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RE: How to improve yourself? 学习区 VS 表现区 ?

in #education8 years ago

I would always tell people that I am training in my emergency response team that training is the time to make mistakes. It is the time to ask dumb questions, forget things, do it wrong.

There is no insult in making a mistake and learning from it. We always work hard to minimize risk during training because we know that mistakes will be made. The mark of a good trainer is one that will take a mistake and use it as a positive learning experience.

Sometimes i would even get someone to make a 'mistake' on purpose so I can use it to teach others how not to make the mistake themselves.

When you have an environment like that people are more willing to push themselves and try things they are not sure of. they earn faster and better and perform much better when they are in the 'performance' stage.

So when you are training - focus on training and don't worry about your mistakes.
When you are performing - perform to the best of your ability, all the time.

[no bots were used in the making of this comment]

Sort:, Yeah, absolutely agree with your points.
focus on training and don't worry about your small mistakes, because you can correct it and can learn a lesson from it.
As for performance, believe that you tried your best.
thank you so much for these words and have a nice day!