The Need To Curb Indecent Dressing in our Society
The rate at which IMMORAL DRESSING grows in our society is alarming and need to be addressed urgently, as this is against the principles of the society. Young people must know that indecent dressing do not improve one’s beauty; rather, it dents ones image and it’s also a show of rebellion but these has become a way of dressing that is common among the people in our society especially the female one’s.
“Dress the way you want to be address” is a popular maxim far and wide, but the question is, is the wisdom the maxim teaches ever adhered to?
My fellow steemians the fact is the way one dresses determines the way he or she will be addressed. If a person dresses properly and decently, he or she will definitely attract respect and the person’s dignity will be protected, but when one is indecently dressed, he or she will attract disrespect, harassment and can even be rape which has been the experience of most indecent dressers.
A dress is said to be indecent if it is morally and sexually offensive. It entails the exposure of one’s body to the public. Many youth are exposed to mode of dressing which they observe on television or social media where they see celebrities dress indecently and they try to emulate them. Most celebrities, while on stage, wear all sorts of clothes like pants, miniskirts, bumper shorts, tight trousers and some even wear their trousers on their waist, a style now referred to as sagging. The youth tend to dress this way in order to be like the celebrities they see on television, thereby ignoring their pride with respect to the way one should dress in order to be addressed with respect and value, all in the name of fashion
- Poor parental guidance
- Influence from peer groups
- Misuse of the Internet
- Not keeping to cultural values
- Low self esteem
- Demonic oppression
Those who engage in indecent dressing either suffer or engage in the following activities:
- Prostitution (females)
- Robbery
- Lying
- Yahoo Yahoo
- Rape and sexual harassment in the case of the female
- And worst of all some end up being used for ritual.
The Curb
- Based on my research parent and their parenting role influences their children indecent dressing, so therefore Parent should dress decently and act as a role model to their children.
- The mass media also should do more to promote decent dressing in the society.
- Religious institutions should always promote the culture of decent dressing.
In as much as we are all entitled to our own opinion, we should try to dress moderately, we should dress to our standard and not drag our families name to the mud.

This is a very important issue. Thanks for the post
Indecent dressing as been d major outfit of nowadays youth. U are welcome @super20
Thank U @branx for making me know the fact about dressing!
U are welcome @yousuph24
Great job