The Positive Effects of Counseling and Student Guidance at School

Teachers (including homeroom teachers) are key figures in actual counseling activities in the classroom. teachers are always in close contact with the students. he has many opportunities to study students activities, monitor his behavior and activities, and when the teacher is thorough and attentive, he will be able to know the characteristics of his students, needs, interests, problems, and points of weakness and strength.
School counseling services are necessary to implement as teachers in schools need to be able to understand students, acquire and use appropriate teaching methods, instill discipline in students, gain and execute to change student attitudes and behavior, compile and interpret test learning outcomes, and so forth.
Thus, with the guidance services for teachers is expected teachers can:
Understand counseling and programs in schools and their relationship to education in schools.
Overcoming difficulties in facing students in school in particular.
Students understand themselves well, which concerns the needs, difficulties, and individual differences of students, in order to smooth the learning process.
Have understanding and skills on ways to solve problems related to teaching and learning process situation.
Cooperate with Guidance and Counseling staff in order to help solve student problems, especially those concerned with education and work problems.
The teacher is fully and able to learn and understand his students, not only as an individual but also as a member of his group or class. since the students enter the school in the morning until school is over, the teacher will take advantage of every opportunity to assist in collecting the data needed to properly understand the students and in recording the data and other information materials into cumulative notes or notes. other school records.
Basically, the successful implementation of guidance and counseling in schools, can not be separated from the role of various parties at school. In addition to the Counselor Teacher or Counselor as the main implementer, guidance and counseling in schools, also need to involve principals, subject teachers and homeroom teachers.
The Role of Subject Teachers.
In schools, the main duties and responsibilities of teachers are to carry out student learning activities. but that does not mean he is completely out with the activities of guidance and counseling services. The role and contribution of subject teachers is still highly expected in the interest of the effectiveness and efficiency of guidance and counseling services in schools. even within certain limits teachers can act as counselors for their students. one of the roles that run by the teacher is as a mentor and to become a mentor teacher should have an understanding of the child being supervised.
The following details the roles, duties and responsibilities of subject teachers in guidance and counseling:
Helps to socialize counseling and guidance services to students.
Provide opportunities for students to obtain counseling and guidance services from supervising teachers.
Referring students who need guidance and counseling to supervising teachers.
Applying the values of guidance in the learning process or interacting with students, such as respecting all students, giving students the opportunity to ask, or argue, give rewards to students who display good behavior / performance, show the person as a functioning moral figure as a good example.
The Role of Counselor / Teacher Advisor is:
Planning counseling and counseling program with coordinator.
Carry out counseling and guidance services for students who are responsible (perform basic services, responsive, individual planning, and system support).
Socializing guidance and counseling activities (especially to students).
Formulate preparation of guidance and counseling activities.
Evaluate the process and outcomes of guidance and counseling services.
Participate actively in various school activities that support the improvement of education quality in schools.
and Responsible for providing guidance services to students.
Hopefully useful..
guidance counseling is needed in the education process itself. Our bodies, guidance and counseling are like our feet, which always support every activity move we do. Similarly, guidance and counseling in the education process in general will provide support for educational objectives that can be achieved.
Efforts to improve education related to efforts to improve the quality of human resources. The quality of human resources is an important factor in supporting the success of development conducted by a nation.
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