Why many people will fail on Steemit and other social media

in #education8 years ago (edited)

Steemit has been a failing ground for some people and will remain so if those involved are still blinded by their stubbornness to change. There are some members who have been here for more than 6 months but still fail to see the light and are even struggling with those that recently joined (low followers and post payout). @timcliff , @liberosist  and @stellabelle did a good job in posting about the issue which was analyzed handsomely by  @rok-sivante  on his Top 5 Reasons You Will Fail Miserably On Steemit .

Moreover , steemit is not a HYIP or get quick scheme therefore do not come here if you are looking for quick money, rather you will be successful if you focus on the fun and learning side of the communities in this great social media platform.



I light of the problem, I will therefore, outline some points which are helpful:

  • Brand: We all know that brand and relationship matters. Some steemians, examples, @lydon.sipe , @soldier and @mrs.steemit have written about how branding yourself will lead to sustainable competitive advantage and subsequently, success . This is true and relates to consistency and being faithful to your audience. This strategy is employed well by some members examples  @quinneaker, @papa-pepper , @sweetsssj and @exyle  (to mention just few) hence why they are more successful than most average bloggers.
  • Attitude towards others: your manner of approach matter in private and public life. Many people do not like to be spammed but will consistently throw in spam comments ( note that good consistent comments gets you up votes more than poor quality posts)   , rude response and even flag those who disagree with them-this can lead to failure. Most worryingly, I have seen many members who wrongly take fight with groups of whales -blindly attacking and insulting them (what a stupid thing to do- please no war here, make love).
  • Laziness: this is an issue here because many people do not put in effort in creating their posts rather copy and paste other people work or video (plagiarism) , post a picture or video without any written introduction and expect lots of up votes. This strategy will certainly lead to failure.
  • Curate wisely : In order to be a success here, you have to comment (prudently) like a minnow, post like a dolphin and curate like a whale. Do not focus only on up voting those in trending and hot pages rather look for some great undervalued bloggers and up vote them –this will lead to expanding the success here and even you getting more money from curation rewards (when the post becomes successful)
  • Invest in steem power : see my post on steem cheap price and opportunities :  steem power is the main ingredient to success here  because it can lead to getting more rewards from curation , post , interest, high return when there is increase in steem price and most importantly, power & authority in the future of social media.

                What do you guys think?

• The points raised here are great, however I will add more

• I agree with the points and will implement them

• Shut up @charles1, you are talking nonsense..  I am done with steemit 

Send in your comment, Please resteem this for others to join and up vote to send your support.

See  my former blog post on  Steemit: An undervalued precious Gem 

For those who want to be an investor in Bitcoin wallet lend bitcoin via paypal- see X coins link: https://xcoins.io/investors?r=v93e2z   


I feel there are 2 groups of people who succeed on Steemit. The first group are the bot creators. Second group are those that love to blog and have a well identified brand like you mention. Without a brand, it'll be hard to maintain a follower count.

Hopefully we'll see all these 'quantity-over-quality-accounts' die off as steemit is growing.

Absolutely correct bud...I agree. Lets plan and join the bot creators ASAP
hahaa..that one is like money printing machine...

Honestly speaking, those who failed are those steemians who choose for the money. On the otherside those who choose for the love of steem and the platform succeeded. A friendly reminder for all steemians, remember this one thing. There is a time for sowing,time for growing and the time of harvest.

Very good point, I agree.

Very Amazing Words which you describe. thank you @cloudspyder

Nicely said. The intention one puts into something is so powerfull that it affects the results wheter one likes it or not. Full support for the Steemit platform and much love for the people on it. <3

what do you think about the issues of scam and excessive supply as indicated in my last 2 posts? I explained some points about it and scam in steemit-feel free to see it and send your suggestions on what to do. More success

Well put! This further confirms that steemit is a platform that will produce and promote original high quality content in the long run.

I've done a little bit of most of your recommendations. Most importantly, I'm having fun. I post when I can and I search out interesting content to upvote and resteem. The main thing for me right now on this platform is that I know my place...I'm a minnow. If the money comes eventually that's cool...If not that's cool too.

You will surely be a success here @mantishands you have to be optimistic. I joined on June this year and only post 3 times a week in order to have time to respond to all coments and comment on other people posts and upvote them too. In that way, I am building more success here. See my older blog posts for more tips and keep up the good work. I am following you now in order to stay in touch. More success to you.

Those point are pretty much on target. I will say, that even doing all those things still doesn't guarantee overwhelming success. People need to accept that as a possibility and be here for the interaction, relationships and community as well.

Best example I can use is myself. From the moment I arrived and for the year that has passed, I have been building the ScaredyCatGuide brand, posting financial related content, curating and commenting pretty consistently.

I've done decent. However, compared to many folks that have been here the same duration and aimed to do the same things (some of who you mentioned), my results could be looked at as disappointing. I'm content with where I am, but many would expect more and quite possibly leave.

In the end things are always relative. I choose to focus on what I have as opposed to what I don't.

wow, a very good comment indeed @scaredycatguide and I agree that we all should focus positively on our goal and the great community plus contacts we are building here. Like your posts too, following you now in order to stay in touch and send in my support. I wish you success.

Thanks Charles! It is appreciated. :-)

welcome, and more success.

I like your points. I would add that some of us, like me, are just ecstatic that there is another alternative to fascist book. I will keep learning about Steemit, not to make money first, but to really open eyes to truth, which FB does not allow. That is always my main goal, though here on Steemit, it seems the intelligence level and open-ness is much higher than FB, so my posts may be preaching to the choir. I also believe in supporting platforms that are about and for freedom. And, as a woman, I don't see enough of us supporting truth and freedom. There are more and more of us, but we need to reach more women -- especially the soccer moms out there (said by a recovering former soccer mom!) Good post. Reblogged. :)

you are welcome and thanks for your good comment. I will suggest that you read my older posts about how to be successful here in order to build up your steemit strategy and yes we need more soccer ladies , intelligent ladies like you

Thanks charles1! I will take a look. :)

you are welccome and more success to you my dear soccer lady

:) :) :) you might like my last 2 posts, good info for you. I will check yours now...

I am still getting the hang of this, and find my time has to be limited right now, so my posting is mostly resteeming and some poetry. I want to write an intelligent article, so I am in the process of deciding what my "niche" should be... Any suggestions off the top of your head? :)

My sugestion is for you to build up your real following first because those are the people that will see and upvote you.
First see https://steemit.com/steemit/@charles1/stop-whining-here-are-way-to-improve-your-earnings-on-steemit which will guide you on what to do..take your time, read it plus my older posts on how to be successful here and start implementations. I started on June but have built some following and reputation and then the money will start flowing in.
Feel free to contact me via steem chat if you have questions -success.

Well said. My wife @ch4nel recently joined Steemit and has expressed similar views to what you said here in your comment.

Yes, it seems this platform has a very young user base (naturally and thank god they are here rather than FB), but we do need to get more "mature" women on here so we can expose them to real news and truth.
P.S. I just followed your wife's page...she looks like she is an amazing woman!

@charles1 "post like a minnow comment like a dolphin and curate like a whale" I lol'd, the realize how mind-blowingly awesome that phrase is

Haha good point, however I indicted it as comment like a minnow , post like a dolphin and curate like a whale...
however great the way you see it, thanks.

thanks for this info @charles1
this is a great tip for success here... keep it up

you are welcome, more success.

most unfortunately will not create original content and that way its gonna be difficult.

I agree, good point

Thanks @charles1 yeah since its difficult to commit most people will get bored but thats a mistake. we have to keep going and work on this great site

I agree, keep steeming to more success

totally! I'm hooked!

Hahaha success

U r rite

Thanks, see my new post for new analysis