in #efed5 years ago


Tommy Lee/Kid vs. Jay Rizzo/Kristy

[Fans are heard cheering in a dark arena with all of the available lights set on the ring. Inside are four fighters: Jay Rizzo and noticeably younger versions of Tommy Lee, Marvin Keith and Kristy. Despite Kristy now being blonde instead of the usual head of black hair, Marvin is the biggest difference with him being incredibly skinny. Tom still
looks like Tom, only with a more youthful attitude and improved physique. Jay Rizzo looks exactly like he always has with no actual noticeable changes. The fans can be heard clapping in unison as both teams debate on who will be going in first.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): This is absolutely incredible!

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Glad you think so, I’ve never worked with a contest winner before.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I’ll try my best to keep up.

[The legal men are Kid and Kristy. They lock up and Kristy goes right into applying a side headlock followed by a drop toe hold to send Kid face first onto the mat. Kristy hops to her feet and leaps up high in order to drop
an elbow on Kid, but Kid rolls out of the way and backs away while both recover quickly. The two then begin to side step in a circle around the other, both fighters staring the other down.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): This is a great match-up here. Kristy and Kid were both trained by Grant Keith, Tom and Kid’s Father.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Yes! Marvin Keith, The Kid, recently released from rehab too. This is his first match back since getting out. He was put in there on and off after his drug issues surfaced and led into the very public divorce from Fox.

[Kid and Kristy lock up. Kid seems to have the leverage as Kristy is noticeably leaning backward.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Impressive. Now what about Kristy?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Kristy is Jay Rizzo’s girlfriend, but has also been known to be dating Tommy Lee over there. There were engaged too for a brief time until Kristy broke everything off. Reports say that she wasn’t ready for such a commitment.

[Kristy with a Japanese arm drag; this sends Kid into a front flip and landing on his back. Kristy then springs back to her feet while Kid is trying to recover and applies a side headlock.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): That’s great, but what about her background as a fighter?

[Kid tries to push Kristy off, but Kristy bares her weight down on Kid’s shoulders to hold on. Kid then applies a side bear hug, but Kristy again bore down to crank at the neck of Kid.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Kristy is a very skilled grappler and great with submissions. She is well versed in both Judo and Aikido.

[Tom applauds to keep Kid’s morale high while Kid has now fallen on one knee.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Don’t you notice something a little off here?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Like what? Jay’s gear? I don’t hate it, I mean, whatever works for you.

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Kristy is a woman that fights men.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh yeah, sorry, I guess that was too obvious.

[The referee checks on Kid while Kristy keeps the hold on.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): This is where Kristy is most deadly: her submissions can squeeze the life out of you.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Especially “The Widower,” Kristy’s signature hold that is actually a modified Koji Clutch. T’s still really good though.

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Nice, you know your moves.

[Kid is not tapping out and is trying to reach over to Tom in order to tag him into the match.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Come on Marvin!

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): He’s called Kid.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): My bad.

[Kristy and Kid battle back and forth for the sake of having the leverage. Kid has the strength advantage while Kristy has the advantage of technique and positioning. Kid tries for a fireman’s carry to toss Kristy off, but Kristy keeps both of them too low to the ground for that to work. Kid tries to reach Tom using his foot and Kristy responds by dropping Kid on his back by pulling his head backward.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): That looked like it hurt, but at least he’s free now.

[Kristy walks over and tags in Jay. Jay hops right in and drops an elbow on Kid right away.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Jay Rizzo is ready to go!

[Jay sits on Kid’s chest and begins to punch at his face. Kid tries to block as well as he can, but the contact is still being made. After a few good shots, Jay releases Kid and looks at Tommy Lee with great focus. The fans cheer while Kid crawls away from Jay and toward Tom.]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Here we go! Tom hasn’t wrestled in some time and matches with him and Jay Rizzo have always been classics.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I’m so excited! Come on Kid!

[Tom and Jay stare down while Kid tags Tom in. The fans cheer as the stare down continues. Jay motions for Tom to get in the ring and Kid is now out of the ring. Tom just stays standing on the ring apron, he looks very confused. Soon the fans slowly stop cheering while Jay doesn’t break his glare at all. Kristy is shown on camera looking worried.]

Kristy: Are you okay?

[Tom takes a few deep breaths and ends up hopping off the apron, to the outside of the ring. Fans are heard booing as Kristy enters the ring and Kid walks over to Tom.]


Billy (OFF SCREEN): What’s going on here?

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Is Tommy Lee throwing the fight?


[People are booing as Tom begins walking up the ramp and toward the backstage area. Sully is seen right at the entrance to the ringside-backstage area.]



[Kristy and Jay seem to be arguing while Tom, Kid and Sully are talking things out.]


Billy (OFF SCREEN): This can’t be good.


[The bell rings and the fans can be seen and heard booing. Jay looks pissed while Kristy looks like she’s trying to explain something to Jay. Tom and Sully are gone while Kid is seen looking visually upset. The fans can be heard clapping [clap clap clap-clap-clap] and chanting]

Fans (OFF SCREEN): This is bullshit!

[Chanting continues as the camera moves around to bring attention to the audience]

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): I can’t believe he just walked out like that. This is supposed to be a main event!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What do we do?

Johnny (OFF SCREEN): Don’t care.

[The camera switches over to Johnny and Billy to show Johnny leaving Billy there. Billy looks on as Johnny leaves him there.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I’m really sorry that this match ended the way it did.

[Kid grabs a mic and pats on it to make sure it is on.]

Kid: Hello? Hey! Yeah, I agree that this isn’t the epic ending we were hoping for.

[Jay has left the ring.]

Come on Jay.

[Jay walks over to Kid and leans to the mic.]

Jay: Your brother wasted my time, I should have fought Sully.

[Fans can be heard cheering in agreement with Jay as Jay leaves to the backstage area.]

Kid: Come on. I will gladly fight right now, regardless who it is. Kristy? You want to fight?

[Kristy is still standing in the ring and looks over at Kid.]

Kristy vs. Marvin Keith! Two of the most underrated fighters we know in the main event! I’m not a kid anymore, my name is Marvin and I want to fight that most badass bitch in wrestling.

[Some fans cheer and Kristy smiles a little bit. She nods in agreement and motions for Marvin to get in the ring. Some fans are leaving while more are willing to watch.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I’m still here and I want to see this. Marvin Keith has gotten rid of the nickname of “Kid” and is being himself. Kristy wants to fight! This is awesome!

Marvin Keith vs. Kristy

[Marvin is back in the ring and the fans are into it. Marvin and Kristy exchange words after Marvin tosses the mic aside. Kristy ties her hair back and the two tap knuckles. They both look over to the bell ringer, but he has apparently left along with the referee and other staff.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): We need a referee here. Come on! This is what makes shows like this amazing!

[Kristy motions toward Billy to enter the ring to referee.]

Really? Me?

[Billy unhooks his equipment and is soon in the ring. Fans can be heard cheering as Billy makes a “Let’s get it on” gesture. Marvin goes to lock up, but Kristy counters with a side step followed with a few knee attacks to the ribs of Marvin. Marvin counters with a guillotine choke, but Kristy counters by front flipping right into a bridge pin and using Marvin’s own hold as the pin setup.]


[Marvin kicks out. Kristy gets right back up and Marvin anticipates her movements to execute a drop toe hold. Kristy falls to her stomach and Marvin begins to apply an Indian death lock. Fans notice the hold and realize how complicated the hold is, so they begin to cheer as Marvin actually executes the hold. Kristy yells in pain as her legs are cranked in an awkward angle that could easily end in a broken bone or five.]

Billy: Do you tap?

Kristy: Shut up!

Billy: I’m sorry, I’m

[Kristy grabs Billy and pulls him into Marvin, breaking the hold. Marvin gets up and Kristy with a toe kick to the stomach. Marvin backs into the ropes and KNIFE EDGE CHOP BY KRISTY! The chop connects across Marvin’s chest and the sound of the strike makes a loud cracking sound that makes the fans yell “woo”. Marvin charges in and grabs Kristy around the waist; Marvin rushes her toward the turnbuckle, but she counters by dropping down and turning Marvin’s rush into a DDT by Kristy onto him. Kristy goes for the pin.]


[Marvin kicks out. Kristy gets up and grabs Marvin by his shirt. She pulls the shirt off and MARVIN WITH THE MANGELER! The fans love the sudden nature of the move, but Marvin did not pin her. Marvin instead takes some time to recover and get his shirt back on the way he likes it. Slowly, both get up and MANGELER BY MARVIN & THE PIN!]


[Fans are heard cheering as Marvin celebrates his victory. Billy rolls out of the ring and grabs a mic.]

The winner of the match: MARVIN KEITH!!

[Marvin raises his hands in the air as the fans that bothered to stay begin to chant “OCW” as the screen fades to black.]

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