7 Common Problems In Modern Literature

in #education6 years ago (edited)

   Changes are constant, and they always go either towards the positive or negative direction. This applies to everything – art, thoughts and grades 


With regard to literature, the modern styles of writing have passed through occasional hard times over the years for being what some describe as ‘below standard’. Originally intended to be an expression of creativity and one’s inner world, the creation of modern literature has been streamlined to fit certain societal rules and meet certain conditions. Students often need some help from  speech writing services online . It isn’t surprising that present online reviews often deem modern-day publications even from the best writer as ‘boring’, ‘repetitive’ and other similar words. And sometimes students end up needing help with writing a literature review due to its confusing nature.We will observe the main challenges faced by modern literature below. 

1. Monotonous scripting 

Everyone seems bent on writing about the same themes in different ways. Such topics as love and sex have been over flogged due to their ability to create a huge following. And since most priorities related to the literature review have lost, everyone is constantly trying to gain attention – by writing the same storylines over and over again.

 2. Lack of suspense 

 It can be quite annoying and discouraging when you end up reading a story with a faulty plot. If there’s anything every writer should know it is your audience’s love for suspense. They do not want to guess the end from the beginning. People like to be wowed, impressed; they don’t want to ‘see it coming’. But it’s difficult imbibing suspense even into a literature review when the story is plain and boring.

 3. The strain on the reader 

Gone are the times when authors literally ‘poured themselves’ into writing a poem, play or prose. These days everyone wants to sound politically correct – superficial, child-like and unassertive. There is no need in neither in-depth analysis, nor in plot twist, just bits and pieces for the readers to guess out the true meaning of things. The reader now does the work of trying to make sense of everything because it doesn’t add up. 

4. Story organization/structure Going through some written works published in our times is like eating watery soup – they are tasteless, and you can barely see the real vegetables floating around. The story structure can be quite poor sometimes to the point where nothing can be understood after several lines. This is because most times, the motive is not to entertain or intrigue people’s minds. The motive is more financially-oriented; excite the people and get good bucks. Such mentality has a backward influence on the barely surviving culture of writing decent literature. 

5. Descriptive deficiency

 Another negative side to postmodern writing is the issue of the descriptive element of literature reviews. A lot of young and upcoming authors usually end up drafting stories that are too superficial and have an inadequate description of the scenery, or even the main character.  

6. Limited by morality

 Our standards are changing day by day, which invariably means our reading style is affected more than we know. Young and upcoming authors sometimes tend to moralize or demoralize the story plot, which isn’t a good idea when targeting a world as mixed and diverse as ours. The same goes for reviews since it’s only possible to review what has been put down. It’s difficult to meet your teacher’s requirement of being ‘free thinking’ in your approach towards a book that is headed for the opposite direction. That’s why students sometimes need help. 

7. Misplaced focus

 It is not a secret that a book is close to an epic fail when the focus from the beginning is not on the characters of the book, but the status of the writer. Literature as an aspect of art is never about the person creating the story, but about a central concept, that a story is trying to portray. You are trying to pass a message across through your work; your work should be the focus, not you or your lifestyle or your personal accomplishments. This is because in the process of considering your status people are stuck with buying the ‘trashy’ books you wrote. Just because of the status of the person, not the book quality. Indirectly this also deprives real talent by showing itself out there and discourages those with the ‘real stuff’ from putting their work out.