Importance of Education

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Education is the basic unit for the nourishment of good society. It is not wrong to say that Education is the transfer of etiquettes of life and mental inheritance from one generation to another generation.Educated people shift their experiences, feelings, ideas and results to the students so that an educated society can take birth.

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As a nation's system of education is strong, stable, and compatible with religious principles, the nation will be so strong and powerful and will be rated on the high level of success and prosperity. The nation having the strong ideology of living will be able to provide its generation bright customs.

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Knowledge is called the third eye of a human being. The man learns about the purpose of his life, creation and acknowledgement of the truth, give arguments and the way of spending a civilized life in the society merely because of education.The man has been regarded intellectually highest among all the earthly species created by ALLAH just due to knowledge.This fact can never be denied that Education is the key to learning and training and an increase of the practical and intellectual capacity of human being.

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The present era is the period of technology and computer. Education about the technology and computer helps in learning the day to day changes in life or otherwise.

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