Character education in Mathematics learning

in #education8 years ago (edited)

Mathematical learning is done by teachers today still use the old method by introducing formulas and concepts so that students do not understand enough. In addition, the lecture methods that teachers do make students bored with math lessons. Teachers always dominate in learning, this is what educates students to imitate and listen to the material provided by teachers so that students do not have the initiative in solving math problems.

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Mathematics learning cannot be separated from the development of student personality and knowledge, so to achieve the learning goals of mathematics teachers must change the mechanical learning pattern into a characteristic humanistic.

Humanistic mathematics is not new in mathematics learning because mathematics can be associated with art in the form of beauty, creativity or imagination in mathematics. Lack of interest and motivation of students to mathematics is the root cause of problems that occur in mathematics education. Teachers need to find ways to learn to make fun and challenging math lessons for students with discovery and work. Humanistic mathematics is learning that provides the freedom to learn actively and the challenges that create student creativity.

Humanistic Mathematics Learning

Characteristics of humanistic mathematics learning place students as inventors provide opportunities for students to help each other, learn ways to complete terminology, explain the history of mathematical inventions in accordance with learning materials, create problem problems that appeal to students with open questions. , using various persuasion techniques, develop an understanding of the great mathematical ideas in history and culture, encourage student confidence, and set an example in everyday life.

Mathematical education will be more valuable and optimal in character building through the nature of mathematics, school mathematics and the selection of learning methods. In applying the value of a mathematical value of humanism syllabus needed and the implementation plan of learning.

The syllabus is a learning implementation plan that includes competency standards, basic competencies, materials, activities, performance indicators, assessment, time allocation, and learning material resources. The syllabus can contain character values that are explicitly characterized in lesson plans, achievement indicators, and assessments

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The learning implementation plan is structured based on each of the basic competencies performed for one or more lessons. Character values should be included in the preparation of lesson plans at indicator points, learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments. The character needs to be assessed to foster a sense of student responsibility in effective learning and learning in achieving character education goals.

Application of Mathematica learning in building a character of student need to pay attention to adjustment of a condition of student learning environment, this is done gradually with very patient. Learning the character has the goal of producing graduates who have comprehensive knowledge and human capabilities. Teacher creativity also requires openness, hard work, diligence, patience and sincerity to provide knowledge and benefits to the students.

Thank you


Nice post @steemitlovers. Mathematics in general is difficult to understand with old methods like learning formulas to solve a problem and several other tedious methods used for solving a problem. But if the subject is made interesting by putting some new ideas and making the learning fun will help many students to learn and to understand the subject.