Only a fool ...

in #education7 years ago

malcolm-x fool educate.jpg

In the current debate about school security in light of the recent shooting in Florida, the wisdom of Malcolm X seems to brilliantly cut through the noise. In the wake of every major school shooting in America there is a huge debate on gun control. With the GOVERNMENT AGENT WHO WAS THERE WITH A GUN cowardly hiding from the action, you would think people would realize that turning to government for security is a ridiculous proposition. Yet somehow, some people seem to think that more government guns are the answer.


Putting guns in the hands of government agents is DANGEROUS and STUPID! In situations where firearms can be helpful for public safety, they need to be in the hands of people who are ACCOUNTABLE! Government protects people from accountability and thus encourages the kind of disgusting behavior we saw in Broward County. But all of this talk about how to make GOVERNMENT schools safer is completely missing the point.

Government schools will always be dangerous. The government is the enemy of the people. Don't want your kid shot in a school shooting? Don't send them to a government school! Don't want your kid brainwashed by bureaucrats while sitting in "cemetery seating?" Don't send them to a government school! Don't want your kid propagandized by military recruiters trying to convince them to kill for politicians? Don't send them to a government school!

Government schools kill creativity and free thought. They stifle entrepreneurship and initiative. They teach obedience, collectivism, and subservience. Your government school honor student will be lucky to get a job with the company started by my unschooled kid. Or as Malcolm X said, "Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children."


Trump is a businessman in the first place, we're living in capitalism ideology, that's why it's hard to ban a gun from the seller. That's the result of democracy, we have free will and there's positive and negative result in the environment we created, unless you are living in communist country where everything is being controlled. :)

Parents should take the greater part to educate their kids. Computer games such as war related must be strickly banned on children - this I think one of the reason why there is mass shooting in schools.

I don't think war related video games have much to do with this.

I had a family business which closed down because of the crisis and that was the only thing I knew what to do. So it's not working if it's limited and your parents aren't exactly the smartest people around.

I really hope you're joking. I played Red Alert and Command and Conquer 24/7 growing up and I am a pacifist.

Some people might react differently to the games. I think the life-like killing games with a lack of faith creates people who aren't scared to kill.
If you don't fear eternal damnation afterlife for these acts then how is anyone surprised by the results? It's a Godless, gun carrying, violent video game playing new generation.
I don't understand having the nerve to take another persons life.

We play video games in Australia to, but we don't go shooting up schools.

Banned by who? I hope you don't mean the government. Because if you do, you completely missed the boat on this one. Cheers to you if you meant by the parents!

Why do parents let their children get brain washed with all the violence in the video games?

Having been raised on a hippie commune, without the government indoctrination, I am able to see the wisdom of keeping your children out of the school to jail pipeline, and the disadvantage to teaching your child to mindlessly listen to the person at the head of the class speaking.

We need new schools which teach critical thought, we need new teachers who will instill into children the ability to think critically and make best guesses without regret, knowing that intuition is strong and often right.

This is inspiring and educative

from experience, the smarter you are, the less you want to do manual labor
because you consider yourself too smart for that
unless you find a way to earn money without labor (steemit, yo) then brains are counter-productive

That's not true. Manual labor (especially working the land) is essential to the maintenance of a healthy soul.

I think you're right that we need alternatives to government schools. Do you have any resources you could share to provide good examples?

Montessori, Waldorf, home-schooling, other private schools, a combination of public schooling and supplementary home schooling.

Thank you for the examples. I'll check out Waldorf.

I went to a Montessori for a few years and I wouldn't highly recommend it. I feel like certain expensive private schools can be more elitist than educational.

I went to a Montessori school between kindergarten and 2nd grade, and I believe it served me well in comparison to what I would have gotten out of public schools. In NY state public schools in the U.S., at least the Montessori education I received between those grades left me about a year ahead of where public schools were in 3rd grade. This is purely anecdotal of course, and vague memories at that. It may be that there is a good deal of variability between the quality of different Montessori schools, or that my experience was the exception to the rule, but I wouldn't write off Montessori schools so quickly.

My daughter got her education through the Waldorf Schools, I am somewhat uncomfortable with the religious portion of their education, by and large it is good, they put an emphasis on time outside, and teaching to the child where they are.

Waldorf and Montessori schools are good alternative sources of 3rd party schooling. My girlfriend was Waldorf/home-school educated, and while I haven't personally observed the process, I can attest to the results. Those systems seem to be highly effective at creating people with a strong moral/ethical foundation, and an appreciation for nature and being.

But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason it will never, ever, EVER be fixed...They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests.

Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that!

You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it... It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club. ~George Carlin

I've been taught in secondary schools in the UK and France and the differences in teaching were interesting. This is a few years back. While questions weren't discouraged at any point, there was definitely a hint of attitude from the teachers of "How dare you question what i'm teaching you, we only have an hour and I need to rush through the syllabus because we're already way behind because I've lost 20 minutes trying to get you little shits to sit still and pay attention".

In the UK it was particularly brutal for teachers at times where teachers would have breakdowns on a daily basis trying to do their jobs. The French school had a lot more control over its students, however the conditions that we were working in was nothing short of anti-social and led me to depression.

Once I reached A Level and Undergrad things were entirely different because teachers actually could teach without having to deal with disruptions constantly so there was much more one to one time and encouragement for questioning. Especially in university, I was constantly being told that in order to achieve the highest marks one would have to not just cite others research but to explore it and give their own opinions and reasons and even carry out your own primary research.

Going from that university environment back to an environment such as at home or the workplace where you have people who have been taught and living by the code of ranks and eldership to which if you dare ask a question it is treated as a personal attack on the individual is frustrating to say the least.

That's my own experience, but from hearing from teachers teaching at the moment I hear that the attitudes of students has changed. If you weren't actively causing mayhem for the teacher then you were considered odd. But from I hear that has now changed to where students are way more polite and respectful and this is more acceptable to fit in, but kids are still very socially reserved and afraid of sounding stupid to their peers.

I only finished uni last year and it's one of the main things I noticed was so many students lack of confidence to even engage in a dialogue. In any lecture, workshop, seminar it would always be the same few students who would take advantage of asking questions. There were plenty of students asking other students how to do things, but professors would have to work really hard to make them feel comfortable enough to ask a question. You're paying hundreds by the hour for a seminar yet because everyone is too afraid to sound stupid the seminar is an hour of silence.

Right to the point. Upvoted and resteemed.

You are overlooking the drug connection that is rampant in the gooberment skewl cistern because of the prescriptions being dished out to these kids altering their sense of reality.

Keeping kids out of the state-indoctrination centres known as schools is the best way to keep them safe. The biggest lessons taught in school are to obey authority and mindlessly regurgitate information, with little to no emphasis on critical thinking or free thought. The worst part? Obeying authority is instilled as a virtue and mindlessly regurgitating information is perceived as intelligence. Kids should be taught how to think, not what to think.

Let's not overlook how they at least help children to socialize. Specialized education runs the feal of making them secluded snobs.

Yes, they do help them socialize don't they. SOCIALize. Turn them into good functioning communists while they come home pregnant, get exposed to drugs and if they don't fit in with the in crowd they are bullied and treated like pariah. Great place for kids to socialize. Try homeschooling and find a HOME SCHOOL group to socialize with. My four sons were actually interacting with kids 5-10 years older then they were as they home schooled. They didn't get bullied and they didn't get scorned because they weren't jocks or drug pushers. Plus if you have values? Forget them. The pubic skewl cistern is going to rot them right out of their brains. You won't know your kids when they are done. And if you're really lucky they will bring in a recruiter and con them into joining Uncle Scams military to go off to far away distant places, meet strange unusual people and kill them, then come home and blow their own heads off because they can't live with what they did. Great place. Just for some socialization.

I wish I could have home schooled my daughter.

Unless you are a single parent you COULD have. The unit study programs available got my wife through four sons over a 20 year period. We sacrificed over $1,000,000 by keeping her home and having her be a MOTHER instead of going out and being an RN. 20 years x an average of $50,000 a year. You figure.
But we don't drive new cars. We buy them 6 years old and drive them until they fall apart. We don't own a fancy new house like so many of my neighbors that send their kids to the place where their brains are removed and replaced with state worshiping BORG brains. Reason and LOGIC are long gone in the gooberment skewl cisterns.

I was a single parent. My daughter is now an adult. You made a great sacrifice, and in my opinion totally worth it. I live in the UK and to be honest at the time I did not know you could home school, but have since learned it is totally possible; but as you say easier if you are not a single parent. I

cops don't have guns to protect you, they have guns to protect themselves.

Thanks right. And they protect and serve "THE STATE". (whatever that is)

I am self-taught to the most part. School only taught me how to follow the herd and have the same answer everybody is using. But that way, you have the exact same chances to be chosen for something, as everyone else, which is a gamble not worth the risk.

gun bans often precede genocide. We already have Democide

the weapon is scary and also in need

what is the best step you think @btotherdave about the rules of using weapons

I am 65 yrs. old. I remember well fearing the draft and losing high school friends in Viet Nam. I saw John F Kennedy get assassinated. "We are being seized upon by a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy"(JFK ).
A gun ban would be all out war between the government and the people. There are over 357 million guns in the US. They would literally go door to door confiscating weapons until the inevitable happens and sides will be chosen govt. or people. Check my previous post about gun ban history.

yes I understand, but I am afraid of being sly, because it is very deadly

whether weapons are important to us

@brotherdave weapons do not have to be scary

Interesting thoughts in the quotes you had posted....

I see what your saying, and I can't say I disagree, but what about the parents who can't afford the time off work for homeschooling, or the money for an alternate education program? What do they do? Maybe there are options in some places for good free education that isn't government run and funded, but not most places. At least not in the U.S.

"Good education for free" Nothing in life is free. You pay for it one way or another. They are your kids, so only you can answer that. The only thing is to do the best you can, considering your own circumstances. Just remember that the best education they can have comes from their own parents.

But it sounds so simple doesn't it?

Free? Try budgeting. We did. My wife and I home schooled FOUR sons over a 20 year period at the estimated loss of over ONE MILLION Dollars because she was a registered nurse. But we don't buy new cars or have a new house either. My car is 12 years old that I drive and hers is seven. Our home is a 1970's ranch style that is always being worked on. Unless you are a single parent...there really is no excuse.

How about if you don't even own a home at all? Also, you guys are focusing on a very specific part of my comment that wasn't intended to be the main point. What I said about the free education is that MAYBE it exists somewhere else but not where I am from and not where I live now in the U.S. My main point is that some parents, including single parents, do not have the luxury of homeschooling their kids. The economy is forcing a lot of parents to choose between having their kids home schooled, or having food on the table or a roof over their heads. Forget I said anything about"free education", nothing in life is free, that part is correct, except for when I do free volunteer work to help people that won't pay for hired labor. That IS FREE.