds her air horn to signal the girls all need to partner up. It doesn’t take long before each corner of the ring has two girls there.]

Vixen’s 4-way Tag Match
Key/Chelsea vs. Lita Walters/Pink Princess vs. Val/Sakura vs. Jackie/Marie

[The bell rings and Chelsea is celebrating already with Key as her partner.]

Chelsea: We’re winning this one!

Val: May the best bitch win!

Brent: Yeah!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): The Entourage is already making their presence known. To think they’ve hardly even been in the ring for a single minute.

[The four legal vixens are Lita, Key, Sakura and Marie. The viewers are cheering already.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): It is happening! Lita is finally going to fight Key!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): There are two others in the ring Larry.

[Val starts stretching and talking to Sakura while Key and Lita stare down. Marie is unsure what to do and just charges right in toward Sakura. Sakura dodges and VAL GETS A RUNNING FOREARM FROM MARIE!! Val holds onto the rope to stay on the apron. Cheers can be heard. Sakura comes in with a roundhouse kick to the back of Marie. Marie leans against the corner and Sakura comes in with some knee strikes to the ribs of Marie.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Sakura is vicious, but we have a Lethal Lotto preview here.

[Lita and Key walk to the center of the ring and Key motions for a test of strength by raising her hand in an almost reaching manner. Lita has a determined look on her face as her eyes dart between Key’s face and Key’s hand. Slowly, Lita reaches out to Key’s hand. Key goes to grab Lita’s hand and LITA TWISTS KEY’S MIDDLE FINGER! Key yells in pain and it looks like Lita may have broken Key’s middle finger.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh my God!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): I did not see that coming.

[Key connects with a kick to the stomach of Lita. Lita buckles over and backs away as Key follows her]

Key: You think you’re on my level? My level?

[Key connects with a slap clean across the face of Lita. Lita leans on the ropes, bounces and comes back with a knife edge chop across the chest of Key. Key goes low and grabs Lita by the waist for a takedown. Lita falls onto her back while holding onto Key’s torso. Sakura with a drop toe hold takedown on Marie, making Marie fall onto her stomach and Sakura tags in Val. Lita and Key are grappling on the mat with no clear lead.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): These two need to focus. Val and Sakura could easily steal a victory here.

[Val sits Marie up and applies a seated chin lock. Lita and Key roll around a bit while each tries to apply a variety of submissions until finally Lita kicks Key off of her.]

Key: That all you got? This is nothing!

[Some cheers can be heard.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Key clearly does not want to fight Lita. Key has on many occasions stated that Lita is not a honorable champion and not worth the time for a fight. Lita, however, loves competition and wants to get the biggest challenge possible.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, Lita is chasing key and Key wants no part of her; except the Vixen’s Title anyway.

[Lita gets up and gets up close to Key, getting nose to nose with Key. Key pushes Lita back and Lita pushes Key right back. Val tosses Marie’s head against the mat and connects with an elbow drop. Val goes for the pin.]


[Marie kicks out and Jackie cheers her partner on. Val shrugs it off and brushes her own hair back by hand.]

Lita: I’m not done until one of us is dead.

[An official runs to the ring and motions to get Lita’s attention. Lita is cautious of Key possibly attacking her from behind. Key backs off and grabs onto the ropes to show she isn’t going to try anything. Lita then slides under the ropes to speak with the official.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): This is unusual, officials never interrupt a fight.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Must be important.

[Lita looks worried and follows the official to the backstage area. Pink Princess is dumbfounded as she watches Lita leave.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): She’s leaving?

[Key shrugs and tags in Chelsea. Chelsea enters the ring and starts stomping on Marie right away.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): She didn’t even bother tagging out. Does that mean what I think it means?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Rules are rules, unless Fox or Tom has anything to say about it. Pink Princess might as well leave as well; she can’t be a legal member without being tagged in.

[Key cheers on everyone in the ring while Jackie has gone silent. Chelsea is talking to Val about something, Val apparently likes when she’s hearing as she smiles wide. Val gets Marie up and BILLION DOLLAR BITCH SLAP (spinning back fist) BY CHELSEA ONTO MARIE!! Val catches Marie from behind after the impact and sets Marie up for FASHION SUICIDE!! Val has Marie all set up and begins to blow kisses all around.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): I don’t see Marie getting up from this.

[FASHION SUICIDE (front flip pile driver) CONNECTS!! Val goes for the pin while Chelsea celebrates with Sakura and Brent.]


[The bell rings and TAS starts playing a techno remix of their song “Born to Burn”]

Fox (OFF SCREEN): The winner of the match: VAL & SAKURA!!

[Boos can be heard as Val blows kisses to everyone watching. Key gives Pink Princess an all-knowing type of look as Pink heads to the back looking very upset. Sakura gets a mic and hands it to Val.]

Val: Thanks Saki and big thanks to Chelsea, our new number three.

Chelsea: That’s right! I’m on the winning team.

Brent: Just like her awesome brother.

[Val laughs as she walks around the ring. Jackie is seen helping Marie out of the ring.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Val needs a moment to think here.

Val: Shut it Billy, I’m trying to decide who I want to get beaten down the most.

[Key is seen helping Jackie and Marie to the back. Val looks up to the rafters and soon right back to Fox.]

Fox (OFF SCREEN): Take your time.

Val: No I know who I want to be the first girl in here. Oh I know exactly who I want there. PINK PRINCESS CAN BE NUMBER ONE!!

[Cheers and boos can be heard.]

Fox (OFF SCREEN): Are you sure?

Val: Oh yeah, I was thinking about making the “British bitch” Selene Drake number one. However, then I realized she couldn’t even compete tonight due to getting a little…surgery.

Fox (OFF SCREEN): Val, that’s personal stuff.

Val: Hey I got my boobs done too, I’ll tell anyone. I mean I paid enough for them to look this amazing, I’m sure-

Fox (OFF SCREEN): Stop it now or I’m cutting your mic.

[Val takes a moment, rolls her eyes and drops the mic. Val, Sakura, Chelsea and Brent all head to the back.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): I should get an eyeful of Selene when she comes back.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I’m curious what she looks like now too.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Guys! Fox just said

Julius & LSD (OFF SCREEN): Okay!

[In the parking lot, an ambulance is being loaded. A very upset Lita Walters is seen entering the vehicle along with her brother John, who is the one being loaded into it on a stretcher. The doors shut and the ambulance drives off. Passing by it is a motorcycle with SULLY SPHINX RIDING IT!! Sully parks it and hops off to signal Ricardo to come over. Ricardo walks over and Sully Lifts Ricardo up and onto the bike!]

Sully: You like that?

Ricardo: Oh this is cool. I like this.

Sully: Yeah, I drive a few laps around this place to clear my head; it helps.

Ricardo: Si. So are you ready for your match tonight?

Sully: What match? Nobody tells me anything around here. Kristy didn’t text me, Tom didn’t call me and I can’t afford to get a TV installed on that bike. Where would I put it anyway? Exactly, now, what’s that thing you were talking about and who am I taking down?

Ricardo: Marvin and Black Mask.

[Sully nods.]

Sully: Tag match?

Ricardo: Si.

Sully: Cool, the team of me and Tom can take them on.

[Sully starts walking away. Ricardo struggles to get off the bike and ends up hopping off of it. Ricardo runs to Sully.]

Ricardo: Wait, you aren’t fighting with the boss.

Sully: Why not? It’s always fun wrestling with Marvin. You’d think he’d be down for wrestling his brother. I would wrestle my friends all the time and…wait…that was Tom and he went to the ER afterwards. That’s my bad.

Ricardo: Your partner is Genuin.

[Sully suddenly goes silent. Sully wait a few moments, picks at the inside of his eardrum and gets closer to Ricardo.]

Sully: Can you please say that in my good ear. I thought you just said I’m teamed with Genuin.

Ricardo: Si.

[Sully nods and stands up. He’s being silent for a while until…he starts laughing out loud.]

Sully: Oh man, you try holding a laugh like that. Oh freaking hell, I’m going to enjoy this one.

[Sully is still laughing as he enters the arena. The camera goes back to Fox as she and her intern Tomoko jam out to the band’s music.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): We will keep you updated on John Walters. I have no idea what happened.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): We got so much just now. We got vixen action, boobs, an injury or something and now we have another fight.

[The bell rings to signal the next fight.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): This next match is a Lethal Lotto qualifying match!

[Cheers can be heard as everyone looks to see who the first person to come out is. A gong is heard and the cheers and boos start at the same time.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): No way!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): He didn’t win his first match, but here comes his second chance.

[Chun Lo emerges from the back without Masa, Kai or even his robe. Chun looks angry.]

Lance: Our first chosen combatant: CHUN LO!!

[Chun Lo Raises his arms in the air upon mention of his name.]

Chun Lo: NAN DE SCA!!!

[Country music starts playing and TED THOMAS shows up, looking like he’s all warmed up and ready to go as he runs to the ring.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Oh there we go!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Two guys doing double duty.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): It happens with rules like that. Let’s hope Ted is ready to go.

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Chun Lo’s partner: TED THOMAS!!

[Ted hops over the top rope and goes to give Chun a high five. Chun is too busy stretching to care what Ted has to say or anything.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Last week we had Marvin and Black mask qualifying, we have eight spots left to fill!

[“Blood” starts playing and Ted does a full double take as KONWAY emerges from the back.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Representing Blood Angels, he is the OCW Xtreme Champion, KONWAY!!

[Ted looks mad as Konway walks to the ring holding the title belt up high.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Okay, I’ve read the rules about the Xtreme Title, so can Konway lose the belt if he’s pinned? He already defended it earlier.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): L here makes a good point. Ted could take that belt after all.

Leon (OFF SCREEN): WOO! No intro needed Lance!

[The camera shows LEON jogging to the ring.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Double time all around!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Hope they get overtime for this one.

[Leon gets to the ring as Konway enters the ring first. Ted is telling Chun that he wants to be in first, but Chun is either ignoring him or doesn’t understand a word Ted is saying.]

Lethal Lotto Qualifying Match
Ted Thomas/Chun Lo vs. Leon/Konway

[The bell rings and the legal men are Chun Lo and Konway. Ted is telling Chun that he wants in first. Chun ends up yelling right into Ted’s face and Ted goes to his corner.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): You don’t need to speak English or whatever Chun speaks to know what that meant.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, he said, “Get the hell away from me before I tear you apart.”

[Chun squats down while Konway seems to be getting a good look at Chun Lo to size him up.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Konway has gone from having a lot of weight to fighting a super heavyweight.

[Chun charges after Konway. Konway jumps back to evade and tags Leon. Leon is in awe as Konway gets out of the ring and stays on the apron.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Smart move?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I guess if he wants to save his own life.

Konway: Come on Leon! Have some faith! Praise him!

[Leon is still in awe as he slowly enters the ring. Leon and Chun stare down. Leon throws a few punches to the body of Chun Lo and Chun appears to be absorbing the damage like it is nothing. Chun goes for a knee to the stomach of Leon, but Leon blocks it and goes for a front dropkick that connects, but hardly moves Chun at all. Leon gets right back up, backs into the rope, and charges into a sumo-style push that MAKES LEON GO AIRBORNE A LITTLE!!]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Oh damn! You see that? Billy, use your nerd powers to help me understand this.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Chun Lo is a trained sumo wrestler. Sumo-style is all about using your weight to do what you just saw.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): So this fat thing is actually a tank or some kind of juggernaut wrestler? How the hell can anyone beat this guy?

[Leon charges in. It’s fruitless as Chun counters with a chest bump that sends Leon on his back. Chun is already backing into the ropes; Chun with a senton drop!! Leon dodges it!! Cheers can be heard as Leon hops to his feet and starts stomping away at Chun’s fallen body.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): That’s how. Chun may be powerful and basically walking around with a bulletproof vest, but he can be beaten.

[Chun gets to his knees and head butts Leon in the stomach. Leon bends over as Chun grabs Leon’s whole body and tosses Leon like a bag of trash into the corner face-first. Leon tries to tag Konway, but he falls over in the process face-first.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): I felt that from here, can we get a replay.

[A slow motion replay is played to show Chun tossing Leon into the corner like he did.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): This is a very strong man.

Ted: HEY! Big guy! Take out Konway!

[Cheers can be heard, but Chun doesn’t seem to understand what Ted is asking him. Chun rolls Leon onto his back and drags Leon’s body into position.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Teddy is going to get his way, just not the way he wanted it.

[Chun climbs to the middle robe of the corner. Cheers are getting louder as Chun looks at everyone.]

Chun: NAN DES CA!!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What is he-

[Chun with a BIG SPLASH ONTO LEON!!]


[Many of the same viewers that were cheering suddenly go quiet as Chun goes for the pin.]


[The bell rings and Chun gets right up as the gong sounds once more.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): The winner of the match: CHUN LO AND TED THOMAS!!

[Chun Lo raises his arms in the air while Ted watches as Konway walks away.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Now there are four, but oh my God. Is Leon alive?

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Am I in his will? He has really good board games.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I am speechless right now.

[Ted shakes his head, but does enter the ring so the referee can raise Ted’s arm in the air.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): We got the main event after this, right?

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Twitter: @TL_Enigma