Replying to David Ickes video on QAnon

It was impossible to get a clear and presentable paragraphs on Bitchute, so I've decided to post on here,
though it's been a while, feels like the information needs to be shared.

  • The only reason he is posting this video is because no take down happened at the inauguration,
    So many where expecting it, the perfect trap.

David you are a gift to humanity, you've woken up so many including myself back in the day,
though your information is out of date.

Spending too much time on the virus stuff only.

The or else David . .

Benjamin de Rothschild - 15 January 2021
Pope Francis - January 2021
George Soros - July 28 2020
John McCain - August 25, 2018
George H. W. Bush - November 30, 2018
David Rockefeller - March 20, 2017

Some names David listed are now dead people.

Has David ever gone and met Fulford, to see if he really is a part of an Asian secret society? No.
it comes across as professional jealousy, because all his years and David has no real military contacts or insiders like others do.

  • This is a 5Dimensional game of chess.
    you don't go in and change things right away, you infiltrate and collect evidence on your enemy, keep them close.

what do you think his people have been doing the last 4 years?
it's been even longer than that since JFK for some.

  • What billionaire would put themselves though all that abuse Every day, from the media, congress, from the public,
    his own people that he fired a lot of, cleaning it up from the inside out.

Biden has no real power, he does not have the military or the football, because the election was a fraud,

the military know this, the trap was set they took the bait.

Original Censored from YouTube

Watermarked ballots, digital traced ballots, 20,000 National guards mobilized, back in November!

The pardons, well sometimes you got to make deals to get witnesses,
let off the little fish to get the big ones.
I don't know about Assange and Snowden, maybe they are safer where they are until America cleans house.

it was Not 75mil it was 79mil, again David is out of date with his information.
Link -

Mainstream attempt to discredit it.

Trump is connected to this QAnon, there's so many proofs now, even in his last message to the public,
he had 17 American flags behind him.
his very last words " Have a good life, we will see you soon"

Does that really sound like a man who just gave up and left? No.

We really Don't know what happened at the inauguration, these people did 9/11, flew a Tomahawk missile into the pentagon,
they might have had some kind of "Insurance" aimed at the American public? something that was such a threat they had to abort.

The problem is an angry public that takes things into its own hands, without leaders is mob rule, its messy and destructive, ineffective, this is what David is calling for,

As the NWO rolls out a Resistance will need to rise, one that can organize, with intelligence of the enemy, plan actions out, with funding and supplies, think of the French resistance during WW2 though on a much larger scale.

For now, more time is needed to see how this plays out, the Original inauguration by the Constitution is March the 4th,
Let's see if Biden is still president at the end of that day, if he is, then yes, the QAnon is a Psy op, there's no reason to keep dragging this out after that time.