The corporate education takeover disguised as the Eco Learning System

in #education4 years ago (edited)


Corporate education here we come....

I have well and truly noticed a dramatic change in the education system since my two eldest children began school. They have both now finished and I can take a deep breath knowing that we made the right decision to home educate our youngest two children over four years ago.

With academies popping up all over the U.K. I could sense a corporate takeover. Schools being less run like communities and more like businesses.

It was September 2019 that something caught my eye. An email from my daughters school about a GCSE contingency date Incase of sustained national disruption similar to that of the Grenfell Towers, or Manchester Arena Bombings. Whilst most parents were praising the schools for being pro-active, I was like What! Wait a minute.... what do they know that we don’t?


So with my enquiring mind I began to research further.

Leading into 2020 and the Covid Pandemic, I began to see clearly that the “virus” has yet again been used to accelerate towards this future education takeover. The schools and universities closing, was a practice run....

  • Future ready schools

  • Hybrid blended learning

  • Collecting data on the child (social and emotional learning)

  • Earning credit outside of school buildings

  • Teachers will become learning pathway designers, data stewards, pop up reality producers, micro-credential analysts

  • Education funded by Gates/Zuckerberg

  • Destroy education and restart it from scratch on the new system

  • New technology to track learning and income (Learning is earning) - education via blockchain (crypto currency)

  • Edublocks

  • Institute for the future (The entire group of partners that will fund this corporate education including: Microsoft, Tesco, BP, Merck, Nestle. Plus many more)

Cleverly disguised as the Eco Learning system


Link found here:

Here is a snippet from the above document



They aren’t spending this money on remote learning to get through the next few months

It’s here to stay.

The government is investing over £400m to support disadvantaged children and young people with access to technology through the pandemic, including securing 1.3 million laptops and tablets.
The Department for Education has partnered with some of the UK’s leading mobile network operators to provide free data to disadvantaged families, further supporting remote education where it’s needed. Families will benefit from this additional data until July 2021.
54,000 4G wireless routers have been provided, with free data for the academic year, to support disadvantaged children to access remote education and vital social care services.
Find out more information at

“Settled into a new reality”

And this my friends is the start of remote learning (not socialising) here to stay..

“While the pandemic may have forced educational institutions and students to move toward online learning at an unprecedented pace, they have settled into the new reality, says Cary List, president and chief executive officer of FP Canada in Toronto.”

All part of the plan to keep your children apart (not socialising, less free thinkers) and the virus has been the perfect excuse to start blended learning and career pathways from the age of 3!

That’s right, your 3 yr old will be put on a career path and remote learning will reward them accordingly

By mainly using learning on the internet the corporate education system will be able to monitor learning behaviour and if they’ve been a good boy/girl only then they’ll get to do extra curricular activities

Recently updated on the government website:


And whilst they usher this in, they are also pushing for a home education register.... no doubt they want all children as part of the blockchain of the future.


I totally agree with you. I've felt that the quality of education is becoming less reflective than what it is used to be before covid.

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