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in #efed8 years ago

Hello, the name is Derrick and I stumbled onto this because of an efed called @ultimatewrestlin who had the idea to use this platform as a place to post post rps and matches. For those that don't know an efed is an on-line community of people who write competitive stories (roleplays, RPs) as wrestlers. These RPs are then judged, and the person determined to have written the better story is determined as the winner. An event is then written as a wrestling program where the results are issued and the winners are revealed in story form.

Now that we have that explained, I once played around with the idea of putting adsense on my rps in order to see if I could actually profit from them but their terms and conditions were so convoluted and strict that it wasn't worth it in the end. From what I've seen so far though, Steemit seems like a much better alternative so I'll be posting the rps for both of my characters here for a while to see how it goes. A little background on the characters.....

K-Remix - He is the son of multiple wrestling federation hall of famer K-Money, he is the adopted son of Sabrina Carter who is a wrestling legend in her own right, and his grandfather was a very successful boxer in Mexico making him a third generation athlete. Has been going through rigorous training the past two years to prepare for his time to shine in the wrestling industry. To date he has been involved in one match that he was successful in winning. Personality wise, he is basically exactly what comes to mind when you think of a millennial heavily invested in pop culture.

Alexis Avalon - Orphaned at birth she was kidnapped and entered into a secret government program code named Project Avalon. The only information that can be found about the project is that it was a program intended to engineer super soldiers with psychic abilities. Even the country carrying out the project remains classified, however the U.S. military stumbled onto the facility where the experiments were taking place. All prisoner's of the project were liberated and brought back to the United States for examination. After a full examination it was found that most possessed little to no psychic abilities except for a young child, patient #37. Even her abilities were found to be limited due to the short amount of time she could actually use them and the toll using the abilities took on her body. All poisoners' liberated from the program were granted asylum and granted names of their choosing since none could remember much about life before or during the project. Personality wise she has developed into what you would call a meme queen, very nerdy, doesn't really posses a serious bone in her body.

So yeah, that's about it. Check out my stories if it seems like your kind of thing.


Thanks for sharing...

It's really cool to see other people being inspired by what Ultimate Wrestling is doing. We would love to have you on our roster since you already know how to use the SteemIt platform! I'm also reward users in XP Coin so you have the chance to make more money then just posting independently on an island all alone.

Let me know what you think, you are obviously a great writing and I think you would be a great addition to our roster! :)