in #efed5 years ago


[The screen fades in to show Sully Sphinx, sitting down with TL Keith.]

Sully: Hello OCW fans! I’m Sully Sphinx, OCW Legend, head trainer and the current number one contender. I’m here with TL, the chairman, who deserves a big applause for the OCW’s debut. Come on!

[Applause can be heard and Sully joins in. TL smiles.]

TL: Thank you, it took a while to get started, but I’m glad we got this started.

Sully: Damn right.

TL: So we saw what happened at the end of War with you and OCW Champion Genuin. How did you get out of the locked room by the way?

Sully: Okay! I’ve been there with the construction crews and everyone that helped build the place. I know the place from top and bottom and have my own series of trap doors to get anywhere I want.

TL: Really?

[Sully laughs]

Sully: No, there was a backdoor. Whoever locked me in did a horrible job, hope Genuin didn’t pay a lot for that.

TL: You think so?

Sully: Yeah, he seems like the type that’s not great with money. Did you see his girl? That girl is Katherine Perez: HXW’s Chairperson’s daughter and not exactly a girl you bring to McDonald’s. She has a really nice body too.

TL: Sully, camera.

Sully: Oh right, tell you later. All I’m saying is that Genuin is going into this wanting a fight and pulls something like that. If he keeps it up, he’s getting more than just the fight he asked for. Genuin will be getting a war, maybe even a revolution. Remember those days Tommy?

[Sully smiles wide as TL points to the big screen TV not far from Sully.]

TL: Why don’t we watch some tag team action?

Sully: Oh fine, this one has one of my favorite teams on the roster right now. Check it out.

[Camera zooms in on the Big Screen as the screen fades to black.]

Name: JC Joey Cooper & Doug E Stone
Stable/Team: Team Beer
Signature Moves: Top Rope Elbow [JC]; The Kegger (Emerald Fusion) [Stone]
Personal Quote: “Can we get free beer for doing this promo? Please?” (By both)

[Scene fades in to show JC Joey Cooper & Doug E Stone of Team Beer. Both appear to
be taking deep breaths in an attempt to psyche themselves up.]

JC: Are you ready Doug E Stone?

Stone: Hell yeah!

JC: Great! I, JC Joey Cooper, am also ready.

[Both men look directly at the camera]

Stone: What’s up? This is Team Beer and we are the best bros in all of Milwaukee!


Stone: We are closer than any two guys ever!


Stone: Just not in a gay way.

JC: Yeah, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Stone: We are two guys on a mission here at OCW, just like every team here. Only we like to have, let’s just say, a little bit of fun along the way.

JC: We love to P-A-R-T….why?

Stone: Why not? It’s a party 24/7 and that party is called “life”.

JC: VIP got nothing on us.

Stone: Yeah, so we got a match to head over to.

JC: Oh yeah?

Stone: Oh yeah. To all our future fans and party lovers, let’s get to the ring to see the next greatest tag team ever to make your day.

JC: That was awesome.

Stone: Yeah I just came up with it.

JC: Really?

Stone: Yeah dude.

Team Beer vs. The Body Bros

[The fans are heard cheering while the screen fades into a scene of the ringside area. Team Beer members JC Joey Cooper and Doug E Stone are outside the ring and cheering them on. The Body Bros, Alex and Khad, are in the ring, both wearing robes. Alex has a mic.]


[Big cheer from many fans.]

Alex: That’s great; the people love a couple of drunks from Milwaukee. People, this is a crime to humanity to even compare these two to us.

[Khad grabs the mic]

Khad: We do more work than these two before the sun even comes up.

[Alex takes the mic back]

Alex: Couldn’t have said it better bro. So, for those with cameras on them, we are going to prove ourselves for you. Prepare for perfection with this six second pose!

[Fans are cheering as Alex and Khad untie their robes.]

Julius (Off Screen): Wow, a lot more women here than I expected.

Billy (Off Screen): Must be these guys in the ring.

[The two get into a position as if they’re about to pose. Alex and Khad toss off their robes to show that they’re wearing black t-shirts that say “Jealous?” on the front. The people begin to boo.]

Alex: What? You get what you deserve. Try earning our time for a change.

[Alex and Khad laugh while giving each other a high five. The bell rings as both teams get in their corner.]

Billy (Off Screen): Strong words by Alex of The Body Bros.

Julius (Off Screen): How much you want to bet they’re covering up some acne with those shirts?

[JC and Doug are clapping in order to get the fans clapping too. It slowly works. Alex and JC start the match as the legal men. Alex flexes his muscles while smiling wide.]

Billy (Off Screen): Acne or no acne, Alex and Khad are definitely intimidating to look at.

[JC takes a can of beer out of his pocket, the referee asks for it.]

Julius (Off Screen): Umm he can’t have that during a match. Wait, can he?

[JC hands it to the referee. The referee goes to hand the beer to someone while JC takes another beer out of his other pocket and chugs it.

Billy (Off Screen): Seriously?

[Julius can be heard laughing. Alex shakes his head and walks over only to get BEER SPIT IN HIS FACE BY JC!! Alex is blinded while JC quickly tags in Doug. JC charges Alex and gets a shoulder strike that knocks JC on his back. Doug is in the ring while Alex focuses on JC, unaware of the tag. Doug runs over and HOPS ON ALEX’S BACK FOR A SLEEPER HOLD!!]

Julius (Off Screen): Okay, I think I’m okay. Who would have thought a beer could cause so much trouble?

Billy (Off Screen): Apparently these two.

[JC rolls out of the ring and heads back to Team Beer’s corner while Alex fights to stay on his feet. Doug is holding on as tight as he can and Khad is reaching for the tag. Alex is leaning forward, trying to get to his partner step-by-step. Alex drops on one knee, but instantly gets back up. Alex starts backing and SMASHES DOUG INTO THE CORNER!! The hold is broken.]

LSD (Off Screen): Good save.

Julius (Off Screen): Glad to have you back.

LSD (Off Screen): Thanks, the line to the bathroom sucked.

[Alex with a clothesline, Doug ducks under, Alex bounces off the ropes, comes back and Doug with a Back Roll-style Boston Crab! The referee checks on Alex. Alex is yelling that he can’t tap to this. Alex claws his way toward Khad. Khad is reaching for the tag...and...the tag is made and Khad gets in the ring.]

Billy (Off Screen): Here comes Khad!

[Doug lets go, runs to JC and tags him in. JC hops off the apron to the outside of the ring while Doug rolls under the ropes to do the same thing.]

Julius (Off Screen): For a “couple of drunks” they’re pretty crafty.

LSD (Off Screen): Yeah.


Billy (Off Screen): It’s a good strategy; Alex and Khad are much bigger and stronger than these two.

[Team Beer starts clapping again to get the fans going. Alex is up and both he and Khad look annoyed.]


Julius (Off Screen): I like these guys, but they’re letting Khad and Alex recover. They shouldn’t be doing that.

[JC slides into the ring and a knee by Alex. JC buckles over and leans against the ropes. The referee goes to Alex and orders him to his corner. Khad goes over to JC and connects with an overhead chop down the middle of JC’s
chest. The impact echoes through the arena and the fans in attendance yell “WOO”! Khad sets JC up for a gut wrench power bomb and lifts JC up onto his shoulder.]

Billy (Off Screen): That’s not a power bomb, maybe it’s a shoulder breaker?

[Khad starts bouncing up and down, JC bouncing with him.]

LSD (Off Screen): Oh wow, it’s a submission hold!

Billy (Off Screen): That’s a Canadian backbreaker, a submission hold I rarely see anymore.

LSD (Off Screen): It’s like a torture rack.

[Khad charges into the turnbuckle, sending JC stomach-first into it. Khad tags Alex in while
JC falls onto his back. Alex and Khad then take a moment to pose while the fans begin to boo at them. JC starts to get up; Alex walks over and gives JC a double Axe handle smash to the back that sends JC onto his stomach. Alex then hovers over JC and applies a camel clutch.]

Julius (Off Screen): Honestly, if these guys ever retire, they’d make a killing as chiropractors. Can you imagine these guys cracking your back?

LSD (Off Screen): I’m not a fan of chiropractors.

[Alex cranks back on JC’s spine as Doug claps for JC to get out. JC is trapped and cannot get out, so Doug hops over the top rope. The referee heads to Doug and Doug slides right out of the ring while Khad gets in the ring, walking toward Doug. Alex is still holding onto JC while Doug runs around the ring and slides in again. Khad runs over and DOUG SPITS BEER IN KHAD’S FACE!!! Fans can be heard cheering as Khad is now blinded.]

Billy (Off Screen): Nice play on Khad, but that doesn’t help either legal man.

[The referee heads to Khad, but Khad knocks the referee out with a back elbow. Alex releases the hold and walks over to Khad. Doug gets a steel chair and gets in the ring.]

Julius (Off Screen): Umm the GM is watching; if Doug connects with the chair.

[Doug charges and Alex connects with a single elbow to the head. Doug is down and Khad has left the ring to clean his face. Alex grabs the chair from Doug and pushes him out of the ring. The bell rings and Alex looks around as if confused.]

Billy (Off Screen): What?

Lance (Off Screen): The winners of this match, by disqualification, TEAM BEER!!

[Big cheer from fans all around. Alex looks at the referee and the referee is pointing to the chair in Alex’s hand. The camera goes to OCW GM Fox, who appears to be in agreement with the decision.]

Julius (Off Screen): Hold on, asking [takes a moment] it seems like the referee is disqualifying both Body Brothers. Alex for looking like he laid out both Joey and Doug with the chair and Khad for attacking the referee.

LSD (Off Screen): Wow, do you think Team Beer planned all that? It seemed like they made it all up as they went along.

[Doug helps JC out of the ring while the local band plays a song with electric guitars and nothing else. Alex looks angry while Khad doesn’t seem to know or understand what happened. The screen fades back to Reaper’s Rundown where Sully is laughing.]

Sully: I love Team Beer. Do you know those were Marvin’s first students after he cleaned up?

TL: I know man, but what about the Tag Team Champions? The Blood Angels have those belts.

Sully: Oh come on, I’m sick of these guys. Damien and Baal are big guys and Team Beer just took down two big guys there.


Sully: Still a win, brain beat brawn.

TL: Not exactly, seemed more like they got extremely lucky.

[A moment of silence]

Sully: Let’s agree to disagree and talk about the Vixens.

TL: Okay

Sully: Yeah, no BS here, these girls are looking for blood when they get in the ring. Have you seen Lita Walters fight?

TL: Yeah

Sully: Okay, well this here is an awesome fight that took place at a house show. Lita took on Key’s prized student Jackie and the Entourage’s Traci Gray in a three-way dance. Sound good?

TL: Yeah sure.

[Sully points to the big screen TV and the camera zooms in to the TV as it fades to black.]

Name: Key
Signature Move: Sagre! (Spear)
Personal Quote: “No Mercy”

[Scene fades in to show Key with Jackie and Marie behind her.]

Key: Lethal Lotto is all about opportunity. Not just for me, but to my two students: Jackie and Marie.

[Jackie and Key nod in agreement.]

Key: I have put plenty of effort in helping these girls become stronger, more skilled, and overall better athletes. I really hope that one of these girls win the Vixen’s Lethal Lotto and can go on to fight me for the title.

[Jackie and Marie look at each other and both appear to be disagreeing with Key’s statement.]

Jackie: Umm, if I may?

[Key turns around to look at both Jackie and Marie with a smile on her face]

Key: Jackie and Marie, a true fight between me and one of my students would nothing short of an instant classic. However, while two have your shot, so do I. I’ll be facing Lita and taking the Vixen Title from her. This is important girls, trust me.

[Camera zooms back to show Lita Walters standing behind Key. John Walters is right behind Lita.]

Jackie: Right.

Key: This division deserves a true, worthy champion. You both have had chances in the past and you both failed, some more miserably than others. That means I need to do what you girls couldn’t and teach by example.

Lita W (Whispers to John): Does she realize I’m right behind her.

Key: A true champion needs to be everything the division stands for: someone that can give a real challenge and push the others to become greater than what they really are. Lita Walters is not that person, but I definitely am.

[Key then turns around to face Lita. The two girls stare down until they both look at the Vixen’s Title belt as it hangs around Lita’s shoulder.]

Lita W: Screw the people Key; I came here to OCW do one thing: fight. They want to be pushed to become better? Well how about they drop their pretty little garbage and push themselves.

Key: Being a champion is like being a leader, not a bully.

Lita W: I’m not a bully, I’m a fighter.

Key: No, I’m a fighter. Fighters tend to have honor, not bloodlust.

[The silent stare down between Key and Lita continues]

Lita W: Well I will just have to “honorably” kick your ass the first chance I get you in the ring.

John: Damn right!

Lita W: You lose, I win! That’s how it’s going to be: You lose and I win!

Key: Over my dead body.

Lita W: Well better get ready for a war!

[Key slowly begins to smile]

Key: See you at War Lita; I heard Fox has something special in mind.

[Lita nods as she and Key continue to stare down. Lita signals her brother John and they walk away. Camera stays locked on Key. Marie looks at Key and walks closer to her.]

Marie: Key, why didn’t you just attack her. No mercy, right?

Key: Patience is a virtue Marie. Now let’s get ready.

[Key, Marie and Jackie all walk away. The screen faces into a match that is just about to start.]

Hardcore Vixen’s 3-Way (Non-Title)
Lita Walters vs. Jackie vs. Traci Gray

[All three girls are standing in the ring, each one looking at both of their opponents.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Vixen action tonight! We have Key’s student Jackie, we have the champion Lita Walters and we have Traci Gray of the Entourage.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Is this seriously going to be hardcore?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Yes! We never see this like this in America too often. I’m excited!

[The bell rings and all three come in to strike. Jackie blocks a right from Lita while Traci connects with a forearm to the back of Lita’s head and a toe kick to the ribs of Jackie. Jackie buckles over while Traci follows up with a double axe handle to the back of Jackie, making Jackie fall onto her stomach. Lita goes to Traci and Traci slows Lita down with a back elbow. Lita backs away, but is merely stunned for not even a second.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Now Billy, can you tell me about this Traci girl?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh! Yeah, she’s military.

[Traci goes to grapple Lita, but Lita is fighting back for the sake of keeping leverage. Traci with a hip toss, Lita counters with a hip toss of her own. Both get up and right into attack stances while fans cheer and the two girls stare down. Jackie gets up and charges Lita with a hard kick to the ribs. Traci charges Jackie with a drop kick and it connects! Jackie rolls backward toward the corner.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Umm more info please?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I’m looking it up. Traci is a military girl from the United States Army and wrestles here when not on duty. She’s well trained and should be way more than a challenge to both these girls.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): She’s also a member of the Entourage and works like a bodyguard or something.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Thanks L, that’s how you explain people Billy. We don’t care where they went to school; we care about what they know and what they do.

[Traci has Lita set up for a snap suplex and it connects. Lita lands hard on her back while Jackie is now back on her feet and just waiting by the corner.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Well if that’s all you want.

[Traci rolls Lita onto her stomach and applies a guillotine chokehold without the body scissors. Traci is forcing Lita’s face against the mat while also trying to keep an eye on Jackie.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): That’s how you need to do it: keep the champion from getting in any momentum and keep the pressure on.

[Jackie gets to her feet, but stays there while Traci cranks of the neck of Lita Walters. Lita tries to reach for the ropes while the referee checks on Lita’s condition. Lita is not tapping out.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Jackie here is employing a great strategy too; she doesn’t need to do anything right now.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh yeah? What if Lita gives up? Traci would win the match and Jackie would just be letting her. Sounds like a big gamble.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Well, yeah, that is true.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Jackie doesn’t seem like much of a gambler though.

[Lita reaches for the ropes again. Traci releases the hold and lands an elbow drop right in the center of Lita’s back before applying a side head lock. Jackie runs over and stomps right on the head of Traci. Traci lets go of Lita instantly and rolls toward the ropes.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): There you go! Jackie now has full control of the situation.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Looks like she’s focusing on Traci now that Lita has been weakened. This could be a mistake.

[Jackie with a light kick to the shoulder of Traci and Traci is now on her back. Jackie then begins to stomp hard onto the stomach of Traci while Lita takes time to recover. Jackie gives Traci a light kick to the head and drops an elbow
BUT TRACI ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!! Jackie is a little hurt by the landing, but Traci is now outside of the ring since she rolled under the ropes.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Okay, that was smart.

[Jackie gets to her knees and demands that Traci get back into the ring. Lita runs up from behind Jackie and delivers a hard kick into Jackie’s spine. The impact sounds like a loud snap and Jackie lets everyone know how badly it hurt by screaming in such a high pitch. Jackie gets up while Traci gets on the apron and TRACI WITH A GUILLOTINE ROPE SNAP ON JACKIE!! Jackie is still up while Lita delivers a hard knee to Jackie’s ribs followed by another and another while the viewers in the stands start counting along loudly.]


[Lita lets go of Jackie. Jackie is still standing, but holding her now sore side as if in pain. Lita backs up a little, charges in towards Jackie and SPINNING BACK TO KNUCKLE STRIKE & MISSES!!]


[Traci runs into the ring and attacks Lita with a forearm strike to the face. Jackie backs toward the ropes while Traci picks up a steel chair that she got from outside the ring. The fans like what they are seeing as Lita is now on the defensive of a weapon. At the same time, Jackie charges in and YAKUZA KICK TO THE BACK OF TRACI’S HEAD!!!]


[Traci is almost launched toward Lita, but Lita lets Traci pass by her. Traci falls right through the ropes and lands hard onto the floor.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): That had to hurt! Landing and all!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I hope she’s alright.
Let’s get a replay of that.

[A replay is shown with the kick to Traci’s head shown in slow motion.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): She may be done.

[In the ring, Lita connects with a running knee strike to the head of Jackie. Jackie backs away after the impact, but falls to her knees when trying to move forward. Lita then grabs Jackie and sets her up for THE TIGER BOMB!! IT CONNECTS!! Lita goes for the pin.]

[The bell rings and Lita’s music of various electric guitar riffs comes on. Traci is still out cold and now so is Jackie. Lita sits up and slowly gets up.]

Lance: The winner of the match & STILL OCW VIXEN’S CHAMPION: LITA WALTERS!!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): We have medical staff coming to look at Traci. A great win for our champion, right?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I doubt Key will be happy, but I’m pretty sure neither will Val and Sakura of the Entourage.

[EMTs are seen coming to Traci’s body while Lita grabs her title belt and leaves the ring. The screen slowly fades back to show Tom and Sully. The two were watching the match.]

Sully: You think she’s going to be okay?

TL: I’m sure we can keep everyone posted. Now what did you want to talk about?

[Sully stares at Tom vacantly.]

You wanted to talk about something earlier?

[Sully is making the same face]

During the Vixen match?

[Silence for a few moments.]

Sully: Sorry I thought I was about to sneeze. Yeah, I have something to talk about before we finish up with our last fight.

TL: Okay?

Sully: Ready?

TL: Just say it.

Sully: Someone needs to get you a coffee. Hold on. Hey! Random stage guy! Tom’s being cranky and needs coffee! Hurry up before I kill you like I’m going to do to Genuin!

[Someone quickly gives Tom a cup of coffee. Tom shrugs and takes a sip.]

TL: Okay, go.

Sully: Great! Now Lethal Lotto is coming up, big match where the winner gets a guaranteed title match.

TL: Right.

Sully: Genuin has been given an opportunity to give a free spot to anyone he wants. Anyone!

TL: Yeah, didn’t we just talk about that?

Sully: However, I ALSO get a spot that I can give someone.

[Some cheers can be heard in the background.]

See? These paid employees love the idea.

TL: Yeah, so do you have an idea who you’re picking?

[Silence as Sully stares at Tom and only Tom]


Sully: Yeah?

TL: Do you have an idea who is getting the spot?

Sully: Yeah.

[More silence as Tommy Lee looks around awkwardly and stares back at a now smiling Sully.]

TL: Sully?

Sully: Yes Tommy Lee? Mister OCW Chairperson who is totally trained and can compete whenever he wants to?

TL: No.

Sully: No what?

TL: I’m not doing what you want, pick someone else.

Sully: What do I want?

TL: You want me to be in this match.

Sully: YES!! Thank you! He accepts!


Sully: OCW Chairman! In the Lethal Lotto!


Sully: Now let’s end this with an “oldie but a goody” while I talk to my buddy about training for OUR matches! SEE YOU AT WAR!!


[The screen fades to black.]

ocw 1 2.jpg


not exactly the kind of girl you bring to mcdonalad's.
This part had me giggled, Awesome writing skills.

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