in #efed5 years ago



[Applause can be heard throughout the entire backstage area as SEBASTIAN SIN & LEON of VIP walk around. The camera is showing everyone congratulating others for a good show. Sin looks at the camera]

Sin: You got this Selene?

Leon: You the camera girl, girl. I got faith in you.

Selene (Off Screen): (Sarcastically) Oh yeah, no sweat.

[Sin looks right into the camera]

Sin: Alright! This is a new episode of Backstage VIP! We are showing everything going on after the show. The big premiere is over and we are all psyched. It was an awesome show! Can you feel it Leon?

Leon: Yeah, except for Genuin and Sully. I have no clue where they went.

Sin: Well we did our part, they can do...whatever.

Leon: I don’t think

Sin: (Interrupting) KONWAY!! The OCW Xtreme Champion! Come here!!

[Konway walks over with fellow members of the Blood Angels, John Walters and Baal, behind him.]

Konway: Hello, are you interested in our cause? Here.

[Konway hands a few papers saying “Discover the Truth” in big and bold letters. Leon takes one and tries to hold back a laugh.]

Leon: Konway, I-

Konway: No reason to pass judgment, I was a disbeliever one time as well. Just take time and embrace it, for the lord loves us all and asks only for our praise.

Sin: Nice, I already have my faith in check, but I wanted to ask you about next War. You and Ted Thomas are fighting.

[Konway laughs]

Konway: Ted Thomas is a jobber at best, that’s not worth even a breath and I feel insulted wasting anyone’s time even bringing him up. The rules of the Xtreme Title say that I need to defend the belt every week and in any random match type presented literally at the last minute.

[Sin shrugs]

Sin: Okay, well, what type of match do you think you’ll get?

Leon: What if it’s a flaming ring match? You could literally send Teddy to hell.

[Sin gasps and shows a huge smile]

Konway: No, hell would spit that garbage right back out and we’d have to put up with him once more. I’d rather he be rehabilitated to serve our lord.

[Konway hands a few more papers to the backstage staff that are currently putting away equipment. Ted Thomas walks over and gives Leon a huge high five.]

Leon: My man!! What’s going on?

Konway: What is going on? How about wasting everyone’s time with your claim to my title?

[Ted looks at Leon, then Sin, then Konway and back at Leon and Sin.]

Ted: Is he talking about Leon?

Konway: No, I’m talking about you. We both know that you have no chance at becoming Xtreme Champion and that I deserve a real challenge. OCW, to me, is about proving yourself. All you did was get a lucky break for no good reason.

Ted: Well then you can prove yourself that you “deserve a challenge” by not losing to me like you almost did earlier.

[Baal steps toward Ted and Ted backs away.]

Konway: Exactly, almost, as in you lost.

Ted: No, my team won. Ask Baal, he was the one that Black Mask beat last.

Konway: Because you cheated.

Ted: Only after you did the same thing, it’s a little thing called - say it with me - equality.

Konway: What I did is called sacrifice, clearly something you know nothing about.

Ted: That so? Well get ready to sacrifice that title, because it’ll be mine soon enough. Great show guys, I love the whole backstage live cam thing.

Sin: Thank you!

[Ted gives Leon another high five and leaves with Mugen following him. Konway looks upset.]

Konway: So where is this black-masked character?

Leon: Nobody saw him leave, must be hanging around.

Sin: Maybe in the gym? It’s a good way to pass time and avoid traffic.

Konway: Well the Blood Angels plan to make a sacrifice on the next War. I feel as if he would be a perfect choice, Damien’s words. Praise him.

[Konway leaves with Baal]

John: Love the show guys, later.

[John leaves with Konway and Baal. Leon laughs looking hyped up.]

Leon: Come on guys, follow me over there.

[Sin looks confused as Leon jogs over to Masa and Kai of the Japanese Dream.]

Sin: Come on Leon, wait up.

[Sin signals for Selene to follow as Sin heads to Leon.]

Leon: Yeah, can we get some time to talk with your boy Chun.

Kai: Hey! We do not own Chun Lo, Chun Lo is powerful enough to own everyone here. He has great power and will prove it in his debut.

Leon: Okay.

[Masa looks to the side and does a double take before pointing elsewhere.]

Masa: Hey! You! Barf boy!

[Selene positions the camera to show an offended Christopher Mack looking at Masa]

Mack: Chris.

Masa: Kiss? I- I am not like that, but Chun wants to fight someone and send a message to the rest of the roster. We wish to do a great favor for you.

Mack: That so?

Kai: This is an honor; you can be the first - out of many - to lose to him.

Mack: You’re challenging me to a match?

Masa: Chun Lo is challenging you. We are only sending the message.

[Mack looks at the camera and looks at Masa]

Mack: If he’s so great, why isn’t he challenging me?

Masa: Chun Lo is too busy to be bothered with such...small things.

[Mack looks at Masa and Kai and motions that the two are shorter than him]

Mack: For real?

Masa: Just think about it. We have to prepare for our trip.

Mack: Don’t you guys live close by anyway?

[The two Japanese guys laugh]

Kai: This town does not deserve even the presence of Chun Lo; he will stay at a far greater location.

[Masa and Kai leave while laughing. Sin pats Mack on the back. Mack shakes his head and looks over at Sin.]

Mack: They want a squash match, can you believe that? Hold on.

[Mack waves to General Manager Fox. She walks over with Key and Tomoko.]

Fox: Hi Mack. Good match, not a graceful finish, but decent.

Mack: Hey, Chun’s guys just challenged me to a match.

Fox: Do you feel confident about it?

Mack: Him and those two? That’s 3-on-1.

Fox: Those two are his managers, it’s covered by the rules and they have every right to be there.

Sin: [whispering to Selene] Keep filming, this is good.

Mack: Come on, the guy alone is like three of me at least.

Fox: We don’t judge people for their size. If you don’t want the match, say no.

[Mack huffs looking annoyed while Leon and Sin try to look like they’re not paying attention]

Mack: Oh yeah, that’s what OCW is all
about. If I reject this challenge, I end up looking like a bitch.

Fox: Chris, we will not think any less of you.

Leon: Hey! I have an idea! Let’s do a six man tag!

Fox: Really?

Mack: Really?

Sin: Really? (To Selene) Zoom in on Fox.

[Leon and Sin look at the camera. Selene is behind the camera and says nothing while zooming in on Fox’s face. Leon tilts the camera down a bit to show off Fox’s cleavage in that outfit she has on.]

Fox: Are you guys sure you’re ready for that? Mack here easily has more training than both of you.

Sin: No, we can do this.

Leon: Yeah, Mack can hang with us and we will be ready.

[Fox takes a moment and shrugs]

Fox: Masa and Kai are cleared for the ring. If they’re okay with it, that’s fine.

Sin: NO WAY!!

Leon: We got a match!!!

Mack: I won’t get squashed?!

[Fox and her intern Tomoko laugh. Key doesn’t look too impressed.]

Key: You need a better camera person by the way; Selene here tends to drop the ball.

Leon: No worries about her. We got a match next week guys!

Sin: We need to celebrate! Let’s hit Gino’s!! Selene, keep filming, the editor can deal with it.

Selene: I’m the editor!

[Leon and Sin run off, ignoring Selene, while Key gets in Selene’s way.]

Key: Hey, you saw how we are. Marie and Jackie are my best students and they understand it perfectly.

Selene (Off Screen): You aren’t being fair to Lita.

Key: It’s not about being fair, it’s about who leaves as the better fighter. Mercy cost you and
Pink Princess earlier and it’ll keep costing you until you learn that. This is a competition, not an
ethics class. Lita has no loyalties or ethics; she just wants to hurt people. Why don’t you see that?

[Selene takes a breath while Key waits for an answer]

Selene (Off Screen): Well I believe in doing what’s right.

Key: [Imitating Selene’s British accent] Well I believe that kick to the head you got earlier scrambled your brain. (Normal voice) No mercy, never.

[Key walks off. Selene is heard taking another deep breath. Selene is about to head toward where Leon and Sin ran off, but notices something. Selene zooms in to see that Vixen Champion LITA WALTERS was nearby to hear everything. Lita looks at the camera, stares at Selene and walks away. Selene walks outside to the parking lot.]


[Security can be seen all around while fans are cheering for all the fighters they can while they head to their cars. Val, Sakura and Traci of the Entourage can be seen posing for the fans like models for the sake of getting their pictures taken. JC and Doug of Team Beer are actually with the fans and celebrating with them. Selene zooms in on Team Beer.]

JC: People! Just got a text from the VIP guys! Party at Gino’s!!

Doug: First guy to show up wearing a Team Beer shirt gets free drinks on us!!

[The cheering gets louder]

Val (Off Screen): O-M-G!! Is this for that backstage show?

[Camera swings around to show the three girls of The Entourage.]

Traci: Come on, be nice.

Val: She’s just VIP’s groupie, she’s lucky to be here.

Sakura: Yeah, answer her Selene. Is this going on the show?

Selene (Off Screen): Yes.

Val: Great, focus on my face.

[Selene does as told]

I’m calling out every girl in the Lethal Lotto match for the Vixens Title Shot. We three are teaming up so that only the best get to the final four.

[Sakura gets her face in front of the camera]

Sakura: Spoiler alert: Entourage wins.

Val: Every damn time. Titty bump!

[Sakura and Val do a chest bump. The three girls then walk to their limo while the camera shows Leon and Sin waving in the distance. Camera zooms in on Sin as he is waving at the camera.]

Sin: Come on!! Party!!


[The camera jumps to the outside of Gino’s Nightclub. Sin and Leon are pointing at Zack while many people in the background are noticeably talking in the background about a fight. Zack seems to be arguing with both Kristy and Marvin. Camera focuses on Leon and Sin.]

Sin: Selene, be careful, we’re still paying off that camera.

Leon: You said it was a gift.

Sin: I said it was a loan; maybe we can get Gino to sponsor us or something. Keep focus on this “maybe” fight.

Leon: That Gino guy rarely hangs at the VIP section though.

Selene (Off Screen): Oh wow!

[Camera shows Zack shove Kristy and gets a punch in the face by Marvin.]

Leon: Fight! Stop looking at us for a minute and watch this!

Marvin Keith vs. Zack Tobias

[Zack with a side takedown and starts pounding at Marvin’s head and upper body with little precision or regard for safety. Marvin tries hard to block, but can’t shake off Zack’s assault and ends up getting Zack off of him via an
overhead toss using Marvin’s own legs. Zack falls onto his back while Marvin rolls back to
mount Zack. Marvin starts punching him right in the face again and again.]

Leon: YA! Get him Marvin!

[Marvin looks at Leon and waves him away.]

Marvin: Get out of here!

[Zack connects with a couple of solid punches to Marvin’s side before rolling to the side and gripping onto Marvin’s skull.]

Sin: Oh man, THE IRON CLAW!! This is such a good hold.

[Selene zooms in to focus on Marvin’s face as he tries to fight back while Zack applies pressure to the skull. Marvin yells in pain.]

Zack: Tap out!! I will crush that skull of yours so bad that-

[Marvin grabs a trash can and manages to hit Zack in the head with it. Zack lets go and backs away. Marvin wastes no time and charges in. Zack is defenseless as Marvin tackles him up against a car. Zack tries to power out. Marvin sends Zack backwards, missing the car, but Marvin ends up tackling Zack against the club’s wall.]

Selene (Off Screen): Shouldn’t we stop this?

Sin: No way, real fighters don’t interfere. It’s the first thing we learn and it’s the cardinal rule of this promotion.

Leon: Yeah and the police don’t exist here anyway.

[Camera focuses on Leon]

Sin: What?

Selene (Off Screen): What do you mean?

[Awkward moment as Leon looks left and right]

Leon: Gino, the Keith family and the Perez family all have money. So they can afford to bypass the police.

[Sounds can be heard while the camera stays on Leon.]

Sin: That’s an urban legend. Back to the fight!

[JAY RIZZO runs in and tackles Zack while Gino’s personal security team runs over to separate the two. Jay backs away while Kristy helps Marvin up.]

Security Guard: The fight is over; Gino doesn’t want this going on near his club. His orders.

[Zack backs away and throws his arms in the air to signal surrender to authority. Zack also feels his forehead to notice a small bit of blood. Marvin appears to have a few bruises on his face as well.]

Zack: Self-defense, he struck first. Not my fault he can’t handle the truth. Girls shouldn’t fight men, plain and simple. A wife beater like Marvin Keith should know better.

Kristy: Shut it Zack! I’ll gladly make you tap out right here!

[Marvin tries to charge at Zack again, but Kristy stops him while Jay stays away.]

Jay: [To Security] I’m just trying to save the fight for the ring.

[To Zack]

Yo! My ex can kick your ass whenever she wants.

[Zack is escorted away from the club and so are Marvin and Kristy. Jay isn’t bothered by anyone and heads inside. Camera goes back to Sin.]

Sin: That was intense and that’s why we are doing this show. For now, the fight is a draw!

Leon: Kinda short though.

Sin: Whatever bro. There’s so much that goes on behind the scenes and I want the world to see. No kayfabe, no politics and all reality.

Leon: That’s why we made this show. I got you. Let’s go inside.


[The camera cuts to inside the club. The place is so loud that the VIP section can hear the loud cheers from Team Beer and multiple fans near the bar. Sin and Leon are with GINO, an athletic looking man wearing a suit made in all Italian silk]

Sin: So we have the club owner here, in the VIP Room Leon, here to tell us about himself.

Gino: Glad to be on OCW TV, expect to see me more on HXW.

Leon: Yeah that’s the Perez Family’s promotion and focuses some of the best fighters. Kinda like OCW, but done way different.

Selene (Off Screen): This is definitely not product placement.

Gino: Whatever makes the money, now enjoy the club. You guys bring in a lot of business for me.

Leon: Do we?

Gino: Not you guys specifically, but “you guys” as in OCW. HXW is coming soon, and then things are going to get real crazy around here.

Sin: Oh yeah, can’t wait to watch that.

[Selene can be heard laughing as Sin, Leon and Gino attempt a freeze frame of them giving a “thumbs up” gesture, each in their own way.]

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