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RE: What Students Can Learn from Online Gamers

in #education8 years ago

Usually, it seems, most people are just taking classes to fulfill the requirements of whatever degree that they are working towards. I once took a college algebra class that I was really happy to be taking. I was really engaged with the subject matter. There was one student, however, that really dreaded each and every day she was there. I questioned why she was there at all if she didn't want to learn the material.

It's sad but true that many people don't go to school to learn. Sometimes they just attend college because their parents want them there or because they want a shiny piece of paper that says they are smart.


I don't think that's a minority. There are a few things that universities can teach us that we cannot learn online right now, mostly involving labs, internships, and expensive equipment. Barring those things, the only reason I can see to attend a university is to buy your way into the middle class. The degree is everything.