The first day of study using a computer device
Hello steemians friends after so long my protege did not learn by using computer because I still forbid them to use computer in learning.
Because I still give the material in in learning. I give the material first for my students so that they understand more when they practice.
And today is the first day they learn by using the computer because there is material that I give to those who can already be practiced using their own computer. And this is their photo when they first learned by using this classroom computer.

The material in this two tk class will be more difficult with first class. So when they study the material and theory that I give then they should really digest well, otherwise they will be confused with this new material.
But nevertheless I'm sure they can because by being used it will train them to focus more so they can be more adept at this.

But the most important thing from the computer as a supporting medium for my students in learning.
The conclusion in this post is ..
They have to learn harder to be able to understand the material in this class to improve the quality of education for those who want to excel in the computer world. That is all and thank you.

Halo sahabat steemians setelah sekian lama anak didik saya tidak belajar dengan menggunakan komputer dikarenakan saya masih melarang mereka untuk menggunakan komputer dalam belajar.
Karena saya masih memberikan materi dalam dalam pembelajaran. Saya memberi materi terlebih dahulu buat anak didik saya agar supaya mereka lebih mengerti ketika mereka melakukan praktek.
Dan hari ini adalah hari pertama mereka belajar dengan menggunkan perangkat komputer dikarenakan ada materi yang saya berikan kepada mereka yang sudah bisa dipraktekkan menggunakan komputer mereka masing masing. Dan inilah foto mereka saat pertama belajar dengan menggunakan komputer dikelas ini.

Namun meskipun demikian saya yakin mereka pasti bisa karena dengan terbiasa maka akan melatih mereka untuk lebih fokus lagi sehingga mereka bisa lebih mahir dalam hal ini.

They have to learn harder to be able to understand the material in this class to improve the quality of education for those who want to excel in the computer world. That is all and thank you.
Best Regard @mawardi