Why I Hate The Education System

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Today I was really angry towards my maths teacher. For those who don't know I absolutely love math and physics. So the problem is that I do not like my math teacher. To be honest, now that I look back I don't think I ever had a good math teacher. And right now she is even worse than old high school math teacher let's say her name is Miss P. Today Miss P began the chapter on differentiation and literally she just wrote all 18 differentiating rules on the blackboard (and yes I counted them out) and we are supposed to memorize that without even understanding what a derivatives really is. WHO DOES THAT?!?!? If you don't know that a derivative is, a derivative is very much related to the limit concept and is basically Slope of a curve at a point. She didn't even mentioned that NOT EVEN ONCE!!! It's not me nitpicking, a derivative being related to limits is literally the basics of Calculus. It's the core of Calculus. It's literally the essence of Calculus. But she didn't bothered. I highly doubt that she knows ANYTHING about Math.
And she does this annoying thing she'll basically talk as the test was a person or like a group of people. I know it sounds weird let me give you an example, (I'm translating here) "They won't ask anything more than this." Thing that is weird is that test papers are written by her. Many tests aren't written by her but why personify tests??? It literally doesn't make any sense whatsoever all I could think about when she personifies tests is like we have to suck "their" dick to pass the damn test. And I don't mean that in a hilarious way!!! But anyways.
Also another thing that she said that made me lose any respect I had for her as a teacher was, "It doesn't matter how you remember it. They are not going to ask you how you remember this as long as you remember it and solve the problem" Wow... According to her it doesn't matter if you learn and see where the quadratic formula comes from as long as you just remember it. There is one problem with that. YOU ARE LITERALLY IGNORING THE REASON WHY MATH EVEN EXISTS!!! YOU ARE LITERALLY IGNORING THE LOGIC ASPECT OF MATH!!!! Logic is the basis of math.
It's really bad. When I was said this to my friend, she said, "why do you care you? You shouldn't. You are WAAAAY ahead from what she is teaching." Yes. That's true. In school, we are beginning calculus whereas I am studying differential calculus and multivariable calculus. But I am not sad because I won't be able to learn. I am sad because because of her everyone else in my class and every class she teaches will think that Math and physics are very weird and not for them or out of this world, Nobody understands it, it's not fun and that's not true. That breaks my heart. Math is not about putting yourself in a box of rules but it sure as hell might feel that when YOUR TEACHER JUST GIVES YOU 18 FUCKING RULES WITHOUT EXPLAINING ANYTHING ABOUT THEM!! It's frustrating. Being honest I know its not her fault it's the systems fault but there's nothing I could do about it and I am so frustrated I don't know what to do. If you didn't got anything out after blog please if you think that Math and Physics are boring, just know that it's not. It's not weird it's beautiful it's amazing. It's just that you haven't been able to see that beauty yet because of some stupid system and some stupid teachers.
I hate when youtubers just talk about this stuff as though it's a joke. It's not a joke education system is robbing us of intelligent creative people of the future who might potentially solve the energy crisis or stop climate change. And the irony is WE NEED CREATIVE PEOPLE JUST SOLVE OUR WORLDWIDE PROBLEMS RIGHT NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!! Or else we literally don't have a future and at this critical time education system is robbing of creative people. It's ridiculous. And there is nothing I could do about it.

I know that I said that I will do an analysis on my last post but I don't feel like it. And I am still feeling down I don't think that if I do an analysis right now it will be a good analysis or even a useful analysis so I am not going to do it right now. Maybe a week later I will do that analysis. Thanks for reading my ramble on this. I really appreciate it :)


I hear your frustration.

Our system of education is headed in the wrong direction. I know I taught in the schools for 13 yrs and another 25 yrs privately (Music).

The best advise I can give you is that remember the real reason for education is to teach people how to learn.

You seem well on your way on being a self-learner so I an not worried about you. You actually have been given a passion for math & physics that some teacher may have passed on to you somewhere somehow.

One of the biggest issues I have with our school systems is that there are too many teachers teaching subjects rather than students. Math already knows itself but students don't. Teach students not math is my motto.

Another issue is that, often, because of budget cuts some poor teacher who may not be qualified to teach calculus has been forced to do so and is just trying to stay one day ahead of the class.

So don't be discouraged. Learn it your self & better yet work with your classmates and teach it to yourselves. You may find you will actually understand it better and feel proud after.

"YOU ARE LITERALLY IGNORING THE REASON WHY MATH EVEN EXISTS!!! " Indeed. It is truly tragic and an inherent problem with mandatory schooling.

I agree. Mandatory schooling is the worst. No one, who hates math will remember what calculus is about. So why teach it to them in the first place? Let them learn when they want to learn. At least then they'll actually remember and appreciate what they learned.