CHAPTER 8: WAR (PT 1/3) (OCW VOL. 1 - ACT 2)

in #efed5 years ago


[Doors open and shut left and right. The camera moves around the backstage area with various members of the active roster going about their own business until the camera finally stops in front of a closed door that says “TL Keith” in big letters. The door opens as we see Key and Fox sitting down with TL Keith.]

TL: Yeah, well we can’t just up and do that. It wouldn’t be right and we’ve already prepared everything.

Key: Seriously? Do I have to prove time and time again that the Vixen Title should just get a reboot?

TL: You can take it from the champion and do whatever you want afterwards.

Fox: I have to admit, we would save a lot of time if we just added Lita and Key into the Lethal Lotto Vixen match.

TL: We are not changing the plans, no way in he-

[Genuin suddenly bursts into the room wearing a brand new clearly expensive suit with multiple pieces of diamond encrusted jewelry around him along with the OCW Title over his shoulder. He looks at the three of them as they have all gone silent the second he walked in.]

Genuin: Tom, we agreed that I have full control over the main event tonight. I’m telling you, the GM and even the GM’s lapdog.

Key: Excuse me?

Genuin: The champ is talking. I’m letting you know that I want everyone to be ready.

Tom: What do you have in mind? This is for the guaranteed spot, right?

Genuin: Damn right, the Genuin Invitational will begin right now. Fox, where’s your intern? I need these copied and passed to everyone.

[Genuin hands Fox a piece of paper.]

I have two brass rings hidden in this arena. First guys to bring them in the ring can fight for the spot. This should be fun and that is how you start a show.

[Genuin is about to leave.]

TL: Hey Genuin.

Genuin: Hmm?

TL: Don’t forget the memo, you’re fighting tonight.

[Cheers can suddenly be heard as Genuin does a full double take.]

Genuin: What?

TL: Yeah, you’ll be fighting – in a tag team match – the two guys that qualified last War: Marvin Keith and the Black Mask.

Genuin: You can’t be serious.

TL: Oh I am and THAT’S how you start a show. Now get out of here and get ready, those two guys you’re facing are out for blood.

Genuin: Can I choose my partner? Don’t say it’s-

TL: Since you want literally anyone to be given a chance to be in the main event? I think Sully is the best choice for you.

[More cheers]


TL: I said go get ready!

[Genuin leaves the office and slams the door. Tom stares at the door, looking focused and soon shakes it off.]

Now what were we talking about?

[The cheers of the fans can be heard even louder as the camera switches to the ringside area! The high energy music of the group Tampa’s Asian Sisterhood is playing and the light show is all over the place.]

Lyrics [Chorus]
My-life-is-falling apart
My-life-is-falling apart
I don’t like it,
But I need it,
I wouldn’t change a thing

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of OCW War! I’m Billy Winn!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I’m Big Julius and LSD is right here with us.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): What’s up guys?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I can’t believe it Larry! We’ll be seeing Genuin and Sully
later tonight. They’ll be in the ring and in action.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): As a tag team no less. I’m psyched to see this go down! Sully and Marvin have always been great friends, but they know.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Know what?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Once you’re in the ring, you can’t be nice to each other. I expect Sully, Genuin, Marvin and the Black Mask to go all out tonight.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, Black Mask is in this. Can you imagine the momentum Black Mask could have going into Lethal Lotto if he pins Genuin?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I was thinking that same thing, I think that’s exactly what our Chairman was thinking when he made the match.

[Cheers can be heard as the General Manager, Fox, is seen in her balcony seating. She also holds up her air horn that she will use if she ever needs the people to drop everything and give her full attention. With her is also Key and Fox’s intern: Tomoko. The music goes down and begins to turn into a form of Dubstep. The bell rings a few
times to signal that the first match is ready to begin setup.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Our first match tonight is set for one fall and will be a six man tag team match!

[Cheers can be heard as the team of LEON, SIN and CHRISTOPHER MACK emerges from the back and cheers the viewers in an effort to get them even louder.]

Our first team, led by Christopher Mack representing the popular up-and-coming show: Backstage VIP, they are Sebastian Sin and Leon; they are VIP!!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Not a bad intro, but it looks like Lance here is a fan of VIP’s show.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): It’s a pretty good show, needs more girls though.

[Mack gives high fives to nearby fans while Sin and Leon run toward the ring and enter by sliding under the bottom ropes. Both members of VIP hop to the middle turnbuckle of an individual corner and clap to the sound of the music. Soon, most of the fans are clapping with them and the band appears very grateful of it.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): It’s great to see new stars being born and growing bright. That’s the way it should always be.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Then why are they opening?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Contrary to popular belief, being the first act doesn’t mean anything bad at all.

[The Dubstep music stops in favor of a loud gong that is heard again and again every few seconds. MASA and KAI of the Japanese Dream come from the back and each throws a handful of salt in the air before holding up their own personal, extra-large, Japanese flag and waving it in the air for all to see. Chun Lo can be seen behind them wearing a full white robe with the hood covering his face.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Their opponents, hailing from Japan and have specially asked for this match. Led by Chun Lo, we have Masa and Kai: THE JAPANESE DREAM!!

[Kai stops waving his flag and appears to be apologizing to Chun about something. Masa heads to the ring, walks around and grabs the mic from Lance’s hands.]

Masa: Stop the music!

[Music stops. VIP and Mack are now all in the ring and huddled up in a single corner.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Here we go! I remember this from last week’s War.

Masa: Chun Lo is our leader and the greatest warrior to grace an OCW ring, or any ring for that matter. From now on, you announce Chun Lo and not us! He is the feature of this event and no one else.

[Kai enters the ring and bends the ropes to help Chun enter easier. Masa hands the mic to Kai.]

Kai: Gentlemen! I give you the future OCW Champion and the soon to be winner of the Lethal Lotto match! I give you CHUN LO!!

[Chun removes the hood of his robe and raises his arms in the air. The viewers all boo at all three of them.]


Kai: Do not bother with these Americans, they

[Masa enters the ring and takes the mic from Kai.]

Masa: They aren’t saying “Boo” at all! They are saying “Lo” in honor of the honorable Chun Lo.

[Sin walks over and leans into the mic while looking right at Chun.]

Sin: I don’t know if you speak English, but I was saying “boo” at the-

[Chun removes the robe to reveal that Chun Lo is a very heavy man and wearing sumo attire with the large black sash and red shorts. Sin sees Chun’s look and Sin’s jaw drops. Sin holds his look while some viewers laugh.]

Masa: What is so funny?

[Leon goes to grab the mic while Sin continues to hold a pose. Sin drops the mic. Leon recovers and points at Chun]

Leon: Man, that’s a walking health hazard. Is this ring stable enough to even hold this guy?

[Masa slaps Leon across the face and Kai attacks Sin with a shoulder attack that sends Sin backing into the ropes.]

Six Man Tag Team Match
Chun Lo & Japanese Dream vs. Christopher Mack & VIP

[The bell rings and the starting legal men are Masa and Leon. Mack and Sin are already on the apron at their corner while Chun is for his corner. Kai and Masa are double teaming Leon with Masa holding Leon and Kai attacking Leon with punches to the side of Leon. The referee is trying to get order.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): That ref needs to do his job.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): These two are very dedicated to Chun Lo and didn’t take Leon’s words very well.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): No duh.

[Masa and Kai set Leon up for a double suplex, BUT LEON TURNS IT INTO A DOUBLE DDT!! Cheers are heard as Kai rolls out of the ring. Leon tags in Mack. Mack hops onto the top turnbuckle as Masa lay on his back. Mack drops from the top turnbuckle and FALLING HEADBUTT CONNECTS!!]

Billy & Julius (OFF SCREEN): Oooh!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Someone’s going home with a headache.

[Mack gets to his feet and gets Masa to stand up. Mack tags in Sin. Sin hops over the top rope, hops on the middle rope and SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK! Masa is knocked back and falls over. Chun is seen yelling at Masa in Japanese while Kai seems to be apologizing.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): These guys just keep apologizing to this guy.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, hope he’s good.

[Kai tags himself in while Sin is celebrating with Mack and Leon by dancing. Kai enters the ring and makes Sin turn around to face him. Kai attacks Sin with a kick to the stomach followed by a European uppercut. Sin holds his jaw as he leans against the ropes. Mack tags himself in while Kai whips Sin to the other side of the ring. Mack hops into the ring while Kai’s back is turned and grabs onto Kai’s legs. Sin charges in with the momentum of Kai’s Irish whip and JOHNNY WOO (Pounce Dropkick)!! Kai is launched back by the impact.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): He calls that “Johnny Woo”, but I’d call that “Johnny Wow”.

[Kai rolls out of the ring. Masa runs over to help Kai up. Mack runs to the ropes and SUICIDE DIVE ON BOTH MASA AND KAI!! All three are now down while VIP and Chun just watch. Mack slides back into the ring while the referee starts the count.]


Julius (OFF SCREEN): Is this it?


[Mack is surprised as the bell rings and the Dubstep music plays.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): They did it!

[VIP enters the ring to give Mack a big hug while Chun leaves the ring and heads to the back without Masa or Kai.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): The winner of the match as a result of a count-out: CHRISTOPHER MACK AND VIP!!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): We didn’t even get to see that guy fight.

[Leon claps to the beat of the music, prompting the viewers to do the same. Sin raises Mack’s arm in victory.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Imagine how much apologizing The Japanese Dream will be making later tonight.

[Camera focuses on the still unconscious Masa and Kai until the camera switches to the backstage area with Konway, Damien and Baal.]

Konway: Damien

Damien: Yes my child?

Konway: I feel worried about how we have been doing business lately.

[Damien looks at Baal and soon back to Konway.]

Damien: Whatever do you mean? If this is about our lack of action toward the last piece of gold, we will secure that once we have won Lethal Lotto.

Konway: No, I mean our most recent member: Zack.

[Damien is silent while he looks down, almost as if in prayer.]

Damien: Konway, Zack Tobias is a crucial point in our crusade.

Konway: He doesn’t care about the message, he cares only for himself.

Damien: He has great strength and a mind that we could utilize. He is chaotic, but chaos is like men just like Zack and are good for society.

[Konway looks confused as a nearby door bursts open. Zack comes in looking pissed off.]

Zack: HEY! What are you guys doing?

Konway: Getting ready for action.

Zack: Screw that! We need to find these brass rings that Genuin was talking about. That’s an easy entry into the Lethal Lotto match. One of us won’t need to qualify.

Damien: I was thinking about those brass rings.

Zack: Thinking? We need to do something.

Damien: We shall, however, a brass ring may not be what Genuin was referring to.

[Zack looks confused.]

Zack: What?

Damien: It could be a metaphor, he may want to find someone that truly stands out and deserves the spot.

Zack: Umm no, he clearly wants us to find these rings. Are you saying he has them on him?

[Damien is silent]

Damien: He could.

[Zack takes a moment to think and nods his head.]

Zack: So what do we do to stand out? Beat down everyone in the back? Set stuff on fire?

Damien: I have plans for a sacrif-

[Damien does a double-take to see that Zack already has a tank of lighter fluid and a large lighter in his possession.]

Zack: So are we doing this?

[Damien is quiet as the camera goes back to the ringside area. TAS is playing guitar riffs similar to a country song as TED THOMAS emerges from the back. The bell rings a few times to signal the next match is about to begin.]

Lance: This next match is for one fall and is for the OCW Xtreme Title! The challenger, coming to the ring, TED THOMAS!!

[Ted runs to the ring and hops right onto the ring apron before getting into the ring.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): A sacrifice tonight? Does anyone even know what Damien is talking about?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Does anyone?

[Electric guitar riffs are played on repeat as Konway emerges from the back. TAS is singing the song “Blood” that was sung by the band from last week’s War.]

Am-I-alone? Do-you-hear-me?
[Guitar riff]
I want all my love to kill me.
[Guitar riff]
I need all my life to be
[Guitar riff]

[The lights go down and an ultra-bright spotlight shines down on Konway as he makes his way to the ring.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Coming to the ring is our OCW Xtreme Champion, representing The Blood Angels, KONWAY!!

[Konway holds the title belt over his head, with both hands, so all can see.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): The Blood Angels want to cleanse the world, let’s see what they can do.

[Konway enters the ring as the music stops. Fans can be heard cheering as the camera focuses on General Manager Fox. She’s sitting in her balcony area, alone. She gets a mic.]

Fox: Hello boys, I took a lot of time to think about the kind of match you two will be involved in. Oh yes, especially after that stunt that both of you pulled last week.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh damn, she didn’t forget that one.

Fox: Interfering in matches is a serious offense here in OCW. So I decided to punish you both by taking away something you both enjoy having.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): What’s she have planned?

[Officials emerge from the back with two large bags.]

Fox: I’m sure you both have been taking your time to prepare for this match. However, you need to remember what the Xtreme Title is meant to do: elevate other through challenges. This is a challenge that the guys in the back and I thought up.

[The bags are opened near the ring to reveal two large weighted vests. Both are brought into the ring.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): This is different.

Fox (OFF SCREEN): These vests each weigh about 200 pounds. Have fun using your speed, agility and high-flying antics when you both weigh about twice as much as usual. We decided to call this “The Heavyweight Challenge” and I think it is a perfect name for it. Don’t you think?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): A Heavyweight Challenge? This is a game changer. Will either man even be able to use their signature moves with all that weight on them?

[Both Konway and Ted put on their weighted vests and feel off-balanced due to the additional weight.]

Xtreme Title Match (Heavyweight Challenge)
Konway (C) vs. Ted Thomas

[The bell rings and both men are up against a corner while trying to get their footing and posture just right.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Would it be bad if I made fat jokes about this?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Well neither guy is fat, just weighed down a lot. So it’s fine by me. Billy?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): No problem, but this could get bad really fast. I don’t even think Ted weighs 200 pounds.

[Ted leans against the ropes and begins to walk around the ring to get near Konway. By instinct, Konway rolls away, but has great difficulty getting up. Konway ends up lying on his back. Ted sees this, falls to his knees, and crawls to try and pin Konway. Konway sees this and rolls onto his stomach.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Oh man, can these guys even kick out of a pin with all that on?

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh! Fat joke #1!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): HA! I wasn’t even trying.

[Ted grabs Konway by the head and tries to apply a side headlock. Konway gets out by rolling to the side. Ted gets to his feet, charges and BIG SPLASH TO THE BACK OF KONWAY!! Cheers can be heard as Konway yells and Ted starts throwing punches anywhere he can hit the champion.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Nice! The extra weight can be used like a weapon!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): That joke needs work.

[Konway turns around and tries to rub the vest across Ted’s face. Ted avoids it and gets in a seated position while trying to kick Konway away. The kicks only hit the vest and do no actual damage.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Did Konway just try to make Ted motorboat him?

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Another score by Big Julius!! HA!

[Konway charges in and connects with a shoulder charge. Ted is on his back while Konway is on his knees. Konway connects with a few knees to the stomach that do nothing due to the vest.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): The vests also act as a defense? Looks like body shots are meaningless here.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Unless it tires them out, but the same can be said about the other guy too. These guys are going to get tired real fast.

[Ted breaks away from Konway and gets to his feet. Konway does the same and struggles to find his balance. Ted charges and CROSSBODY!! Ted tries to go for the pin, but Konway is fighting to stay on his side. Ted backs into the corner and stands up. Fans can be heard cheering while Ted appears to be in thought.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I’ve seen that look before.

[Konway is slowly getting to his feet as Ted slowly climbs to the second turnbuckle. Cheers can be heard getting louder.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): No way man!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): He isn’t going to try it, is he? Okay, he’s about to try his signature move: The In-Ring Impact.

[Ted is waiting for it as both wipe sweat from their foreheads. Konway is almost in position. Ted is ready and leaps…BUT GETS NOTHING BUT A FACE-FULL OF THE RING MAT!!]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): OH! That looked like it hurt.

[Ted is soon on his back and Konway comes over; Konway with a big splash as he goes for the pin.]


[The bell rings as the band plays “Blood” again.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): The winner of this match and still champion: KONWAY!!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): That sucks, but imagine if Ted really hit that.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I agree, it was a really risky move though.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): A Hail Mary that turned into a big fat fail.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): BOOM! Julius wins the battle of the fat jokes!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I didn’t even know we were playing. HA!

[The rest of the Blood Angels (Damien, Baal, Zack, Lita and John) emerge from the back and begin walking to the ring.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What is this about?

[Konway gets the vest off and takes his title belt as his fellow teammates enter the ring. Zack grabs a mic.]

Zack: Shut that crap music off!

[Music stops and silence is all that’s left until a bunch of boos can be heard growing in size. Lita and John help Konway to his feet as Baal pushes officials away from Ted. Damien gets a mic of his own.]

Damien: I want to take the time to thank Zack Tobias, for his long talks of carnage and chaos have shown me how we much spread our message. I like to believe there is good in all of you, but there’s also great fear as well. With chaos, we clear the path; with fear, we kill fear. Zack, it is time to make a sacrifice.

[Zack holds up a tank of lighter fluid. Screams and some cheers can be heard.]

Zack: You hear that Damien? Some want this, so they will join us and be rid of their sinful lives. So screw the doubters, I am helping the cause.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Helping the cause? He doesn’t care about what Damien wants; he just wants to hurt people.

[Zack pours lighter fluid on Ted. More screams and cheers can be heard as Ted struggles. Ted can’t do anything since he still has the vest on and Baal has a foot weighing him down.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): He’s really going to do this.

[Cheers can be heard as MUGEN runs down the ramp and into the ring. Mugen hits a big boot on Konway and lands a few body shots on John until Zack connects with the tank of lighter fluid against the back of Mugen’s skull. Mugen falls to one foot as Ted manages to get out of the ring. Cheers can be heard as Damien is yelling at Baal.]


[Ted gets the vest off and hops over the security barrier to get away. Mugen gets back up and connects with a forearm to the head of John and a clothesline to Lita. Mugen then charges at Damien and WRATH BY BAAL (Swinging Side Slam)!!]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh it’s still barbeque time.

[Baal grabs Mugen by the head and holds him down while Damien takes the lighter fluid and pours it on Mugen’s torso.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Where is Black Mask? Is he too busy preparing for such a big match that-

[ZACK LIGHTS MUGEN ON FIRE!!! Screams and cheers are loud and echo through the arena along with the screams of pain by Mugen.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): OH MY GOD!! Someone call someone!! This isn’t a work! We need help here!!

[Officials run to the ring, but they are all being beaten away by John and Zack. Zack looks like he is enjoying this most of all, next to the laughing Damien Cross.]

Damien: Do you see the lengths that I will go to? All to save you, all of you, from your lives of sin; I speak for a higher power and that higher power wants you all to be cleansed. You can all be forgiven…or you can all burn like this one. The choice is yours, just remember this: I am the way!

Konway: PRAISE HIM!!

[“Blood” plays again as Baal releases the screaming Mugen. The Blood Angels all leave the ring and head to the back while Officials all head to Mugen. The fire is put out right away, but Mugen is clearly in great pain.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I can’t believe they really did that. I CAN’T!

[Damien looks at Mugen one last time before leaving to the back, laughing.]

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