Education for the Prevention of a Drug-Free World // I can!

in #education7 years ago

Hello Friends of Steemit, Integral Prevention is the best strategy to promote healthy lifestyles. The educational environment is the privileged space to prevent young people from entering the world of drugs, since values, attitudes, abilities and behaviors are formed that allow these young people to develop comprehensively and learn to face these risks of the social environment in that unfold.

Objectives for Prevention:

  1. Parents, Representatives, and / or Teachers must promote healthy lifestyles and educational environments.
  2. Prevent Young People from Consuming Drug.
  3. Strengthen personal protective factors that prepare young people to face and avoid risks.
  4. Detect and intervene early drug use in adolescents.
  5. Develop attitudes, values and competencies with teachers to take an active role in the prevention of drug use.

How to prevent Youth from entering the world of drugs?

  • Talk to the Child, tell him and explain to him in the best way that Drugs can destroy the life of anyone who becomes addicted to them.
  • Advise him not to accept any "gift" or detail from strangers.
  • Open and effective communication with parents, family environment and with teachers.
  • As Parents or Representatives, look for ways to gain the trust of the child, allowing a good relationship between you.
  • Harmony, Affection, Love, and Affection are the main values ​​that help the formation of a healthy individual in society.
  • The Recognition of Achievements should make the parents proud, gratifying and motivating the young person in each proposed goal.
  • Life Proyect. Sit next to the child, and ask him to draw a Life Project: How is it reflected in the future? What do you want to study, achieve and do in an adult life? ... And guide him, how to gradually achieve his goals. objectives.
  • And last but not least, let the young man develop skills in his free time (painting, playing, practicing sports, dancing ...), so that he occupies his mind in healthy activities and does not feel at any moment curious to experiment what you should not.

Testimony of Daniel Díaz: "An overdose had Daniel on the verge of death. After 16 days in a coma, he still does not explain how he managed to save himself, but he has something clear and it is the firm intention not to fall back into the abyss that, as he says, took away the courage, the will, the trust, the love of his family and was closing all doors in his path. Daniel grew up surrounded by the love of his parents, but the failure in a loving relationship, at age 22, prompted him to seek in alcohol and drugs a relief, albeit momentary, to the pain he felt at that moment.

 Cocaine became his all and even though he began consuming it only on weekends, after a couple of years his willpower against the drug became increasingly weak and required three and four doses in a single day. From being a good student and helping his father, who helped him by driving public transport buses that he had in charge, Daniel became the concern of his family. Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs without caring that he was exposing the lives of his passengers and his own, Daniel never worried, since the end of his job was to get enough money to continue drugging.

"At that time my life changed completely, I became apathetic, rude, aggressive and I did not want to do anything. I did not want to work. I stopped being responsible for my things, so my dad took my bus and that was worse because I only dedicated myself to consume and consume. The coca was my breakfast, my lunch and my food, "says Daniel, who still did not accept that he was an addict, that he had a chronic illness.

God put his hand

After the cardiac arrest that caused the overdose, coma and a week in an intensive care unit, Daniel decided to ask for help and asked his family to admit him because he wanted to recover. "It's clear that God put his hand on me. I arrived at the hospital practically dead, but then I had a very good evolution, which made me think that I could not keep destroying myself, "says the man almost six months after that experience.

 Daniel arrived at a Rehabilitation Clinic, where he began a rehabilitation process, but after 28 days of being there, believing that he had recovered and vowing that he would not relapse, he asked to be discharged. Under his responsibility and that of his family let him out, but it took only three weeks for Daniel to consume more than he used to. "I no longer had a will, it was a fact that I could not alone, so I reconsidered and asked to be admitted again," he recalls.

 His first days there were a disaster. Daniel refused to participate and did not accept anything about his treatment, little progressed. But after the period of abstinence, Daniel understood that he should do his part if he really wanted to be cured. It was when he decided to enter the therapies and at that moment he began his true recovery.

It has been more than five months and the young man who came to steal his parents to get high, there is nothing left. His radiant face, the brightness of his eyes and the tranquility with which he expresses himself speak for him. "This is a process, it is impossible to change from one day to the next. Today I am a totally different person, I spend time with my family and peace returned to my life. I found everything I had lost. I feel proud and I know I'll get ahead, "says Daniel, who finished his treatment, in about four months, plans to study law and continue to bear witness to his story, especially in his neighborhood, to" save someone's life. "

"It's not easy, but not impossible!

Yes you can do it! Say NO! TO DRUGS!