Learning styles: discover Your Own way of keeping information.

in #education7 years ago

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We, humans, are so complex by creation, and precisely by learning. Part of what makes us complex is the difference around us. From taking in information, to studying, to retention and expression. And this differences makes it important for us to know how to channel our brain to work effectively.

Remember when in school, how you had to read ceaselessly for hours, cram pages of textbooks, use small notes to hold key details, use flash card or even record the lecture’s speech, all to get the good grades. And all these were done to channel the brain to hold those vital information.

Overtime, Scientists and Psychologists have developed various ways of getting information sticking to our brains, by observation and experimentation, how learning can work effectively for all.

Basically, there are three type of learners, of which you fall in one. We have the Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic learners. Let’s look into each of it.

Auditory Learners


This learners prefer to hear whatever the information is rather than reading it or seeing it. Auditory learners loves to recite information out loud so as to remember. They process information out loud, like by asking questions and answering themselves. Teaching others makes them understand better and comprehend whatever information that are dispatching out to others.

Visual Learners

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This type of learner get the best of information by pictures and images. The easily relate with ideas and information that are visual and pictorial. The use of graphs, colors, charts, video presentations and other visual medium helps them relate and get the best of the information passed across. Conversion of texts to pictorial info, diagrams helps them.

Kinesthetic Learners


This learners are experiential learners, they learn best by laying their hands on the information, that is by doing. They love practical and are acting out. They use gestures and move around while studying. Writing can be of help to the kinesthetic.

Now, that you are inform and you can see likely see where you stand, let’s have a quiz to help you.

Note: we will be using abbreviation get the answer: Auditory – Aud; Visual – Vis; Kinethestic - Kin


  1. What book would you love to read for fun?
    -Book with lots of picture (vis)
    -Books with lots of words (aud)
    -Books with word searches or crossword puzzles (kin)

  2. When you are out for a shopping and you are on the pay line, what will you be doing while waiting?
    -Talk to people around you (aud)
    -Look around for other thing to shop (vis)
    -Moving back and forth (Kin)

  3. When you are not sure of the spelling of a word, what will you likely do?
    -Write it out to see if you are right (Kin)
    -Trace the word letters in the air (vis)
    -Spell it out loud to see how it sounds (aud)

  4. When you see the word ‘puppy’, what do you do first?
    -Picture a puppy in your mind (vis)
    -Say the word ‘puppy’ to yourself (aud)
    -Think about being with a cat (kin)

  5. What is the best way to study for an exam or test?
    -Read with pictures or chart (vis)
    -Have someone ask you questions you can relate with (aud)
    -Make up index cards or short notes that you can review (kin)

  6. What is the best way of getting procedural things to work?
    -Read or listen to someone explain (aud)
    -Get someone to show you (vis)
    -Figure it out yourself (kin)

  7. If you went for a dinner, what will you likely remember the next day?
    -The music and speakers, like MC (aud)
    -The actions (like dance) you did, or food you ate (kin)
    -The face of the people in the dinner (vis)

  8. When you are happy, what are you most likely to do?
    -Smile heavily (vis)
    -Talk (aud)
    -Act hyper (kin)

  9. When you are angry, what are you most likely to do?
    -Put up a mad face (vis)
    -Yell and shout (aud)
    -Slam door, feet (kin)

With this quick test, you can get the best of yourself and effectively use your brain to get information. From the analysis, you might discover that you fall into two form of learning style, not to worry, you still have a core from the learning styles.


Well, I don't believe that we have one particular way per person. Maybe because that's me.

I adopt all three at one point or the other depending on the situation at hand. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hi @olubamisedaniel. There are a few things I would like to mention here:

  • I think all of the images that you are currently used need permission from the original authors. It is advisable for you to read about a certain guideline which entails information about copyright standard to be obliged by a steemSTEM author. You can click here to find out more.

  • You need to write your article's references.

Thank you and good luck.


Good post